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Holiday World (HW) Discussion Thread

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Another very smart addition by HW - a classic ride, perfect for the audience, perfect name, great placement in the park.


I also like that they're building it over water and with a nice lighting package - hopefully will look awesome during Holiwood Nights!


And is it just me, or is anyone *almost* as excited by the every-Friday-night fireworks?


Anyways, congrats, and here's hoping for a new (awesome) coaster some year soon!

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Awesome! A great family ride that couldn't be any more appropriate for the Thanksgiving area!


Also I got to come to Holiday World this past Labor Day weekend and the park feels immensely bigger thanks to the placement of Hyena Falls! Great to see the park improving more and more!

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The other additions sound great too, especially the added restaurant in the water park. Holiday World certainly seems to have a long term commitment to the guest experience, as they continually upgrade their infrastructure and amenities.


This is what sets Holiday World apart from most parks. I'm glad that they're spending their money wisely, and not throwing a bunch of rides down in a field, without thinking about what the next 10-20 years are going to look like.

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Paula, I gotta say, that video was amazing. Whoever put that together did a better job than the big corporate parks!


However, I would bet my summer Six Flags paycheck that we're gonna see another announcement for 2014. I believe this is their best PR "trick" ever. Make everyone think that it's an awesome flat and then come out with something else. Besides, then the flat will get attention. If they announce two rides together, the big one would get all of the attention. This way, they get double the publicity.

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^^ I kinda felt like the video was taking a shot at all those people who were saying HW is becoming a oversized waterpark and they don't pay attention to the dry side.


As for another announcement, that would be awesome!


^ http://www.holidayworld.com/holiblog/another-interesting-delivery


Edit: They played a trick on us!




It's a Holiblog from 2005!

Edited by ZeroGravity55
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That's actually a post from May of 2005: https://www.holidayworld.com/holiblog/another-interesting-delivery


Back story: When we switched from Blogger to some horrible Drupal/Wordpress combo for the blog, a lot of the original posts were thought lost (the photos, anyway).


I discovered them recently in the Way Back Machine and am re-posting them one by one (we're working on a new website - and I want this transition to go more smoothly than the last). I missed putting the 2005 date in and it just posted it as if it were new.

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^Anyone who has ridden Hades 360 says its absolutely terrible. I think a new company could be a better option.


I dont think it was RMC fault, Mt. Olympus gave RMC and Hades a certain budget and only wanted them to do so much

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