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Holiday World (HW) Discussion Thread

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Isn't talk like a pirate day coming up in September?


Convenient how she didn't respond to this...


Pirate Splash Battle back by Giraffica anyone?


I'd love to see a splash battle, but I don't know if they'd do a pirate theme rather than some kind of safari theme.


What about a swinging pirate ship ride themed to the Mayflower in Thanksgiving too? I think it'd be a classic ride that the GP would love.

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Well I visited my first Rock the World last night (Didn't go last year due to my busy schedule) and I gotta admit, Holiday World knows how to pull off a music festival! With the 2013 additions of the bathrooms and Pepsi Oasis by Hyena Falls, it was very convenient to not have to walk very far for these amenities. The bands were very awesome as well! While Audio Adrenaline and Kutless weren't exactly my favorites, they were really good regardless. Adam Cappa and Switchfoot were the show-stoppers for me, though Switchfoot was probably a given. Overall, Holiday World color me impressed with this festival and I look forward to returning next years!


Now what you were (or weren't) probably caring about: The Voyage's very current condition:

There are two major areas I would like to see improvements. The first, I can easily say that my least favorite thing about the Voyage is the stupid PTC's on them. I'm 6'2" and PTC's are uncomfortably small to begin with, but when put on a violent ride like the Voyage, you and your riding partner are constantly smacked into each other. The worst area I can think of this happening is in the turnaround and some sections of the spaghetti bowl. Now I know Holiday World is done experimenting new trains, but if RMC becomes a possibility, how about some Outlaw Run trains please? The other problem is the condition of the track at finale after the photo. As soon as you dive into the station flyby, the once psycho, semi-rough ride turns against you and beats you up into the brake run. However, the rest of the track is not that rough compared to the finale. So honestly, some people are being too harsh when they say that this ride is overrated now and is not worthy of its spot in the rankings. I am jumping on the RMC bandwagon and say that topper track is a good solution that will offer a smoother ride to a fantastic wood coaster.

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^ I think those two spots you mentioned are always going to be problem areas on The Voyage. When you have a train that slams into those turns with that much weight, unless it's topper track, it's going to get tore to shreds.


Glad to see you enjoyed the event. Holiday World has always known how to put on a show, so it's no surprise that it was no different with this event. I think they're going to have a hard time topping Switchfoot next year, but knowing HW, they'll find a way.

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you and your riding partner are constantly smacked into each other.


That used to be part of the fun of riding a roller coaster. Lateral time, lateral forces, squish time, etc.


But I can understand the odd strain of doing that across a seat divider. Especially on Voyage, it's a work out. No matter what trains they put on Voyage, the ride will always be (it was built to be and should be) a work out.

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I don't mind slamming into people on The Voyage, it's The Legend where that really bothers me. I always come away with a few battle scars after riding The Legend.


As for new trains on The Voyage, the only way I want RMC's trains on The Voyage is if it gets a full topper track re-profit. Those trains use a suspension system to keep the wheels in contact with the track at all times. I don't know about anybody else, but I really don't like the prospect of hitting multiple pot-holes with those trains. Much like Hades 360, I think the trains would make the ride worse.

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^ To further add to this comment I made, the seat divider smacks straight into my hip area, but I didn't think the slamming against was the worst part at all. The Legend is worse at this due to the banking (or therefore lack of) on many of the turns. However, the Raven doesn't really bother me at all with this.

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After riding some *really bad* coaster trains, I can't complain too much about PTCs. I just hate that ratchet bars have ruined so many great oldies... (I'm not implying Voyage should or could have buzz bars. Could it?)


By really bad trains, I think this:


The Voyage is if it gets a full topper track re-profit.


What would a steel structured woodie with steel topper track feel like? Would it be too rigid? Would it amplify Voyage's already high forces (not including current and or past track condition)? Would it be OK? Just wondering what others think.


Also, why did HW decide against using topper track a couple years ago? Anyone know the reason why?

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^ I'd be afraid to find out what would happen if The Voyage had buzz-bars. I'd want to wear a parachute going over the first hill. That way, if I fly out, I'll have a slim chance at surviving the fall.


Nahhh... that wouldn't be the problem. Voyage's air time has nothing on Cyclops - which has buzz bars. But Voyage has a certain extreme succession of lateral with air time that might not work with buzz bars - just my guess.


I think The Raven had buzz-bars when it first opened.


It did for a few years. And it was bliss Also kept the ride smoother than it is now

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What would a steel structured woodie with steel topper track feel like? Would it be too rigid? Would it amplify Voyage's already high forces (not including current and or past track condition)? Would it be OK? Just wondering what others think.


Also, why did HW decide against using topper track a couple years ago? Anyone know the reason why?


If they used RMC trains, the suspension system the trains uses would absorb most of the shock/forces the ride gives. If the ride uses topper track with RMC trains, i bet it will ride more like a steel coaster.


I have no idea why they decided against topper track.


See the suspension system? That part of the suspension keeps the side wheels in contact with the sides at all times. There is another suspension system you can't see that is attached to the running wheel that absorbs all vertical forces.

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I rode the Voyage in late May this year and it seemed to have the roughness of a typical wooden coaster other than the final turn before the brake run. It actually seemed to me that from the camera to the brake run it was a tad bit slower than I remember previously (the last time I rode it was August 2010 and had been on it every year since opening up until that point). I don't know if it was just me or if that happened because of the retracking in that area or what. I just remember previously the final tunnel by the station to the brake run being so intense and fast that I couldn't catch my breath until after the train had stopped and the brakes were doing all they could to stop it. Now, it seems as if the train barely makes it up the final turn and slows into the brakes and the intensity diminishes throughout. Maybe its just me but thats what I seemed to notice. I'll be returning for Happy Halloween weekends so I'll be interested to see how it rides then.

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I have no idea why they decided against topper track.


Four years ago RMC wasn't a player in the industry, and they had their existing relationship with Gravity Group....

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Now, it seems as if the train barely makes it up the final turn and slows into the brakes and the intensity diminishes throughout.


High humidity probably doesn't help. But it's strange to hear the trains were barely making into the brakes... that's like very slow for Voyage.


I've rode The Voyage every year since it opened. Has is slowed down any? A little, but not enough to where it barely makes it into the break run. I was there in May and the end of June, I can tell you without a doubt that the train hitting the break-run like it could go another 500 feet or so.


I have no idea why they decided against topper track.


Four years ago RMC wasn't a player in the industry, and they had their existing relationship with Gravity Group....


After the 2011 season, there were some rumors that the park was looking into topper track for the Voyage. I'm pretty sure that was something somebody made up, but if it was true, I was just saying I have no idea why they decided against it. I wouldn't be surprised if they did look into it, considering they rebuilt part of the turn-around in the spaghetti bowl after 2011.

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After the 2011 season, there were some rumors that the park was looking into topper track for the Voyage. I'm pretty sure that was something somebody made up, but if it was true, I was just saying I have no idea why they decided against it. I wouldn't be surprised if they did look into it, considering they rebuilt part of the turn-around in the spaghetti bowl after 2011.


Given the teething issues that the timberliners had as Holiday World Worked with the Gravity Group I could understand why a family owned park would want to stay away from other prototypes out there which had yet to be proven. Now that topper track has been installed on several existing wooden coasters and seems to if not totally smooth out the ride, at least live up to the promise of less maintenance, I don't see why they wouldn't consider it again.

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Now that topper track has been installed on several existing wooden coasters and seems to if not totally smooth out the ride, at least live up to the promise of less maintenance, I don't see why they wouldn't consider it again.


Too much stiffness in the structure (with PTCs running) is my theory. I'd be interested in what Gravity Group's opinion is.

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^^ You make a great point. I think there is enough evidence to back up topper track now too. I'm curious to see if the park would just fix the problem areas or if they would do a whole remodel (not a Texas Giant remodel, just replace all the existing track).


^ I think TGG would be against it because the park is turning to their competition to fix The Voyage.

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^ I think TGG would be against it because the park is turning to their competition to fix The Voyage.


Aside from that, I wonder if they even think topper track would work. If you've ridden CI Cyclone in the front - hitting that first curve - you probably get what I'm saying (it's a steel structured coaster... less 'give'.)

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Now that topper track has been installed on several existing wooden coasters and seems to if not totally smooth out the ride, at least live up to the promise of less maintenance, I don't see why they wouldn't consider it again.


Too much stiffness in the structure (with PTCs running) is my theory. I'd be interested in what Gravity Group's opinion is.


I admit I know nothing about how stiffness factors into how topper track would work, but I can't really see how it would be a problem. If I'm not mistaken topper track is filled with cement to add stiffness and durability so shouldn't a structure with less flex in it in fact help the topper track in it's job of reducing maintenance and keeping the ride smooth?


I say this because I would think too much flex in a coaster's structure would hurt the topper track more than too little because it would be more likely to crack the cement inside the rails.


I would be very interested to see a professional's opinion on this subject.



^ I think TGG would be against it because the park is turning to their competition to fix The Voyage.


I don't particularly think that Holiday World is all that happy with their relationship with TGG at the moment. They gave TGG money and a essentially a test track to design the Timberliners on and then TGG goes behind their back and sells the first few of their new trains to other parks. At least that is the impression I got over the last few years, Holiday World from what I remember seemed quite upset when they did not become the park to get TGG's flagship Timberliners.

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If I was Holiday World, I'd be upset with Gravity Group, because their formerly Top 5 coaster is now crap.


And I don't want to re-visit visit Holiday World because my favorite wooden coaster is *allegedly* crap. Although I love Raven and Legend and Wildebeest, I'm not going to drive 3.5 hours to get my ass kicked. But I still love you, Holiday World

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If I was Holiday World, I'd be upset with Gravity Group, because their formerly Top 5 coaster is now crap.


And to think this ain't there first let down, just look at POS Pilgrims Plunge/Giraffica made by Intamin I was able to get two rides on it before the ride broke down and me and my girlfriend, at the time, had to sit and wait for security to let us off the freakin thing The rest of the day (I was there from open to close) the ride was broke down.


And to not to mention with family lawsuits/disputes up there rear, things ain't looking up lately

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