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Holiday World (HW) Discussion Thread

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I rode The Legend again today. When I rode it the other day there were only 5 people in the train. Today the train was full, and I think that made a huge difference. I liked it the other day, but I loved it today!


I saw them ringing the bell today, but I could barely hear it. Still no howl, but I am sure it will be back soon.

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  neil009 said:
  DefeatistNation said:

Legend: New tracked parts are great! But calling it a "doubledown" is a little generous. It shouldn't count if it is taken at 6 mph.


I'd like your take on this since it was a fresh experience for you. The helix had some hella intense laterals, right? How did the final three turns feel compared to that? Would you call them regular GCI-style "hardly there" laterals or did they actually have any kind of punch?


I felt a "punch" and also a major "pop" among other things when I rode with a full train. Not so much when I rode with only 5 people in the train. Both rides were fun, but the full train ride was amazing!

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Much of The Legend felt the same to me yesterday, apart from the obvious smoothing out of the first drop and hill, the smoothing of the last curve, the much smoother stop, and the new double down. The double-down doesn't really produce airtime, but it's a step-up from what was there before. The tunnel near the end was a nice touch as well! Still a great and intense coaster, nonetheless! Spent the last 30 minutes the park was open re-riding it!


I also got 21 total laps on Thunderbird. The last two were next to a woman who was at first looking around for her son (a teen with his friends), but made a quick decision to hop on an open seat beside me. She mentioned she had just got off work and had never been on Thunderbird before. Suffice it to say, she was in hysterics by the end of it but definitely loved it! It was a pretty cool experience seeing her react so positively to the ride! She stayed on for one more before hopping off and finding her son was on the same row, other train doing the same!

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  ytterbiumanalyst said:
You are correct in that Santa Claus doesn't have much else besides the theme park. Evansville is a small but proper city and it has pretty much whatever you'd want in terms of shopping and dining. Three days will be awesome. Seems like a lot for one park, but not for Holiday World. They have a good ride selection and plenty of things you'll want to re-ride.


Splashin Safari is where it's at. As good as the theme park is, the water park is the absolute best I've ever been to. You probably won't experience very long lines, especially Thu and Fri, but go to the waterpark right when it opens, and then do the coasters in the afternoon. That's the opposite pattern of most guests and will minimize waits.


Have an awesome time! Enjoy the Legend renovations!


  ZeroGravity55 said:
^^As far as shopping goes, Evansville is your best bet. I wouldn't sell short the surrounding area though. Jasper has plenty of decent hotels and good restaurants.


The main one would be Schnitzelbank Restaurant, located in Jasper. It was highlighted in the Thunderbird Media Day report here on TPR. I've also never had an issue at the Days Inn Hotel in Jasper.


I would also recommend visiting the Lincoln Boyhood Home right down the road from Holiday World, and the Santa Claus Museum, also right down the road from HW.


Since you're going three days, take your time. It won't be busy, except for maybe Saturday. I wouldn't try and rush everything.


  DefeatistNation said:
Quick TR: First time at the park.


RAVEN: Rules.

Legend: New tracked parts are great! But calling it a "doubledown" is a little generous. It shouldn't count if it is taken at 6 mph.


The Voyage: Absolutely phenomenal. 2nd fav. Woodie now.


Thunderbird: A very pleasant surprise! Intense launch, great forceful elements, just flat out awesome.


Brilliant! Thank you, to each one of you for responding! We are really looking forward to our trip, and we hope that with the possibility of rain 2 of the 3 days, we will still manage get every ride in multiple times.


The Wife made an executive decision, and we will be staying in Jasper instead of Evansville to cut down on travel time and from the park. Appreciate the suggestions!



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First ever visit to Holiday World for me tomorrow! Anyone have any advice for me? I'm hoping since it's a Thursday it won't be packed. Should be temps in the 70s so we're thinking of doing the waterpark, too.

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  KBrylczyk said:
First ever visit to Holiday World for me tomorrow! Anyone have any advice for me? I'm hoping since it's a Thursday it won't be packed. Should be temps in the 70s so we're thinking of doing the waterpark, too.

Advice: Definitely do the water park even if you are freezing cold. Both water coasters are worth it at the very least. I would say go there first but since it will not be very hot it may be worth going at the warmest part of the day and waiting in whatever line may exist. Since it won't be that hot and it is a weekday I assume there won't be many people but when I've been to the park the water coasters had insanely long lines.

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  KBrylczyk said:
First ever visit to Holiday World for me tomorrow! Anyone have any advice for me? I'm hoping since it's a Thursday it won't be packed. Should be temps in the 70s so we're thinking of doing the waterpark, too.

School groups are running rampantly this week and next, so be prepared to wait a little bit for the coasters. Other than that, the water park should be pretty empty if the weather is in the lower 70's. Today has been pretty moderate as far as crowds go.

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Have the school groups been running straight to Thunderbird when the ropes are dropped or are they hitting up The Raven and The Legend first? I know a typical day with normal crowds would see the lines be longer for The Raven and Legend starting out. I didn't get a really good judgement on this last year when I went earlier in the season, as Thunderbird didn't open until around 1 p.m. I'm going on Monday and the park is open until 7 p.m. I'm hoping the the school groups clearout around 5 and the park is pretty dead the last two hours.

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  ZeroGravity55 said:
Have the school groups been running straight to Thunderbird when the ropes are dropped or are they hitting up The Raven and The Legend first?

It was all around crowded for the coasters today since the park opens two hours before Splashin Safari. However by 5, the park was empty and front row repeat rides on Thunderbird were fantastic.

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Just rode Legend 2.0 myself. Loved it! The new track with that new Ipe wood rides so smooth it almost feels like topper track! The new double down is pretty good although not taken super fast, and the redesigned four corners are much less jarring. A very good improvement in my book.

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Hi! New to the board, but we have been to HW a few times over the past years. It is usually later in the year and on a weekday when we go, but this year we are looking at going Memorial Day weekend (Sunday and Monday). Is the park really crowded on this holiday? We are wanting to take our son and this is about the only time it works out for us this summer, due to several factors, other than on a Saturday in July or August, which I really don't want to do. Thanks for any replies!

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After reading about Holiday World for the past 10 years, I've finally secured plans to visit! I am beyond excited to experience these truly unique coasters, and even the waterpark!


How would you all expect crowds to look like on a Saturday at the end of June? Wait times for coasters? Wait times for the water coasters? Thanks for the advice!

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  catfan98 said:
Hi! New to the board, but we have been to HW a few times over the past years. It is usually later in the year and on a weekday when we go, but this year we are looking at going Memorial Day weekend (Sunday and Monday). Is the park really crowded on this holiday? We are wanting to take our son and this is about the only time it works out for us this summer, due to several factors, other than on a Saturday in July or August, which I really don't want to do. Thanks for any replies!


Memorial Day usually isn't very busy. I've gone almost every year on Memorial Day and as long as you follow "the plan" you will be able to walk on almost everything.

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  ShaneH said:
  catfan98 said:
Hi! New to the board, but we have been to HW a few times over the past years. It is usually later in the year and on a weekday when we go, but this year we are looking at going Memorial Day weekend (Sunday and Monday). Is the park really crowded on this holiday? We are wanting to take our son and this is about the only time it works out for us this summer, due to several factors, other than on a Saturday in July or August, which I really don't want to do. Thanks for any replies!


Memorial Day usually isn't very busy. I've gone almost every year on Memorial Day and as long as you follow "the plan" you will be able to walk on almost everything.



"The Plan"? Can you elaborate? Thanks!

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^Go to Voyage first, then go to the water park before the rope drops. Straight to Mammoth followed by Wildebeest and Zinga. Do whatever else you want in the water park. Head to the dry park in the afternoon when everyone is in the water park. Do whatever you want in the dry park for the rest of the day and you shouldn't have a problem.

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  ShaneH said:
^Go to Voyage first, then go to the water park before the rope drops. Straight to Mammoth followed by Wildebeest and Zinga. Do whatever else you want in the water park. Head to the dry park in the afternoon when everyone is in the water park. Do whatever you want in the dry park for the rest of the day and you shouldn't have a problem.


We are going next month (first time there since 2012). So, you recommend The Voyage first rather than Thunderbird? Is Thunderbird dead like the other coasters in the afternoon too? I know the walk to Voyage is shorter so we can get to the waterpark early.

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