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Holiday World (HW) Discussion Thread

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More near misses?!?! YAAASSSSSS!!! I am looking forward to this!! I also can not wait to see which ride gets relocated. Holiday World is doing great with this ride. This coaster has officially made it to my "coaster bucket list."

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^ I don't think it has. And that would somewhat make sense given HW's love for tunnels. I just don't know where it would go on this layout. Maybe coming out of the vertical loop as it crosses over Voyage? One big massive tunnel/building encompassing both Voyage and Thunderbird. Like another barn the bird flies through. I'm dreaming big

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I don't think there is a tunnel on a wing coaster in the US (correct me if I'm wrong), but even if it isn't the first, it would still be pretty amazing. I hope a tunnel gets added, that would be an interesting experience. Anyone who has been on a wing coaster tunnel, how is it?

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Haven't posted in here in a couple of months but felt now that the track is complete there are a few things I wanted to comment on. First off, I've been a fan of the color scheme since day one, but now to actually see it in real life, it's even better than I expected. Also I'm not quite as surprised they have track work done so soon. If they really are doing all the themeing plans that were in the video, that alone will take quite some time. Although three weeks early is extremely impressive and o send congrats to all who have made that possible! Another thing, I'm still in awe that this is at Holiday World. The same Holiday World I grew up with where the most exciting rides were the Banshee and the Firecracker(neither still there). I keep waiting to wake up from this incredible dream. Also, I'm SO glad all the nonsense the family and park has been through is finally over. THIS my friends was Will's vision and dream.... It's as plain as day. Not only is HW back, but they are back better than ever and this project is clear proof. Also, after watching the video again and then looking at the completed track, I don't think the video gave this thing justice at all. This is going to be a way better experience than that video back in July gave us to believe. I'm so so incredibly impressed and proud of my home park for this. They have come so so far and fought many battles to get this far. Again, are we REALLY getting this thing here in southern Indiana? Wow.


I'm also a bit taken back (in a very very good way) that we haven't even heard or seen the "whole story" so to speak. Moving a ride to Thunderbird plaza? Yes please! More theming and elements? Your joking right? What other tricks are up their sleeves there at Holiday World? And from what I'm hearing/ reading from that latest video, that whole Thunderbird plaza really will all be part of the experience and the story. ACK! Opening day can't get here soon enough! So excited to give this thing a whirl as my first park ride since my stroke!

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There should be a huge ship representing the Mayflower to be the centerpiece of the entrance plaza, and then have Thunderbird's logo on it.

Imagine how photogenic it could be!


I agree actually. Big flashy centerpieces/statues for rides are become a trend anyway. I still feel like Thunderbird needs more visual connection to the supposed Thanksgiving/Mayflower theme.


A tunnel/flythrough at the exit of the imelmann leading into the loop would be cool too.

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I've been watching videos today of Thunderbird and I've come to the conclusion, that this, will put Holiday World on the map. Will, would be so proud, this is epic for Holiday World. The way they built this up, with the 66 days to guess and speculate, in regards to the New World and something they never did before. I can't wait til April 24th to go ride this, I know it will blow my mind!

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