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Holiday World (HW) Discussion Thread

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I had a trip out to St. Louis to help a friend last Friday and got to stop at Holiday World to break up the drive.


Mammoth is indeed huge. We were on the first raft of the day (after some late testing, the first raft couldn't quite make it through). It was a ton of fun, and does get you very wet, much more so than Wildebeest. I was expecting a bit more spinning but perhaps having differently balanced rafts will make some spin more. The ride is also very long, and well worth a wait. The queue already seems set up so that there is a separate line for the 8-person rafts vs 6-person (as well as a single rider line). With all the commotion at Mammoth there was no one at all at Wildebeest, so we got quite a few rides in there too, and it still packs a punch.


Sparkler was fun, but not too exciting compared to the bigger models at other parks, but its nice that there was a replacement for Paul Revere. On the other hand, Liberty Launch continues to be my favorite S&S Tower for being so tiny.


Finally, Voyage seemed much more smooth than my May visit 2 years ago. That being said, it still can't be marathoned like El Toro and probably will still be too rough for some people's tastes, but I was just as amazed with it this visit as I was on my first. I probably had about 10 rides over the day, which was probably 2 or 3 more than I should have. Glad I got the PTCs one last time, but looking forward to Timberliners next year (hopefully). All 3 woodies are still great rides, everyone should get out to Holiday World!

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^Everyone was at Mammoth, less a line at Wildebeest?!


Thanks for the written report. I'm super excited to be able to ride it when I get to Holiwood Nights. Looks amazing, and Sparkler sounds like something I expected. Nothing amazing due to its size, but still a nice addition to the park.

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  • 4 weeks later...

We got to the park at 9:00 and waited at the rope. We went straight to the Voyage. We were on the second train of the day in the front row...I've never ridden before until then...it was really smooth for a wooden and is second on my wooden coaster list (behind El Toro). Then we went to the waterpark (9:52) and we got all of our stuff on and ready so we can win the race to Mammoth...as soon as they let us in...it was a footrace there. I got there first but my dad was slow so I waited for him...we were on the second boat of the day. It was amazing! My only complaint is that the water was freezing and when you go up and down the hills, the mist sprayers make it so you can't see. Other than that...it was great. When we got off...the line was out the entrance...we then headed for Wildebeest...no wait...until it broke down when I was on it...I never rode it before. As we went up the first hill...it seemed like somthing was wrong...we barely made it...then we made it half way up the second hill before reversing back down...I was with my dad and two younger cousins...we had a total of about 500 lbs. So it wasnt us...we waited and got to cut the line and then after 20 minutes...they got it back up and running. After that we did Bakuli, Zinga, Zoombabwe...Jungle Racers...and Otorongo. We ate lunch and went to the theme park...it was getting crowded in water park. We went straight to the Legend and there wasn't a single person in the station...we walked on the front row! It was the four of us and two other ppl on the train. I had a lot of fun and it was pretty smooth! Then we did the Flying Eagles, Liberty Launch like 5 times, Sparkler, Frightful Falls(worst water ride), and Raging Rapids all in like 30 minutes...there was no wait for anything! Then we did the Voyage again in the front row...I only had to wait two trains for the front but the workers were so bad. There were 6 of them too...I was waiting I think 15-20 minutes for them to dispatch those trains. Then we did Pilgrims Plunge...it was closed the Ambulance was there earlier but we did it anyway when it reopened. I thought that it was a waste of time...You don't even get wet! After that...we headed for the Raven on our way out. Did front and back rows. There was one train...one person checking restraints...and one person dispatching and they did great! They were really quick!


Overall...for my first time...I had a blast!!!! My only complaint is the temperature of the water park water. Other than that...it was amazing!!! Good job HW!

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Paragraphs are a fun thing.


My eyes are bleeding!


Sorry...didn't realize we had first graders and slow ppl on TPR!

I don't think being rude to our moderators is going to score you any points here. Sure, the remarks might have been a bit snarky, but in a roundabout way our moderators are trying to help you. In short, your report was painful on the eyes to read. Nothing but run-on sentences separated by ...


I would think you would want to listen to constructive feedback, and make changes to how you write your reports.

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A few guests have complained that the park is not currently offering its complete line-up of soft drinks.


...Really? I don't understand how anything about this can be worthy of complaint. Seriously, very few places would do this for their guests. Things like this are what have me dying to get out to Indiana!

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A few guests have complained that the park is not currently offering its complete line-up of soft drinks.


...Really? I don't understand how anything about this can be worthy of complaint.


Oh ... don't get me started ...


Overall, our efforts were highly appreciated. But there were some who were upset that we didn't have our usual variety available. Sigh.

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Holiday World has sent us a press release regarding a change in plans for their 4th of July celebration.


With no end in sight to the extreme hot and dry weather conditions, Holiday World officials decided this morning to cancel plans for fireworks on the 4th of July.


“It’s just not worth the safety risk,” says the park’s president, Dan Koch. “We sorry to disappoint our visitors, but we think they’ll understand. Meanwhile, we wish everyone a safe and happy Independence Day!” Koch added that despite the cancelled fireworks, the park will remain open an extra 30 minutes on July 4, until 9:00 pm CDT (10:00 pm EDT).


Holiday World is the only park in the nation with a “4th of July” themed section, with such rides as the Freedom Train, Liberty Launch, and the new Sparkler vertical swing ride.


For more information about Holiday World & Splashin' Safari and this season’s new Mammoth – the world’s longest water coaster, visit HolidayWorld.com or call 1-877-Go-Family.


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Finally going to the park for the first time on Sunday. After looking at how crowded the water park was today on their webcam, I'm starting to think I should have planned two days. The weather's starting to look a little iffy as well.


I'm sure I'll have fun no matter what happens, though. I'll just go with the flow.

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^I have to agree with you: one day inside Holiday World just isn't enough especially if you're planning to ride both water side and ride side. What I'm planning when I get there is two days: one day for the water side and the other day for the ride side. With two days inside the park, I'm sure you'll get all the rides you ever need.


"Hey, I'm here on your bed and I can give you all the rest you ever need."

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Finally going to the park for the first time on Sunday. After looking at how crowded the water park was today on their webcam, I'm starting to think I should have planned two days. The weather's starting to look a little iffy as well.


I'm sure I'll have fun no matter what happens, though. I'll just go with the flow.


When I went earlier last month, I waited at the ropes in the 4th of July area and headed straight for the Voyage. After one ride, all of the coasters were crowded so then I waited at the ropes in the waterpark. Everyone will run straight for Mammoth and it will be crowded all day. Try to get in front with the ropes and you will have to sprint! I was the second boat of the day and when I got off, the line was out of the entrance (probably 5 minutes after they dropped the ropes). I went to Wildebeest afterwards and there was absolutely no wait! Do Wildebeest once and then hit the rest of the slides with no wait. Then go to the theme park after lunch or so, I walked on the front row in an empty station for Legend and Raven! Everything was under 5 minutes of waiting after lunch! Do waterpark when it opens remember!

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Heres the thing though...crowded at Holiday World is a Light day at CP. When youre used to 1+hr waits, a full Voyage queue is like 30min if I remember correctly and thats AWESOME. Granted, the water park does get a bit nuts but thats expected. Still, a crowded day at HW is still a walk in the park compared to the big parks.

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