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Six Flags Great Adventure (SFGAdv) Discussion Thread

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I do wonder why those supports were needed to add Zumanjaro? I don't know anything about ingineering though, so I'm sure there is a reason lol!


My guess would be now not only do you have the weight and force of a 10 ton train running at 128 mph but now you also have massive amounts of weight and force beibg added on by a drop tower.

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I do wonder why those supports were needed to add Zumanjaro? I don't know anything about ingineering though, so I'm sure there is a reason lol!

I'm studying to be a structural engineer and my guess would be the fact that one side of the tower would have extra weight now. I suppose the supports in the back help balance it out.

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So after years of neglecting my dormant coaster obsession, I am starting this season out with a bang. Just received my SF season pass in the mail and am tentatively planning a day trip to SFGA on opening day (April 12th) for a day of nothing but coasters.


Now, I'm thinking Kingda Ka will likely be closed if construction is still happening on the drop ride but hoping to get an idea of others experiences while attempting to do opening day. I did read the section in this thread about 'Scout Day' happening but according to the parks calender, its Teacher Appreciation Day. I'm curious to know, based on your past experience -


Will crowds be light or heavy on a typical opening day?


Will a lot of the coasters be closed? While I'm thinking everything will be tested/tuned up before opening day, I am picturing maintenance dudes ironing out kinks that arise once the public has arrived.


Is this overall a bad idea? LOL I'm hoping that because its so early in the season weather wise, your average theme park goers will not be around. Is this often the case? Thanks for any info/opinions/help.



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