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Six Flags Great Adventure (SFGAdv) Discussion Thread

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Hey for you guys that work at the park can anyone tell me if guys are allowed to have a well kept short beard and longer hair to work at the park? Or do you have to be completely clean shaven? I tried searching for the correct answer but there is nothing that is really recent. I'm thinking about applying. Thanks in advance!


Yeah you have to be clean shaven. I believe a small mustache is okay but beards are a no go. For hair, I believe it just has to be your natural color and your hair can't go to your shoulders.


^ So what you're saying you saw actual video proof of something, yet you are asking for confirmation? LOL


But yeah Ka can run with passengers if Zum is running empty. Its not entirely uncommon and I've heard of it happening a bunch and seen it once or twice myself.


It's as simple as turning a key

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^ So what you're saying you saw actual video proof of something, yet you are asking for confirmation? LOL


But yeah Ka can run with passengers if Zum is running empty. Its not entirely uncommon and I've heard of it happening a bunch and seen it once or twice myself.

Yeah I meant to be more specific, sorry. I saw a video of them testing Ka while people were riding Zumanjaro.

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Think about it - if they are testing Ka, there is no one on it - no loose articles to fall on Zum riders. That is the issue. The state won't allow them to run together because of potential loose articles flying and injuring those on the other ride. Its the reason for the retracting roofs on Zum and the reason they don't both run with passengers at the same time. One can run with passengers while the other runs without.


The day of the commercial shoot they both ran simultaneously with riders on both. My video:


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^They sent Ka over that fast with people on it?! I remember seeing them do it for TPR once, but I never thought I'd see it again.

Wasn't it supposed to go over the top hat fairly fast (to avoid rollbacks and hence the trims)?

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Someone posted this on greatadventurehistory.com yesterday.


".....Also the joker looks amazing and when I contacted a park employee they said it will be opening in about 2 weeks."


How believeable is this? Although progress is going very fast I think 2 weeks is not realistic.

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Someone posted this on greatadventurehistory.com yesterday.


".....Also the joker looks amazing and when I contacted a park employee they said it will be opening in about 2 weeks."


How believeable is this? Although progress is going very fast I think 2 weeks is not realistic.



When is Macho Nacho opening?


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. . .How believeable is this?


I mean it came from greatadventurehistory.com it's clearly legitimate. I have no doubt in my mind that Joker will be open to the public in 2 weeks!!!


I mean, really?? This is Six Flags we are talking about here. . . I highly doubt that this coaster will be up and running in two weeks. I'm thinking more towards late April.

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To be fair GreatAdventureHistory is a tremendous website and resource but this was just something some random guy posted on their forums I believe.

This. If it comes from the creator of the site it's 100% credible, but anyone else (some people much, much more than others) it very could be bullsh*t.

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Someone posted this on greatadventurehistory.com yesterday.


".....Also the joker looks amazing and when I contacted a park employee they said it will be opening in about 2 weeks."


How believeable is this? Although progress is going very fast I think 2 weeks is not realistic.


I talked to a park employee, also. His name is John Fitzgerald and he said Joker will open Memorial Day weekend.

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So I went back to the park again today with my brother and sister for a shorter, calmer, more low-key day mainly to go on Safari Off-Road Adventure. There were more family coasters and flat rides than thrilling coasters, but the point was to mostly go on rides that my siblings would be okay with riding. I got there with my family at opening, went on some rides, went on the safari, and had lunch. Kingdom Gyro is finally open, and that is one of the few places that I like to eat at the park. Then we saw the tiger and lion cubs, did some more rides, got water ice, and left around 3:00. So we were actually riding things from 10:30-2:30. The park obviously wasn't as empty as it was on Monday, but crowds were relatively light. The operations were mostly slow, but they were fast about 1/3 of the time. The weather was beautiful and the park was clean and looked great. After visiting twice this week, I'm starting to become very hyped for the Joker, which will hopefully open in 2 or 3 months. Here is the final ride list:


Poinsettia Takis Cult Mountain x 5 back row marathon!!! - My family loved this ride in the back, and the coaster was running well today. One of my main goals was to get my brother to see the truth of the greatness of the first drop. Mission accomplished! We were able to ride all five times without leaving our seats! The operators were working very hard, despite the fact that there was no line.


Runaway Airtime Train x 1 random row in the middle - The ride was fun and jerky, and the ejector hill was great as always! The operations were HORRIBLE though! Long live Runaway Mine Train! tehclitofrun-awaymientrane.blogspot.com/

Kingda Ka x 1 second row - A little bit rough and the operations were slow, but it was fun and fast like always!


Safari Off-Road Adventure - Everyone knows how great this attraction is!


Swashbuckler x 1 - I'm a big fan of round-ups, and I was able to get my siblings on this, believe it or not!


Zumanjaro: Drop of Doom x 1 - Man, I always love that ride! One of the best flat rides out there. The operations were HAULING, even with no line! The weird brony kid was especially good at loading.


Twister x 1 - It ran the 4-flip cycle, since there was a line.


Buccaneer x 1 top row - This is a decent swinging ship, but it isn't as good as the ones at Hershey Park or Morey's Piers.


El Diablo x 1 - Good flat ride. I didn't have a chance to ride it last time, but it had a short line so I did it this time.


So this was a shorter, but successful trip. I had a great time, even though it wasn't focused around the big coasters.

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Don't know if this has been noticed or explained...why is Harley Quinn missing track?


Since it doesn't have a transfer track they remove that piece to remove and add the train.


Yep. This was talked about a couple months ago when someone noticed the piece missing and the board got all BLACKBEARDS GETTIN THE AXE!

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