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Six Flags Great Adventure (SFGAdv) Discussion Thread

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They slowed the cable down so it doesn't tear any feet off.

Too soon!


Also, As far as i remember (and i remember Viper well, one of my favorite rides) Viper didn't slow down at the top.

I believe I may have ridden El toro with the slowed lift hill... just because my last ride.. I got off and was actually completely bored of the ride!...so I went over to Medusa and rode that 14 times. A day later i remember seeing the Gadv TR with the "Slowed lift hill". Me, i guess you could say being a Great Adventure fanboy... El Toro went from being my #1 coaster.. to.. umm.. below #10, and i've only been on 85 coasters. j2 = my new favorite woodie.


huh? um...yeah.... alrighty then. I guess its "possible" you happened to just a train off the transfer. The ride is completely different until it warms up (aren't most?). But regardless, I can assure everybody the ride is completing the course faster than it has all season. Its hitting the brakes a few seconds soon than all last season.


And I'm not sure where this new wheels thing came from. I'm not aware of any changes to the wheels. I mentioned the point that the wheels can physically only spin so fast on that first drop (they can only go so many rpm's) so its hitting the exact same speed no matter what. I think the only difference is that El Toro has finally broken in and is sustaining more speed throughout the entire course.


After 60+ rides, I know this ride personally. Its only getting better. I agree with those that mentioned - you won't know til you ride it


By the way, Medusa1861 was right, that comment was to soon!

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mentioned the point that the wheels can physically only spin so fast on that first drop (they can only go so many rpm's) so its hitting the exact same speed no matter what.


Just to mention the wheels can go whatever speed the train wants to go, the wheels dont decide the speed of the train. The wheels do not have a maximum RPM. The only thing that would really change the wheels spinning faster would be better lubricant, but that would increase speed slightly and would decrease the speed lost throughout the ride.


Ok I must admit, I have never ridden it before, as the last time I went to America was about ten years ago, so I can't really give my opinions on how the ride feels itself I'm just trying to contribute something to help!

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  • 2 months later...

Deconstruction has already started on Chiller at Six Flags Great Adventure. It has been closed since June and though it has been said that they were going to fix it totally, it seems like it fell through and they have begun to rip it down.


You can see photos being taken at the park today at this link!



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^screamscape has been talking about this for a while and another site I'm on (the main SFGAdv fan site) has confirmed this too. Plus those pictures look valid, as one of them has a spider web netting for Fright Fest on the queue.


I'm not sure how I feel about this, I'm relieved, yet I'm sad. GAdv is my homepark and I'm relieved because I was always tired of the status of this ride, I was always hoping to get on it everytime I went because it wasn't always a gaurantee because of being broken or having lines a mile long. But, I am also sad because this was a unique ride, no where else in the world did a coaster like this exist. Sure Mr. Freeze is out there but this one was a dueling ride and 2 completely different coasters. I had 3 spins on Batman and 7 on Robin overall. Well, I guess I'm saying goodbye yet again to another thing besides GL. 1998-2007, Chiller will DEFINITELY be missed because there is no doubt this was a park favorite because it was that unique.

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Now that is pretty sad. Chiller was in my top 20, but that's from a ride with the g-roll still in tact. Bummer, but from a business standpoint, it's not a bad move to cut what is very likely the most expensive coaster in the park to operate, especially when its had all sorts of reliability issues over the years. Shame I'll never get the blue side though, guess I gotta go ride a Freeze to get top hat experience

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Could it be possible that they are just replacing that whole section of the ride adding a new spike or something?


If it is being torn down, that's sad. I was going to go to GADV this year, but it got pushed back to next year and I was relieved that Chiller would be all fixed and ready to go for me. I guess not.

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Could it be possible that they are just replacing that whole section of the ride adding a new spike or something?


If it is being torn down, that's sad. I was going to go to GADV this year, but it got pushed back to next year and I was relieved that Chiller would be all fixed and ready to go for me. I guess not.


^I feel like highly doubting that! This coaster has given Great Adventure problems for years. The have changed the cars, restraints and even the track to make this ride work for them and every single time its pretty much failed. So the fact that they would try and put a spike in is pretty minimal.

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(to FeeltheFORCE) No, Chiller has always been a mechanical nightmare for SFGAdv. A brief timeline of Chiller's notable mechanical issues.


1997- ride opens and operates for one week before closing again due to trouble with the LIM technology (which the technology was still in its infancy back then for its use on coasters).


1998- ride reopens and operates. However, there have been reports over time about the ride using so much technology that it causes brownouts at times. [Then again, I think this myth has been said about many LIM rides]


2006- Ride de-rails, down for the rest of the season.


2007- Zero-G rolls removed. Then, a few months later, removal.

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I've only been on the Robin side and thought it was a really good ride, it's a real shame this one is coming down. Sounds like they'll put that rumoured indoor Batman coaster there.


Robin seemed to run realtively well, but it probably wasn't practical to just keep one side. I've always wanted to ride that upside down tophat on the batman side.

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I rode half of it in June so I am glad I got to try it. I was surprised at how fun it was, but poor reliability just gives a park a bad name. I also thought it was dumb to replace that part, but maybe it was a last ditch effort to try and save it. When that failed they just gave up to cut their losses.

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