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Six Flags Great Adventure (SFGAdv) Discussion Thread

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Ka and Bizarro need it more than Nitro. Yes Nitro looks like ass but its all in the woods. Ka, like Superman is the first thing people see when they come in. And for being the world record holder it looks awful.


Nitro is mostly hidden til you are on the ride. Bizarro just looks hideous with the green/yellow Medusa paint peaking through the purple/blue.

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It was mildly busy today, definitely one of the better opening days crowdwise in recent years but anyone spending money on a flash pass was an idiot as the lines were totally manageable if you used the app and just skipped rides that had long waits. We managed to ride Ka, Toro, Zum, Nitro and Bizarro multiple times with no flash pass at all. Great day! Lots of beer and rides.



This photo kinda sums up my entire day.



This ride is gonna kick so much ass.



Bizarro is criminally underrated.



Clouds made for great sunset shots. More to come in my report thread. Have fun if yall go tomorrow, the rides were running really well, if not a little cranky at times.



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Didn't get a chance to go today as planned, but I've been seeing all the photos from opening day highlighting all of the refurbishment projects going on around the park. Really glad to see so much TLC being done!

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Looks like they'll have no problem getting their frisbee open sooner than SFMM did last year.


Member preview is May 18th, with grand opening Memorial Day weekend.

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I’m glad we could do our part to help break the Macho Nacho bar in for the season.

If I'd only beat that one dude, I would have been the first transaction of the season.

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What is it with New Jerseyans saying where they live based off of their Turnpike exit. Like are all people who live off the Parkway one exit?


Nah, we're the people who live at the beach and avoid the Turnpike unless it's absolutely necessary to take it.

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What is it with New Jerseyans saying where they live based off of their Turnpike exit. Like are all people who live off the Parkway one exit?



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First off, the Turnpike and the Parkway are different things.


And yes, unless you live in the northwest mountain region (where both highways don't run), you most likely have one exit that provides the most direct route to your house.


For example, my parents house is 7A off the Turnpike or 98 off the Parkway, but you could easily take 90/91 and get there.

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