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Six Flags Great Adventure (SFGAdv) Discussion Thread

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I admit, I misspoke. I wasn't implying screamscape was making up the rumour of the launched wing coaster. I shouldn't have said he makes stuff up, rather that he probably receives some information that is made up.

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Screamscape has been right about a lot rumors though...


I didn't mean to imply that it hasn't, just that it's important to use critical thinking when considering the legitmacy of these rumors. Until Screamscape said it yesterday, it was nothing more than wishful thinking among GAdv fans on forums. The discussions came BEFORE he reported the rumor, not after. There have been plenty of times in the past when he reports on rumors first that BECOME discussions, but this isn't the case. Therefore, without anything else to substantiate the claims, I would take it all with several grains of salt. If you want to go ahead and believe that there's a legitimate rumor about it now with supporting evidence behind it based solely that it's on the site, that's fine, but then I've got a bridge to sell you.


It happens in media outlets all the time. One source will negligently publish something incorrect (usually unintentionally, but still incorrect nonetheless) and it gets picked up by and reported on by other outlets as "SOURCE reports that..". If everyone then starts reporting it, it becomes more and more widely accepted as truth, even after attempts to correct the misinformation occur. It all goes back to the "Big Lie" German propaganda technique (albeit certainly without all the malice intent of purposefully misleading the public): “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."

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So is this what is to be expected in the park when the new "coaster" opens? I love how the operator goes "I don't take it easy on nobody" and lights up a cigarette 2:50 in to the video.



On a serious note: Are they just going to pull on that joystick like the Larsons on fairs or have they implemented an automated system?

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Would it be a bad thing to predict that the theming in general will be the best part of the entire ride? Whatever, I'll still ride this first the next time I visit the park.

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They were testing El Diablo with riders at around 7:00. It was drawing a small crowd with some people disappointed it wasn't open. Zumanjaro is still closed and Kingda Ka was closed for part of the day. Other than Kingda Ka with about a 15 minute wait after it opened, nothing else was more than a 1 to 2 train wait the entire time I was at the park.

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^ Personally I think the portal/themeing to Bizarro is one of the best in the park, seems folks forget that it exists for some reason.


^I'm not sure. I went on Coasters after Dark, Zumanjaro closed late in the day, and it's been troubled ever since. I've asked some ride ops/employees what was wrong with it, but you know, "technical difficulties" .


Ive been hearing about it being down A LOT so far this year. Glad we got a few rides in during CAD.


You have mail boldikus.


Now you do.

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^ Personally I think the portal/themeing to Bizarro is one of the best in the park, seems folks forget that it exists for some reason.

Well no one remembers that Bizarro is actually in the park, so naturally they forget about the sign too.

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^ I sadly still have not been on our parks extremely underrated awesome junior coaster this year, but I read somewhere (Great Adventure History maybe?) that all of the effects are working this year and they've sealed up any and all cracks that were allowing daylight in. I need to just go straight to the back seat of this ride the next time I'm at the park.


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Skull Mountain is usually my first stop. The airtime on the first hill in the back row is incredible. The rest of the ride isn't terrible either. Quick transitions, lots of directional changes, lap bars, intamin, well themed and in the dark. What more could you ask for in a family coaster!


Wish they took better care of it. Really is a gem.

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Apparently the entire Lakefront area, from Blackbeard's queue to the other side of the Great Lake Grandstand has ALL underground utility's marked. All around Fort Independence, the Live and Local Stage, and all of the Grandstand.

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