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Six Flags Great Adventure (SFGAdv) Discussion Thread

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If they do get a new coaster for 2016, being that it would kind of be a replacement for Batman and Robin, a dueling coaster of some kind would be really appropriate. But, I guess you can look at Dark Knight as Batman and Robins replacement so I may be way off the mark.


I agree. Always thought that Chiller looked like an awesome ride, but it was gone by the time I was able to get to the park.

I know both Mr. Freezes, and the Chiller had awful opening year problems, but why was Six Flags able to turn the other two into reliable coasters, but never The Chiller??

The Chiller had issues with dueling, when both the trains launched at the same time it would put a lot of stress on the power grid (which is why they ran staggered and later only the robin side). The Chiller also had issues with LIMs burning out and train issues with the zero-g roll. If you want to read more look at the GAdv History page.




Wow, that was in interesting read. I never knew the ride was such a nightmare for the park.

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^What you're basically saying is that Six Flags will never invest in a major coaster again, and that just isn't true.


Goliath, FT, B:TR at SFFT and all the conversions aren't major coasters to you?


They will certainly invest in major coasters, but for the foreseeable future I think a $22M investment on one ride is out of the question. I could be wrong, but I believe Tatsu was the last ride SF invested in that was that expensive.

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I wouldnt totally rule out the possibility of a wing coaster since Great America got one for $15 mil. However, it just seems redundant for Gradv to install a coaster that isn't much different than Bizarro and to a lesser extent, Green Lantern.

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I'm pretty sure I've said this already here but other than the fact that we have 5 already, I really don't understand where all this B&M hype is coming from. People really think the park would get a SIXTH B&M? I really don't think it's going to happen and I personally hope it does not. An S&S freespin, a custom RMC, or a Premier launcher are much more likely IMO, and all 3 are a much better fit for the park.

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I'd rather the park build nothing and focus on general improvements. They have a killer coaster collection, aesthetically though the park looks run down in areas. I'd rather they fix things like Nitro always having one train that delivers sub-par rides, the lights on the Ferris wheel, the fact that Nitro's queue is hideous, Golden Kingdom still having no lights, Six Flags TV's appearing at random and nowhere to be seen in the Zumanjaro, Kingda Ka or Nitro lines and a few rides in desperate need of paint. El Toro could use a few sections of track in the turnaround too so it's just as smooth in the wheel seats as it is in the non wheel seats. It's not rough but I'd like them to be proactive.


I'd rather see them take a year off from new additions and focus on things like that that are pretty inexpensive. They don't get any ROI from it but that doesn't stop parks like Dorney from investing the time and money required to make sure everything in the park looks pristine all the time. I don't expect Disney quality, just Dorney quality... I think that should be attainable.

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^ Don't hold your breath. I agree the park looks awful, but they've consistently proven they aren't going to do anything about it, so I don't let it get to me any more. There are massive potholes in the Boardwalk, some of the midways flood in the rain, the parking lot is like the surface of the moon, but hey, they painted the water tower! Besides, it's already obvious they're adding a coaster next year. Work wouldn't begin this early for anything else.

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^ 1. As I said, work wouldn't begin this early for another type of ride.

2. They were originally slated to recieve a coaster this year before Zumanjaro turned into a mess.

3. Why are they focusing on Old Country all of a sudden when they were content with letting it rot for 7 years?

4. Walking through Old Country and seeing the markings spray-painted on the ground, which really ties back in to point number 1.

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Does anyone know if the $22 million for Thunderbird included the cost of the theming and other add-ons? If the the ride itself minus the theming cost less than $20 million, then a launched wing coaster might be a little more feasible for Great Adventure.

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I kno Gadv isn't very heavy on theming,but these costs are tacked on for any coaster, regardless of the park. Where Gadv could save a million dollars on theming/elaborate station, they'd have to spend on cleaning up the area/making Old Country "peepable," in RCT terms.

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B&M should discount it. Buy 5 coasters get the 6th 40% off



^^ Really though. Five B&Ms a bit much!? I'm happy that we have the 5 we have. They are all high quality coasters (shhhh Green Lantern is one of the more well-themed in the park, it is an interesting layout and overall a very beautiful door knocker/welcome sign for the park) and they all offer a completely different experience. I'd be thrilled if we got a winged B&M, launched or not. BUT we do need some diversity. It's tough because we have a killer line-up and we're spoiled from it. I mean, we're discussing whether we want a SIXTH B&M!!! On top of Toro and Ka. Most enthusiasts would kill for our line-up.


Spoiled rotten.

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I wouldn't mind if it were another B&M. I just want something new because as good as GAdv's collection is (and it is outstanding), I find myself getting bored now when I visit the park. It's time for something new to shake things up.

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I'd be thrilled with any new coaster because our lineup is already perfect and anything we get is just icing on the cake.


Me too, however I definitely have preferences. I do think our lineup was more perfect with Chiller, though, which is why I definitely would embrace a new Premier launch . Ideally, out of the likely additions we could be seeing, I'd like to see;in order-RMC, an expanded S&S freefly, Premier, then B&M wingrider.

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