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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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Does anyone think if they change the name, they will still stick with I-blank 305?


I got some name ideas for Kings Dominion 305 coaster


.Iron Hawk 305

.Mantis 305

.Steel Beast 305

.Son of Anaconda

.Interstate 305 Speed Coaster


Don't forget CarHawk


Speaking of "hawk" names...




.Hawk Racer 305

.Rougauru Hawk 305




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Going to the park tomorrow (currently still at BGW). How have this week's crowds been?


We will have to leave early in the morning to arrive before opening. Should we be worried about rush hour interstate traffic? It seems that I can take i64 from Williamsburg a few miles to highway 30, and (couple if roads later), take highway 30 to Doswell. Would this be a better option?

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I don't see them renaming the ride, re-themeing possibly but I don't see them renaming it. Earnhardt family has a trademark for Intimidators, but no Intimidator (there are a bunch of those trademarks out there for lawn mowers, scooters, and other things).

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I've kind of wondered what would happen after they decided to no longer pay for the licensing and what they would possibly rename them. My vote is 305: Ride of Steel.


"305: Ride of Steel" would be just a bad of a name as "Ride of Steel". I'm suggesting any of these names


.Ride of Hawk

.Steel Force 305

.Maverick (KD can retheme it to western)

.Mamba 305 (to fit in with Safari Village)

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I don't see them renaming the ride, re-themeing possibly but I don't see them renaming it. Earnhardt family has a trademark for Intimidators, but no Intimidator (there are a bunch of those trademarks out there for lawn mowers, scooters, and other things).


You have it backwards.

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^^Probably, I don't think it's publicly known if they are pursuing something like that. It's not entirely clear what the competing claim is.

^ Right, as long as they don't infringe on someone else's trademark. They're mainly protecting their ability to market merchandise and brand exclusivity when they TM.

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All I have to say is poor Dorney, poor, poor Dorney. Lol


HA! Ugh, if this comes to Dorney...


I for one would be Ok with this coming to my park. Always wanted a Togo here. Even a ball-crusher. This could replace that other piece of junk that never runs. At least it would be more reliable.

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One thing I must give Shockwave credit for is its reliability. Back when John Pagel was at Kings Dominion (former PR Manager), he said multiple times that it was known as one of the most reliable rides in the park.


And to be honest, like Chuck has said, the first part of the ride isn't bad as it has a nice drop, loop, and airtime. Actually, the ride itself isn't bad in my opinion (has some strong forces to it), I've just always hated the concept of a standup - even on the big and small B&M's. I slightly liked Shockwave more than Mantis - but of course preferred the seating on Mantis as it didn't look and feel like a death trap.

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