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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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Here's a question...


We all talk about volcano getting crazy fast, and that the line is long almost immediately... And so it is a must at the beginning of the day... How is it at night? Or is intimidator the better end of the day ride for short lines?


I'm staying at Kings Quarters next Wednesday coming from DC in the afternoon, after a morning at six flags America... Wondering what's the best "quick ride before bed"


on a Wednesday, Volcano probably won't be too bad, but i305 will likely be a walk-on or close too it. I don't think i305's line is ever as long as Volcano's pretty much no matter what.

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I want to get as many rides in as possible (basically marathon on every ride haha ) so I'm considering getting a Fast Lane + to make it happen. Is it possible to get a lot of rides in without it? If not, then how does the system work? Do you have to buy it online or is it possible to go and see if the park is crowded that day and buy it then?

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I want to get as many rides in as possible (basically marathon on every ride haha ) so I'm considering getting a Fast Lane + to make it happen. Is it possible to get a lot of rides in without it? If not, then how does the system work? Do you have to buy it online or is it possible to go and see if the park is crowded that day and buy it then?

Yup, you can buy them all over the park at places with giant signs that say "Buy Fast Lane HERE!" or something to that effect. Go, and if you aren't satisfied with the lines, pickup a wrist band and marathon!

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I want to get as many rides in as possible (basically marathon on every ride haha ) so I'm considering getting a Fast Lane + to make it happen. Is it possible to get a lot of rides in without it? If not, then how does the system work? Do you have to buy it online or is it possible to go and see if the park is crowded that day and buy it then?


If you are going on a weekday there is no way you would ever need fast lane.

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It's so hard to marathon I305 for so many people. it's that intense and amazing. One ride on it and your life is changed forever. what other coaster can say that

It really depends on the person. I marathoned I305 about two weeks back on a Thursday and had no problem hopping right back in the (station wait) line. That said, I greyed out every time--about a dozen rides.


*As a disclaimer, don't go in expecting I305 to change your life and be the hands down best coaster in the world. Dont get me wrong--it's an incredible coaster, and is in my top 5. However, if you set your expectations TOO high (like this poster is trying to do), you will more than likely be disappointed. As with Millennium Force (and the B&M gigas), most are either in the camp of "top five material" or "its okay." Expect it to be a good coaster, and see what happens.

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It's so hard to marathon I305 for so many people. it's that intense and amazing. One ride on it and your life is changed forever. what other coaster can say that

It really depends on the person. I marathoned I305 about two weeks back on a Thursday and had no problem hopping right back in the (station wait) line. That said, I greyed out every time--about a dozen rides.


*As a disclaimer, don't go in expecting I305 to change your life and be the hands down best coaster in the world. Dont get me wrong--it's an incredible coaster, and is in my top 5. However, if you set your expectations TOO high (like this poster is trying to do), you will more than likely be disappointed. As with Millennium Force (and the B&M gigas), most are either in the camp of "top five material" or "its okay." Expect it to be a good coaster, and see what happens.


It's a Maverick and El Toro on Steroids so you figure it out. To each their own. I'm a speed demon so that's why its the best coaster for me. The rush is for me. Its not for everyone, and i dont care for anyone but me

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It's so hard to marathon I305 for so many people. it's that intense and amazing. One ride on it and your life is changed forever. what other coaster can say that

It really depends on the person. I marathoned I305 about two weeks back on a Thursday and had no problem hopping right back in the (station wait) line. That said, I greyed out every time--about a dozen rides.


*As a disclaimer, don't go in expecting I305 to change your life and be the hands down best coaster in the world. Dont get me wrong--it's an incredible coaster, and is in my top 5. However, if you set your expectations TOO high (like this poster is trying to do), you will more than likely be disappointed. As with Millennium Force (and the B&M gigas), most are either in the camp of "top five material" or "its okay." Expect it to be a good coaster, and see what happens.


It's a Maverick and El Toro on Steroids so you figure it out. To each their own. I'm a speed demon so that's why its the best coaster for me. The rush is for me. Its not for everyone, and i dont care for anyone but me

While I305 is a fantastic coaster (and is my #2, was #1 for the past 5 years), I can't possibly imagine it being a superior mix of El Toro and Maverick, that is just a ridiculous statement which probably doesn't have a great foundation (have you even been on either of the coasters you compared it to?) Seriously, it is an awesome coaster, but stop making it sound like the end all, be all coaster.

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Don't worry guys, I've already been on I305 and yes, it was life changing (Good enough to even surpass El Toro in my book). I got off I305 last time in good shape to ride again, so I think marathoning will be possible. I also wanna go on Volcano a bunch times and from what I've heard the Fast Lane + will take you right to the station, so that's another reason I want the Fast Lane +. Unfortunately Im going on Saturday, which is the busiest day of the week in most themeparks, so I'll definitely put it to use. Thanks guys!

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You know, I wonder if I305 should have been built by B&M. With Fury 325 they proved that hey can build a ride just as intense as an Intamin, but also way more reliable and way more comfortable.


No, Their Gigas will always be too far spread out element wise and not able to handle such quick transitions at such high speeds. The thrill factor will never match up I believe. We shall see though. For now, Ill stick with my baby lol

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You know, I wonder if I305 should have been built by B&M. With Fury 325 they proved that hey can build a ride just as intense as an Intamin, but also way more reliable and way more comfortable.


No, Their Gigas will always be too far spread out element wise and not able to handle such quick transitions at such high speeds. The thrill factor will never match up I believe. We shall see though. For now, Ill stick with my baby lol


I dunno. I thought Fury 325 was more intense because of the open seating combined with the twists and overbanks. But to each their own.



And speaking of B&M, has anyone checked out the track that just arrived from the plant? I have no idea what they are for. Neither looks like Cedar Point's dive coaster, so who knows.

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The way I see it, I305 is a great coaster to ride but even more, it was a coaster that needed to be made: "biggest, baddest, meanest" ... they haven't used that slogan much since the ride was opened, mixed messages I guess ... a true intensity attack (though possibly outdone by Skyrush, but that's a diff. subject). Another term I find uniquely fitting was "gravity launched" -- for some reason I often find the drop underwhelming, but oh the result! I have mixed feelings about the pauseless lift->drop, don't want to see it on every new coaster, but again it is so fitting and time someone did it.


My opinion on wooden coasters is that you shouldn't have to sit in a certain seat or in a certain way to enjoy the ride. If there are some (or many) rows that are uncomfortably rough, the coaster isn't smooth. If you have to lean forward in only the front row to have a decent ride (Mean Streak/coasterbill), it's not "smooth." Look at El Toro--obviously this is a completely different era and build from Rebel Yell, but regardless of where you ride, it is comparable to a brand new steel coaster. That being said, my favorite row on the bull is the second to last row because it's often five trains less waiting than the back and the airtime is still out of this world.


Ideally that's true, but with the structure of most trains that requires perfect smoothness. Otherwise, even if the wheel seat were totally fine, the non-wheel seat would still be smoother. Practically, woodies, especially with traditional trains, are hard to keep smooth and few are going to be intense and yet completely comfortable in the wheel seats. This does reduce the coaster's "ranking", whether you would make a big effort to get to a particular ride, but if you're at a park already, the question is merely to ride or not to ride -- if a home park, I consider "learning to ride" all the coasters almost always worthwhile. In other words, bad rows may keep a woodie from being "great", but it's too common to keep them from being "good"; being too critical or not adapting would keep you from too many otherwise good coasters.

Edited by bill_s
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And speaking of B&M, has anyone checked out the track that just arrived from the plant? I have no idea what they are for. Neither looks like Cedar Point's dive coaster, so who knows.


He asked right above my post.


Unfortunately our plans have changed. We are no longer going to be there at opening Thursday. Instead, we will be there more at around 12 or 1 pm. Best strategy, considering I wont be able to knock out Volcano and FoF first thing?

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With so much work being done to the northern half of the Grove next season with the removal of Shockwave, I'd imagine Drop Tower will finally get repainted. It hasn't been repainted since it opened in 2003 and has needed paint for quite sometime now. KD usually always paints rides around whatever is 'new' for the season.


With the chance of it getting repainted, there might be a new color scheme on the way.

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With so much work being done to the northern half of the Grove next season with the removal of Shockwave, I'd imagine Drop Tower will finally get repainted. It hasn't been repainted since it opened in 2003 and has needed paint for quite sometime now. KD usually always paints rides around whatever is 'new' for the season.


With the chance of it getting repainted, there might be a new color scheme on the way.


It should be re-themed to the apple falling on Issac Newton's head. That would be such a cool theme for Candy Apple Grove.

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