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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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I decided to do a very quick, rough mock up Shockwave replacement based on the heaviest rumors - a new enterprise, SlingShot, and a Disk'O coaster. All of the rides are to scale in this and could easily all fit. I'm still thinking with them removing Shockwave, a new medium sized coaster could be coming - the footprint is much larger than people realize.


I didn't include a HUSS Frisbee as that has been a KD fanboy rumor for about a decade now and seems like that's about all the credibility it still has now.



Edited by Intimidator305
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Going to the park Thursday (currently still at BGW). How have this week's crowds been?


We will have to leave early in the morning to arrive before opening. Should we be worried about rush hour interstate traffic? It seems that I can take i64 from Williamsburg a few miles to highway 30, and (couple if roads later), take highway 30 to Doswell. Would this be a better option?

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I doubt that you'll have much of a problem taking I-64 to I-295, then I-95 to the park on Thursday morning. It takes a little over an hour to get to KD from Williamsburg, so I think you'll miss most of the "rush hour" stuff. I've never tried Rt. 30. Another thing you can do if I-64 looks bad is to take Rt. 60 to I-295 (but you'll have to deal with stoplights, and it takes a bit longer--I imagine Rt. 30 is pretty similar).

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^ If you ride Volcano and Flight of Fear at opening, the rest of the park will easily be manageable in whatever order you want - just hit Dominator later in the day towards the evening or night.


Intimidator 305 always runs 2 trains on Saturdays so the line moves quickly, Dominator is a people eater, and Rebel Yell will probably have both sides open. They also run full capacity on Drop Tower, Windseeker, ect. on weekends so you should be fine. You won't have to wait longer than 30 mins on anything.

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The park will now be known as Six Flags Virginia Adventure. All of the park's theming from the C*d*r F**r era will be stripped and replaced with Batman, Superman, Looney Toons, Snickers, and no theming. In Six Flags style, all rides will be wrapped in desperate advertising.


Ride renames:


Volcano will now be Batman: The Ride

Dominator will now be Scream

Drop Tower: Scream Zone will now be Drop of Doom

Anaconda will now be Viper

Flight of Fear will now be Superman: Ultimate Flight

Backlot: Stunt Coaster will now be X

Woodstock Express will now be Road Runner Express

Great Pumpkin Coaster will now be Canyon Blaster

Hurler will now be Apocalypse

Berserker will now be ACME

Grizzly will now be Roar

The Crypt will now be Top Spin

Avalanche will now be The Official Coaster of Snickers

Ricochet will now be Mr. Six' Pandemonium

Soak City will now be Six Flags Hurricane Harbor (separate admission)


We are also promising THREE NEW COASTERS in 2016!


Shockwave will return after a two month hiatus

Intimidator 305 will be torn down and replaced with a Vekoma Boomerang called Flashback.

Rebel Yell will be torn down and replaced with the tallest and fastest Larson Loop coaster in Virginia, Goliath.


All of the trees will be torn down to make way for Six Flags prominent parking lot landscaping.


Everything will be extra charge. Bag storage, walking, riding, taking pictures, eating, drinking, paying, waiting in line, blinking, breathing, you name it! There's even a fee for paying a fee!


Now we know what you're thinking... "We've never had it this way when the park was known as K*ngs D*m*n**n..."


Six Flags Virgina Adventure! Have a Six Flags day starting 2016!

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I just don't get the point of that post. Can someone explain some background for me?

Don't do drugs.


Anyways, I wonder if KD will be doing anything special for Shockwave's departure? Carowinds has been giving out pins daily to the first 100 riders on Thunder Road and has put up some signage commemorating it. Although, I'd argue Thunder Road is both more historical and a much better ride than Shockwave.


At least we still have Rebel Yell.

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I just don't get the point of that post. Can someone explain some background for me?

Don't do drugs.


Anyways, I wonder if KD will be doing anything special for Shockwave's departure? Carowinds has been giving out pins daily to the first 100 riders on Thunder Road and has put up some signage commemorating it. Although, I'd argue Thunder Road is both more historical and a much better ride than Shockwave.


At least we still have Rebel Yell.


Yeah. Thunder Road is a very good classic racing woodie. It's so disappointing to see parks taking them down.

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I just don't get the point of that post. Can someone explain some background for me?


It's a joke.


It was pretty damn hard to tell...


KD may do something for Shockwave's last day, but I would be surprised if it's anything more than that. Rebel Yell would be the ride that would most warrant a prolonged celebratory goodbye at the park, IMO.

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I just don't get the point of that post. Can someone explain some background for me?

Don't do drugs.

That makes more sense. The reason I didn't "see" it is because most jokes are spurred on from an event that is commonly known or understood. I thought I was missing out on something--apparently not.

I just don't get the point of that post. Can someone explain some background for me?


It's a joke.

Don't you roll your eyes at me!

**All in good fun. As I said, you didn't provide any background--I thought maybe someone started a rumor or something from your post and you were trying to poke fun at the idea. No hard feelings!

I just don't get the point of that post. Can someone explain some background for me?
Anyways, I wonder if KD will be doing anything special for Shockwave's departure? Carowinds has been giving out pins daily to the first 100 riders on Thunder Road and has put up some signage commemorating it. Although, I'd argue Thunder Road is both more historical and a much better ride than Shockwave.


At least we still have Rebel Yell.

I agree about Thunder Road. Shockwave might not get quite as grand a departure as, frankly, most will be glad to see it go.

On a related note, I found Rebel Yell to be somewhat uncomfortably rough. I found it to detract from the ride experience, and I didn't notice any hints of even mild floater airtime. I thought Woodstock Express had far more airtime, and was much much smoother.

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On a related note, I found Rebel Yell to be somewhat uncomfortably rough. I found it to detract from the ride experience, and I didn't notice any hints of even mild floater airtime. I thought Woodstock Express had far more airtime, and was much much smoother.


Curious if you rode on a wheel seat or not? For the most part, if you ride on a non-wheel seat (middle of the car) it is one of the smoothest wooden coasters I've been on. The second to last row and second to front row are my favorite seats. Then again, I love Blue Streak at CP so my opinions on wooden coasters are sometimes looked at strangely.

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On a related note, I found Rebel Yell to be somewhat uncomfortably rough. I found it to detract from the ride experience, and I didn't notice any hints of even mild floater airtime. I thought Woodstock Express had far more airtime, and was much much smoother.


Curious if you rode on a wheel seat or not? For the most part, if you ride on a non-wheel seat (middle of the car) it is one of the smoothest wooden coasters I've been on. The second to last row and second to front row are my favorite seats. Then again, I love Blue Streak at CP so my opinions on wooden coasters are sometimes looked at strangely.

I didn't take note of whether or not it was a wheel seat, but I would assume it was base on my experience. However, I'm also a Blue Streak fan (just for the "fun" factor). Not in my top ten or anything, but I much prefer it to Rebel Yell.


My opinion on wooden coasters is that you shouldn't have to sit in a certain seat or in a certain way to enjoy the ride. If there are some (or many) rows that are uncomfortably rough, the coaster isn't smooth. If you have to lean forward in only the front row to have a decent ride (Mean Streak/coasterbill), it's not "smooth." Look at El Toro--obviously this is a completely different era and build from Rebel Yell, but regardless of where you ride, it is comparable to a brand new steel coaster. That being said, my favorite row on the bull is the second to last row because it's often five trains less waiting than the back and the airtime is still out of this world.

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Here's a question...


We all talk about volcano getting crazy fast, and that the line is long almost immediately... And so it is a must at the beginning of the day... How is it at night? Or is intimidator the better end of the day ride for short lines?


I'm staying at Kings Quarters next Wednesday coming from DC in the afternoon, after a morning at six flags America... Wondering what's the best "quick ride before bed"

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I guess it just depends on the crowds.


We hit it first thing in the morning, and there was quite a line. When we went back to ride it at night with about an hour before closing, it was a 5 min wait.


line in the morning


Line in the afternoon

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