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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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It's a competitive coaster region, I imagine it would have some sort of marketable feature.


Um, how about "better than InvadR" ?? (apparently someone in this state thinks a brand new woodie is in itself a marketable feature.)

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all the "important features" denoted.


... ahem, I believe you forgot something over in Old Virginia.


I give it a C+ at best. Corrected for accuracy.

^^ Post of the year . I know a legendary roast when I see one.


Haha that really does capture most of what's important at the park. Though I would add the very snappable flyers and Grizzly as two rides that deserve to be listed.

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Someday I think they should get a B&M Junior Invert. I think it would be the piece de resistance to Planet Snoopy.

I wish both CF and SF would jump on the junior invert ride, be it with B&M.


Fixed it for you.




Much better!

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Having ridden 7/7 of the IBox conversions, I can tell you that even if RMC Hurler maxes out ~100' (like Storm Chaser, Joker, Medusa) it can still be incredible! Medusa is the most intense steel RMC and doesn't have the most impressive surface stats.


Regardless, having I305 + any RMC basically creates one of the best 1-2 coaster punches in the US!

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Hey, I actually was slightly intoxicated and enjoyed Flying Ace Aerial Chase at Kings Island.

Fixed (true story)


I have never imbibed any alcohol, so I could not have been intoxicated. It is actually possible to enjoy a Vekoma Family Inverted Coaster.

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Hey, I actually was slightly intoxicated and enjoyed Flying Ace Aerial Chase at Kings Island.

Fixed (true story)


I have never imbibed any alcohol, so I could not have been intoxicated. It is actually possible to enjoy a Vekoma Family Inverted Coaster.


It's easier without OTSRs. I enjoyed Fun Spot Orlando's Freedom Flyer after expecting and bracing for the worst.

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Having ridden 7/7 of the IBox conversions, I can tell you that even if RMC Hurler maxes out ~100' (like Storm Chaser, Joker, Medusa) it can still be incredible! Medusa is the most intense steel RMC and doesn't have the most impressive surface stats.


Regardless, having I305 + any RMC basically creates one of the best 1-2 coaster punches in the US!


And that's before you realize that the park also has Volcano and Dominator.


Kings Dominion basically has everything you could ask for in a park. Even their worst coaster (Anaconda) is still pretty thrilling.


Alright the offseason ended for this park why is there an argument over a junior invert


Hey, better than last year when the schadenfreude over Planet Snoopy was palpable.

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Hurlers area of the park is pointless anyways, it's main purpose is a smoking section, and it's too secluded from everything else.


No park needs fewer smoking sections.

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I am very excited that an RMC is being built with a 2 hour drive from my house! I imagine that the Hurler will be similar to Wicked Cyclone as far as design and elements. It won't break any records, but the ride will be fun. Location wise, it also balances out the park a little more as well.

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