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Phantasialand Discussion Thread

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Even though it looks slow I still think at that speed it will be a pretty damn good ride. As far as I'm aware there has been no confirmation that they have tested at full speed launch yet so if they are still slowly turning the launch up to get to full speed we may see the ride get faster.

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I thought it looked slow as well. Rides always look slow on the first test run, for example Flying aces looked really slow, but if you look at newer videos, it looks really fast. Does anyone know why they are taking so long to get the launch up to full speed?

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Source: NRW Parks


But yeah ... On a serious note, here is the summary of the last few days:


- Taron has been running tests daily (even on sundays)

- Theming is comming along nicely in the areas still open

- Trucks from the Netherlands have been spotted (Maybe Raik rains arrived!?)


New Photos are not possible at the moment because the usual observation points have been closed since the last few test days, but Tobi has been updating his awesome model with the latest changes:


On top of the Raik station some new wooden structures keep emerging. Kinda looks like a chapel to me. Raik Entrance/Exit!?


View from the other side:



The former metal fence on the walkway received some wood treatment as well:



In the area that leads to MC more concrete work has been done. It seems that the passage will get some kind of roof. It also seems more and more likely that there will be a restaurant/snack point in that area, especially when considering that the park has had a open position for a kitchen with Bavarian food for a while now, as reported earlier:



Source: Phantafriends


Edit: Almost forgot: Raik lift has been cleared of scaffolding:

Source: NRW Parks with more Pics

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Wow, it is fast... And loud! But i think that the launch noise is TOO LOUD if it's real.


They mention in the article that they are using harder, louder wheel sets for the first calibration test runs, which have less resistance and will later be replaced. You also never know how a video is mixed, volume wise ...


People who witnessed test runs say its super quiet.

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