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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 378: New Wild Oasis details released!

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I wanted to love Kumba but it was pretty rough in the back. Front was amazing, however.



Everytime I hear someone say this, I get so confused. A majority of the people I know say that they prefer SheiKra to both Kumba and Montu, and either they can't handle positive g's or they're just plain delusional. The ride is glass-smooth from start to finish in every seat.

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I’m going to BGT tomorrow, what should I hit first and what gets the largest line?


If you're going in the morning/early afternoon, lines'll be nonexistent due to school still being in session. Cheetah Hunt usually has the longest wait in the park, but on a weekday the longest I've seen it is around half an hour. The three B&Ms are walk-ons like 75% of the time, so you should be good to go if you want to marathon. Have fun!

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I’m going to BGT tomorrow, what should I hit first and what gets the largest line?


Yeah, lines are rarely an issue but if I had to come up with the best strategy I guess I'd probably hit Cheetah Hunt, Cobra's Curse, Montu (only because it's there, not because it ever has a line), Scorpion and then Sand Serpant in that order. Kumba and Sheikra will never develop lines. Neither will Montu, but like I said, it's worth riding early since you're already in the area.

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Oh yeah, I forgot! Last night I went to HOS for the second time this season. A few thoughts;


-The place was absolutely SLAMMED. Nothing like I've EVER seen on a Sunday night. 30+ wait for everything except Kumba (the mystery continues).


-SheiKra really shines at night. The view of downtown you get at the top is spectacular, and back row or don't go. Always.


-Favorite house of the night was Unearthed, by far. Surprisingly lengthy, themeing all over the place, and I got the sh*t scared outta me by that f*cking dog animatronic.


-Scorpion was open during the event?!?!


-Zombie Countainment Unit... never again. Decided to bite it and wait in the hour line (which is one hour longer than it should be) and the entire house is just ... lame. Like 25% of the targets actually lit up, it wasn't scary at all (just a guy in makeup going "RAR" and like 10 people pressing the trigger at him), and the strobe lights were awful. Also, WTF was that dubstep. My brain still hurts.

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We went on Sunday as well. It was pretty crowded (for Howl-o-Scream) but not as bad as I thought it would be.


We loved the Black Spot and I really liked Motel Hell more than I probably should have . I got a few jump scares and was laughing throughout. The Zombie Containment Maze is a good concept, but I think they need to work on the execution a bit. We all enjoyed it, but it seems like there is still a bunch of potential being missed.


Kumba was epic as always (and not rough.)

Cheetah Hunt seems to get more fun each time I ride it. It is such a great ride and an awesome fit for the park.

Rode Cobra's Curse for the first time - enjoyed it MUCH MUCH MUCH more than I thought I would. Awesome ride.

Montu was amazing as usual

Shiekra was awesome as well.


Had an awesome day at the park!

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The Zombie Containment Maze is a good concept, but I think they need to work on the execution a bit. We all enjoyed it, but it seems like there is still a bunch of potential being missed.

Yeah, I love the idea of zombie laser tag (and those three words alone sound like the best thing ever), but low capacity + very sub par scare actors + half the targets not even lighting up = a hot mess compared to the other haunts. I can respect it, but I really want to see an improved version next year.

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I did the Zombie shooter thing at BGT I believe its introductory year and thought it was terrible / the worst maze the park has ever done... then we did the shooter at Scary Farm a few weeks ago and it was 1,000x better. I thought there would be no real good way to execute it, honestly, but Scary Farm proved me wrong. It wasn't perfect, but it was VERY well done by comparison.


Why? A ton more actors (especially for the finale, that was crazy), better scoring system, everyone had sensors that I could see, and the actors did an amazing job of pacing everyone and keeping things interesting... plus they threw in some scares which we got 0 of at BGT.

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here’s a micro TR.


Got to the park and immediately “walked” to cheetah hunt, and then had to wait for that section to open up. After the area opened up and I got to cheetah hunt there was barely a line, mostly because of the off season, the threat of rain and the fact that it’s a Monday. Cheetah hunt 9/10 The launch was fun, it had some good airtime in parts and the s-curve segment did it better than skyrocket. Cons: it had a slight rattle that was mostly annoying but was far from rough.


After that my family and I went straight for cobras curse since it’s right around the corner. Cobras curse 7/10 The theming was amazing. Not Disney or Universal level, (to be honest, what is? Correct answer: Disney and Universal) but it was good theming and a fun ride. But since it is a family coaster it’s not as good as some of the others.


Next: Montu, the invert that almost everyone loves. Montu 6/10 It made my ears hurt and it was just a little rough, but it was still a great ride. The inversions were fun and it was pretty forceful. (correction: it probably hurt because I was wearing sunglasses and when my head hit the restraints the temple of the glasses hurt my ears)


Falcons fury 7/10 Yeah it was awesome.


scorpion 3/10 I don’t like it it was boring, rough, and, well, yeah that’s it. Sand Serpent 2/10 I don’t like wild mice.


kunba 6/10 pretty much the same pros and cons as Montu.


I feel like I am one of the few people who like dive coasters. Sheikra 8/10


Amazing park and a great day!

if you did not get your unpopular opinion or are not satisfied with it please let the nearest person who cares know, thank you.

Edited by Legocraft
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cheetah hunt... ...it had a slight rattle
Montu... ...It made my ears hurt and it was just a little rough
scorpion 3/10 I don’t like it it was boring, rough, and, well, yeah that’s it.
kunba 6/10 pretty much the same pros and cons as Montu.


Have you ever considered a different hobby? Maybe something like Cribbage or Bingo?

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cheetah hunt... ...it had a slight rattle
Montu... ...It made my ears hurt and it was just a little rough
scorpion 3/10 I don’t like it it was boring, rough, and, well, yeah that’s it.
kunba 6/10 pretty much the same pros and cons as Montu.


Have you ever considered a different hobby? Maybe something like Cribbage or Bingo?

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I’m currently in the process of planning a Spring Break trip to Florida and I’m hoping to visit Busch Gardens Tampa on either March 3rd or 4th (Saturday or Sunday). How busy does the park usually get this time of year? Should I be able to ride everything at least once with a few rerides?

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A bit of old news, but this was announced a few weeks ago...

Inspired by the point on a wave where water and gravity form a perfect partnership, the crest of this 70-foot tower challenges you with two 425 ft. wave paths. Step into one of two skyboxes, and face your fears as the floor disappears beneath you. Or, get horizontal on a 455-foot long slide ending with a high speed finale.


“These unique ride paths give guests options on how they want their thrills delivered,” said Stewart Clark, president of Busch Gardens® Tampa Bay and Adventure Island. “Whether you choose to have the floor drop from beneath your feet, or race to the bottom on a looped slide, the only way down once you get to the top is a wild ride that gets your heart pumping.”


Located right across the street from Busch Gardens, Adventure Island is the ultimate combination of high-speed thrills and tropical, tranquil surroundings for guests of all ages. Within a soothing Key West atmosphere, guests enjoy slides, corkscrews, water falls, a wave pool, children’s water playground and other family attractions.


Vanish Point will be located at the center of the park next to another family-favorite thrill slide, Colossal Curl™.


Construction on Vanish Point will begin in the coming weeks, and the ride is expected to be completed to kick off the 2018 season for Adventure Island.


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Sorry for the double post, but the 2018 ride rehab schedule is up. Kumba just had an unusually long rehab, this is a strange one. Please don't be anything having to do with f*cking VR...


Kumba: January 8 - February 26

The Count's Rally: January 22 - 26

Elmo's Safari-Go-Round: January 29 - February 2

Flume: February 5 - March 9

Big Bird's Whirly Birdie: March 5 - 9

Snuffy's Elephant Romp: April 2 - 6

Bush Flyers: April 9 - 13

SheiKra: April 30 - May 19

Jungle Flyers 1 & 2: April 30 - May 4

Jungle Flyers 3 & 4: May 7 - 11

Jungle Flyers 5 & 6: May 21 - 25

Phoenix: May 29 - June 14

Gwazi Gliders: June 4 - 8

Hippos of the Nile: June 11 - 15

Rosita's Fly Away: August 6 - 10

Desert Runners: August 13 - 17

Carousel: September 4 - September 14

SkyRide: October 1 - October 26

Congo River Rapids: October 29 - November 21

Wild Surge: December 3 - 14

Edited by coasterbill
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