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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 378: New Wild Oasis details released!

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Here's a pic I snapped with my phone the other day. Not the best photo, but it gives you an idea.




(tho maybe it's the angle, but I thought this looked taller in prior pics. . .no way did they reduce height, so it MUST be the angle)

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Here's a pic I snapped with my phone the other day. Not the best photo, but it gives you an idea.




(tho maybe it's the angle, but I thought this looked taller in prior pics. . .no way did they reduce height, so it MUST be the angle)


Trust me this beast is really a tall one. Pictures truly do no justice to actual size of these rides.

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Hey everyone!

My family and I are currently on vacation in the Tampa/ St.petes area and we will be visiting Busch Gardens within the next few days (we will be visiting on a weekday). I am just looking for some tips and tricks from all y'all and maybe what you guys think crowds will be like on a weekday and it is saying (Like normal) there is a chance of rain. Also we are looking for any other activities around the area.

Thanks everyone!

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I went to the park for the first time yesterday, the fence for Falcon's Fury is down. Pics and a bit more info soon.

Okay, so, I can't find the time to email the pictures from my crappy phone camera to my computer, so I might as well just put some more info down.


I went to the park July 3rd for the first time, and overal, the park was amazing. I would pay the full any day admission fee just to walk around this park. The feeling you get being there is amazing. I couldn't have cared less that Falcon's Fury wasn't open, because the park had so much other awesome stuff to do. I also thank the member of this site, netdvn, and Elissa, for reccomending me to use Quick Queue (I got the unlimited version), as the lines for most rides were stretching to an hour or more, and it helped a ton.




Cheetah Hunt: First ride of the day. I hadn't experienced a launch coaster for over a year now, and this ride really reminded me how fun they were. Lots of good airtime, sometimes where you least expect it. Rode it 2x during the day. I give it an 8.5, as the ride is still quite tame.


Montu: AMAZING! Super forceful, and it ran through those elements super quick. Batwing was awesome, zero-g roll was awesome, second loop was awesome, to quote the Lego Movie, EVERYTHING IS AWESOME! Rode it 2x, and I give it a 9.0.


Sand Serpent: This was the second Wild Mouse i've ever ridden, so the review might be a bit mangled considering i'm new to the whole lateral thing. Having rode the way tamer Technic Coaster or Project X or whatever you call it a few days earlier, Sand Serpent freaked me out, i'm not sure if all Wild Mouse coasters are like this, but this one slammed super fast into those curves, and the whole train seemed to tilt whenever we went through one. It's probably the difference between the big park model, and the small park model. Rode it 1x, I give it a 7.5


Kumba: This ride is the one i've heard being hyped up by so many coaster enthusiasts from this site and others, and after my first ride on it, I considered it overrated, but then the rest of my group was on Congo River Rapids, and I decided I would ride it again so I had something to do until they got off. I decided to go for the back seat, as that's the seat that is also hyped up, and WOW!! The ride is a whole different beast there. Super-forceful, super-fun, but sadly also pretty rough, especially through the zero-g roll and the corkscrews, i'm sure it was super amazing back when it opened, but now, it's in need of some TLC, and not the Honey Boo-Boo kind. I rode it (obviously) 2x during the day, and I give it a 8.7, as the ride, while still amazing, is pretty rough.


Sheikra: This ride was the one that was also over-hyped, but this time by the GP. I was really freaked out by the premise of a dive machine, and the lift hill was torture for my nerves. But as soon as the ride was going down the drop, it was pretty boring. The dive loop had some okay hangtime, and the second drop was pretty cool, but it didn't really do much for me. I rode it 2x, and I give it a 7.


Gwazi: Now this one was a PLEASENT suprise! Well, sort-of. The ride is super rough, horribly rough, even, but it doesn't hurt, and that's what made it a pleasent suprise, if it still had the PTC trains, it would've sucked horribly, it would have been extremely painful. But the Millenium Flyers have couch seats, so when it bumps, it's more like a bounce than anything, and my back isn't crashing against hard plastic seats, only comfortable cushions. The bug problem with this one is that it suffers from Mean Streak syndrome, and it is incredibly boring. A few pops of airtime here and there, but they are few and far inbetween. Therefore I give it a 6, and I rode it only once, I'll be happy if this gets removed.


Air Grover: From the cramped seats to the boring ground helixes, this one sucked. I guess it's a kiddie coaster and I didn't expect much, but at least rides like Canyon Blaster at SFOG and the Arrow Mine Trains are fun. I give it a 4.0 and I rode it only once.


Scorpion: A combination of it not being on Quick Queue, having a hour long wait, and having it be down nearly all day, stopped me from riding this one. Maybe next time.


Now for a Screamscape worthy rumor, every time I asked an employee about the Falcon's Fury opening, I would always get the same answer, the missing part is estimated to arrive late July and the ride is to open early August. From every employee in the park I got that answer. It would have probably been unreliable if I got mixed answers. But it didn't seem like these employees were guessing. I didn't get an "I think" or a "uuuhhhhhh" I got a straight answer, so we have hope for an early August opening, I guess.

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Well the rumors have resurfaced, and from what I've gathered from multiple sources, a 2015/2016 coaster has been approved, but the name, location, and type are yet to be determined.


Also, the old Critter Castaways theater will be demolished by the end of this year, so that may be a hint.


I have thought of different locations though.


1. Bird Gardens

2. Jungala reservoir

3. Egypt

4. Nairobi (RR replacement?)


But the first thing to consider is what exactly will this coaster be?


I'm assuming the long rumored gigacoaster, but maybe we'll see a new type of coaster come to BGT.



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I think a splash battle type attraction in the critter castaway spot would be perfect.

As far as the next coaster, I doubt 2015 would be the year. But, when it does happen, I would like to see either a RMC make-over of Gwazi, or tear it down and build a Skyrush/Mega-Lite in that location.

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Sheesh, I guess Busch can't catch a break with their drop towers. How long did it take them to get Mach Tower up and running?


You're right about that. I believe it took Mach Tower 2 years (2012-2014) to be completely operational but don't quote me. I was able to ride in 2012, but can't remember if it was during Howl-O-Scream or Christmas Town. It was closed in July of 2013 when I went.


I got bored and stopped the park for a few hours yesterday evening after the storm. The paint on the tower looks great! It would be nice to see it go past 130 ft, but the bottom half adds the small...or in this case large detail you'd expect from BG.





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A new coaster isn't coming next year. Expect new shows, new family rides, or new family rides. However, I would expect a brand new woodie in 2016 or possibly that giga. But I'm counting on Gwazi leaving by the end of 2015.


I would be surprised (shocked!) if Gwazi was replaced with another Woodie.

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Actually, Gwazi gets a 2 year grace period because FF didn't open on time, so it probably won't leave until Late 2016/Early 2017.


Think about it guys, this new coaster is not related to Gwazi removal. We could be seeing two new coasters within the next 3 years.


2015/2016- Gigacoaster?


2016/2017- Gwazi removal/New Coaster

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Actually, Gwazi gets a 2 year grace period because FF didn't open on time, so it probably won't leave until Late 2016/Early 2017.


Think about it guys, this new coaster is not related to Gwazi removal. We could be seeing two new coasters within the next 3 years.


2015/2016- Gigacoaster?


2016/2017- Gwazi removal/New Coaster

You have to think about this financially too. Two world class coasters (if Gwazi is replaced with RMC or Intamin woodie) within 3 years is a HUGE investment.

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I really hope/wish that Gwazi gets a makeover/refurbish. It is such a great looking ride that should be amazing and ]would be if it didn't try to knock your brains out through your ears. It would be great to see it just retrofitted with topper track, or to have a RMC makeover. It seems like such a waste to tear it down. Every time I ride it I am just irritated that it has gotten into the condition that it is in.

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I agree. RMC topper would make me happy enough. I wouldn't expect to see an Iron Horse reprofile on this ride because of the cost. There's also no way we'll see 2 coasters added in 3 years. Just the cost to remove Gwazi eliminates that scenario. Gwazi may get a makeover, but I don't expect to see anything else major until 2016 depending on how far they go with Gwazi.

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I think a unique hyper like SkyRush would fit in the park nicely. If Gwazi does get removed I think a Intamin Mega-Lite or maybe even a B&M Mega-Lite could fill that space likely. Also, for the record, did Intamin just give up on their Wing-Rider design after Furious Baco?

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