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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 378: New Wild Oasis details released!

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I'll probably ride this once, change my underwear, then never ride it again.


I'm going to go with this. They already scare the crap out of me, I can't imagine what this will do to my boxers :\


Since I had to ride those Sky Screamers with you last summer (TERRIFYING), I feel like we should meet up at BGT and ride this together. At least this time I'll know that we're both scared shi*less!

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Question- I'm planning to go to the park between 12/29 and 1/4, currently I'm looking into Monday the 30th. Does anyone know a good day to go? Is Monday a good day? Also, the park is open from 9 to 9 on Monday, so I'd have plenty of time to get some rides in regardless of line length. Last time I visited the longest wait I had was 30 min for Kumba, everything else was around 15 min or less, and that was over Spring Break.

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The one thing that has not been referenced at all in the midst of all of the Pantopia development is what will happen with the Timbuktu Theater. It was once home to a dolphin show, and later converted into a 4D Theater where it debuted R.L. Stine's The Haunted Lighthouse. After running for one year, the show was discontinued to make way for an alternating schedule of Leslie Nielson and Eric Idle's Pirates 4D and Sesame Street Lights Camera Imagination.


The theater closed quietly a few months ago and it has been reported a few times on Twitter that the sounds of heavy work have been heard going on inside.

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Does anyone have an estimate of when Falcon's Fury will be open? I'll be visiting for the first time in the middle of March. I know that once the foundation is done, tower rides go up pretty fast, but I'm sure there'll be tons of testing.

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Does anyone have an estimate of when Falcon's Fury will be open? I'll be visiting for the first time in the middle of March. I know that once the foundation is done, tower rides go up pretty fast, but I'm sure there'll be tons of testing.


According to my sources, February is when testing will begin.


Also, does anyone have updates on hypercoaster/gigacoaster project?

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Does anyone have an estimate of when Falcon's Fury will be open? I'll be visiting for the first time in the middle of March. I know that once the foundation is done, tower rides go up pretty fast, but I'm sure there'll be tons of testing.



I hope it's ready by mid-March because I'm probably going to be there a month or so later, and I will want to ride that thing. Gives a great excuse for making another trek out to Tampa to ride Cheetah Hunt.

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Does anyone have an estimate of when Falcon's Fury will be open? I'll be visiting for the first time in the middle of March. I know that once the foundation is done, tower rides go up pretty fast, but I'm sure there'll be tons of testing.


According to my sources, February is when testing will begin.


Also, does anyone have updates on hypercoaster/gigacoaster project?


That one guy working the dippin dots stand says the project is still in the works.

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Does anyone have an estimate of when Falcon's Fury will be open? I'll be visiting for the first time in the middle of March. I know that once the foundation is done, tower rides go up pretty fast, but I'm sure there'll be tons of testing.


According to my sources, February is when testing will begin.


Also, does anyone have updates on hypercoaster/gigacoaster project?


That one guy working the dippin dots stand says the project is still in the works.

Looks like the "rumor mill" is now useless

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