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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 378: New Wild Oasis details released!

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With the gift shop, are there cobra themed hats similar to the ones the performers wore, or just the standard fare in that department? This might be just the pictures you shared, but I found the ride op uniforms detract from the overall great themeing along with a rather open air station instead of in a pyramid-like structure. Again, maybe this is just the shared pictures, but I can't wait to ride it this August!

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From what few coasters I've been on, Cobra's Curse looks like a mix between Scooby Doo at Movie World (with the lift, which even appears to tilt) and Sonic Spinball (is it still called that?) at Alton Towers (with the spinning). Both, in my opinion, pretty good family coasters, and I've little doubt that this will do well for Busch Gardens.


If I could offer some criticism, it would be that it needs more theming - or at least seems to - along the ride itself. Would be good to see a long tunnel or something, but then I'm probably being unrealistic.

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^I didn't find any seat in the back row that intense. The front row is a different story though.


Maybe you blacked out and didn't remember it.


Yeah, Montu in the back row is insane. I'd love to know how many g's it pulls going into that batwing. Good lord I love that thing.

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^I didn't find any seat in the back row that intense. The front row is a different story though.


Maybe you blacked out and didn't remember it.


Yeah, Montu in the back row is insane. I'd love to know how many g's it pulls going into that batwing. Good lord I love that thing.

I remember all of my rides in the back seat and they weren't that intense. Back row on kumba is very intense but back row on Montu isn't very intense.

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^I didnt find the right or middle seats to be that intense in comparison. Still very intense though! Maybe you caught it on a slow day.. It was hauling this weekend!

BGT was my home park for a while so I've ridden it a lot and the back wasn't very intense while the front was.

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It has been my experience on all old-school B&M inverts that the back rows are wonderfully intense. Montu is no different.


And I'm another member of the Rear Right on Kumba Cult.


Zen experience - that zero G is to die for.



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Just got to experience Cobra's Curse. Great addition to Busch Gardens. They needed a well themed fun family coaster and this fits the bill. The indoor queue line is a significant step forward for the park. Hope this type of ride theming becomes standard for future park attractions.

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Thank you.

We are only going to have 1.5 days at the park (with quick pass), and we're debating on weather or not to get the added cobras curse to it. It's an extra $20, but with lines under 2 hours it shouldn't be necessary. Btw... $20 is extremely steep for 1 coaster, but we don't want to miss it.

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Tonight was the VIP party for Cobra's Curse! It was a great event, we had Montu, Cheetah Hunt and of course Cobra's Curse open to us for four hours! Plus lots of free food and drinks, which is always a plus. Cobra's Curse is really fun family coaster and a great addition to the park!



Check out the photos:


Got our credentials and we're ready to go!


Got our credentials and we're ready to go!


Got our credentials and we're ready to go!


Got our credentials and we're ready to go!


Got our credentials and we're ready to go!



Great theming in the que!



Got our credentials and we're ready to go!


Got our credentials and we're ready to go!


Got our credentials and we're ready to go!


Got our credentials and we're ready to go!


Got our credentials and we're ready to go!


Got our credentials and we're ready to go!


Got our credentials and we're ready to go!


Got our credentials and we're ready to go!


Got our credentials and we're ready to go!


Got our credentials and we're ready to go!


Got our credentials and we're ready to go!


Got our credentials and we're ready to go!


Got our credentials and we're ready to go!


Got our credentials and we're ready to go!


Got our credentials and we're ready to go!


Got our credentials and we're ready to go!



Got our credentials and we're ready to go!


Got our credentials and we're ready to go!


Got our credentials and we're ready to go!

All in all, a really fun night! Big thanks to Busch Gardens for having us out!


Sweet ride!




Now it's a party! ;)



Let's ride!


Cobra's Curse in action!




Perfect amount of waiting!


Can't pass up Cheetah Hunt while we're here!


Love walking into a station and seeing this!


Plenty of animals to hang out with.





Sometimes I hang out with penguins.


Montu was absolutely packed tonight!


Still one of the best coasters around!


Tried and failed at Ring Toss!


The ball toss is TKraptor approved!


Unlimited games!


Time for night rides!


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Can any locals chime in on how long the lines have been for cobras curse?


On a whim, I went on opening day of Cobras Curse. Got to the park around 11:30a. Posted wait time was 120min. The Queue was out past the marquee and started near Crown Colony House. Including several small downtimes, we waited roughly 80-85 minutes. We rode a second time around 3pm. Posted wait time was 60 minutes. Again, including several short downtimes, it was a true 60 (I estimate it would have been 40 without the momentary delays). Both our rides were vastly different. 1st time barely spun. And while it was fun, it was very mild. 2nd time we spun like crazy. It felt out of control. This coaster is a HUGE win for BGT. A seriously fun FAMILY coaster. Can't wait to ride again!

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