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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 378: New Wild Oasis details released!

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I was at the park this afternoon. It was busy with all the kids from Argentina line jumping, and then acting like they don't understand English. Lot's of screaming and chanting didn't add to my pleasure.


"FF" is coming right along. I'll try to get some pictures of the remaining parts stored off site tomorrow. It really dominates the skyline.

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The park has announced on its Facebook page that Cheetah Hunt is open again.


It was down most of this afternoon. I got there at 12:30, and it had a 80 minute wait. I got 2 quick rides on Montu and Cheetah wasn't Hunting anymore. They were sending lots of empty trains...

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I'm going to be in Florida next month and am planning on visiting here. I'm curious as to how the crowds are in march on a weekday.I know it's around the time spring break is. How much does that affect it and if I should get whatever BG's version of the fast pass is. And any tips on where the best place to eat is.

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I know the park is usually pretty busy around Spring Break, but I don't know exactly how much as I usually avoid going around that time. As for food, the best tasting meat-based food is over at the Zambia Smokehouse, while the Desert Grill is better if you want to watch a pretty good show while you eat. Make sure you check the times for the Desert Grill show and plan to be there about 30 minutes before the showtime so that you will definitely get through the line and get a seat before show time, as on busy days like that, getting there late could mean spending half the show in the food line or having a very hard time getting a seat.

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I know the park is usually pretty busy around Spring Break, but I don't know exactly how much as I usually avoid going around that time. As for food, the best tasting meat-based food is over at the Zambia Smokehouse, while the Desert Grill is better if you want to watch a pretty good show while you eat. Make sure you check the times for the Desert Grill show and plan to be there about 30 minutes before the showtime so that you will definitely get through the line and get a seat before show time, as on busy days like that, getting there late could mean spending half the show in the food line or having a very hard time getting a seat.


I'll second the Smokehouse. SeaWorld parks always have great BBQ! But I'd also give a shout out to the Crown Colony Restaurant. Pretty unique decor, and you can't beat that view of the African Plains.

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As far as food goes, I really like the corned beef sandwich at Desert Grill. The meat is sliced hot and to order then stacked super high. It comes with a side and the 2 of us that get it split it as its that big. I have found though during my last few visits, that it's only served until 2 or3 most days and evenings during extended hours events like hallowscream and Christmastown.

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I went this Saturday and the park was pretty busy. Cheetah Hunt had an 80 min wait! But it shut down in the afternoon and never re opened. They kept on doing test runs. =/

Also Falcon's Fury did not look that tall for me. It looked 40 ft taller than Sheikra. But Whatever. The area is coming along nicely, a lot of construction going on. Can't wait to see it finished.

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As far as food goes, I really like the corned beef sandwich at Desert Grill. The meat is sliced hot and to order then stacked super high. It comes with a side and the 2 of us that get it split it as its that big. I have found though during my last few visits, that it's only served until 2 or3 most days and evenings during extended hours events like hallowscream and Christmastown.


Funny, I just had this for the first time on Sunday. Ended up spending $14 for the sandwich, a side or fries, an Oreo cupcake the size of my head, and a souvenir refill. Might be the first time I've ever truly felt full from an amusement park meal.


I was kind of bummed, though, because later on when I was walking through the BB&BBQ event area, there was a booth selling chicken and waffles with Red Pepper Flake Syrup for $5.99. Looked like a decent amount of food for a very decent price. I'll definitely be going back to try it if I end up going back again for the event.

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I'm just interested to see what the car(s) actually look like! I'm wondering if we'll have seats similar to Insanity on top of the Stratosphere that pull back or more like the three-tower slingshot rides that rotate in place.

It was discussed in the construction tour video and is visible in the rendering above. The seats get pulled back and up, similar to how a flying coaster gets into position to leave the station.

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