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Thorpe Park Discussion Thread

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This is the best bit of advertising that Thorpe can do for the ride.


The hundreds of thousands of people who will be coming in the last month alone will give so much word of mouth about this huge new ride, and when the commercials start getting aired on TV, people will be hooked for this ride.

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Project Stealth is coming on strong, I live 35 mins drive away from the park, but I will not be going on it though.


The "Wild Mouse" at Blackpool,"Colssus" at Heide Park and "Goliath" at 6 Flags Holland in Holland are better coasters. 8) 8)


I hope the brakes are not put on side of the Bunny Hop, as your be going over the hill then come to a slow stop


why not have a straight bit of track to have the brakes on as you can then take the Bunny Hop at full speed and come out your seat.


Nemesis Inferno will be a more exciting ride than this.


It's boing going straight up over the top and straight down, why not have a twisted layout or an out "n" back type rocket coaster.


The Park should of ordered a "woodie" from The Gravity Group for their main sig coaster.

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Only the Top Hat to go nearly :shock: Looks nearby finish before the end of the season. But then I not to excited either and I'm 20mins away but I'm sure the joe public will enjoyed it and be amazed. Personally I'm won’t, Can’t think what the queue will be like and the extras like Fasttrack ect. :shock:


Official Website also had be updated. http://www.thorpepark.co.uk/explore/2006/photo_diary_September_22.asp




The Park should of ordered a "woodie" from The Gravity Group for their main sig coaster.


A Woodie would be nice, But can't see it happing. If you look here about the future http://www.southparks.org/site/features/devplan/index.shtml about 2008 its says "MTDP states that a wooden coaster's structure may be too dense and is deemed not suitable for the Park".

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To me it looks like it'll be rather like Xcellerator with a bunny hop instead of turn arounds. Not a bad thing, though it would be nice to see them do something longer with a rocket. By longer I mean longer than Storm Runner, which looks to be the best rocket by a long shot imo.


Anyway it hits 80 mph and isn't that tall which should equal a nice bit of air over that tophat.



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Actually i think the ride is kinda cool. It would fit right into a small park. The fact that it doesnt break a record is good because it wont gather a huge crowd. I mean one of these would be great at like a small park or a mid-sized park. This seems like a ride that you can ride over and over again.

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^Yep, great huh!


Its like KK, but without the height, speed or twist.

Dave "Meh" M.


Which will make it better than KK in every way possible. It wont break down as much. It wont vibrate like its riding on stones.



The paint scheme completely rocks. Thats such a great idea and looks awesome. I expect this to be better than KK and maybe the best of the "short" rockets (excluding SR and Speedmonster)

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The fact that it doesnt break a record is good because it wont gather a huge crowd.


I doubt it. I think the UK public (and the odd enthusiast or two ) are really going to lap this ride up which will mean 'huge' queue's. The sheer height will bring people flocking. Remember, big coasters dont come along very often in the UK and this is the first one over the 200ft mark down south.


I love the way 'some' people are dismissing this ride already (I'm not going to point any fingers) due to it being alot smaller than its American cousins You have to remember that most of us over here wont have experienced a coaster (well, its more a thrill ride) like this before. I for one am really looking forward to it. And anyway, biggest isnt always best!

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I mean just by looking at it it seems like it would be a ride where you wait like 10 mins. and you can ride over and over again.


Does anyone know if it will use T-Bars or OTSR's.


Would be a dream come true if there was only a 10 minute wait between each ride cycle Maybe on future off peak days, and by using single rider (when its not too busy).


I think its a safe bet to say that we'll be seeing OTSR's on Stealth sadly (though this hasnt been confirmed yet), especially as Rita at sister park Alton Towers has them.


I think parks are paranoid about the safety of the T-Bar, which is a shame (for us enthusiasts mainly, the public wont care either way) but from the parks point of view understandable. I didn't think Rita's OTSR's were actually that bad (very roomy, allowing for plenty of airtime), but obviously I'd prefer it if Stealth had T-Bars (higher sense of exposure etc).

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Europe's fastest coaster will be a big enough boast if the park need a little extra to brag out.


It's a given that it will be using the shoulder restraints of the more recent rocket coasters, not necessarliy a bad thing as they do the same job as the lap bars and don't really make you feel constricted as much as people might think. Of course, the main reason for the shoulder bars are that they are practically idiotproof.


In fact, you would probably get a better view forward on from the seats with OTSRs - it just seems that looking at both sets of stock that the huge headrests on the T-bar trains obstruct the view a heck of a lot.

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