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Anyone else prefer Vekoma SLC's?

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SLCs are headbangy and do nothing for me. However, I did like Kong at one point, when I first rode it as my 11th credit. Even then, though, I knew it was somewhat lacking; I was primarily impressed by the dramatic lift hill.


I will admit I'm not a major fan of Batmen, but at least they're intense.


My ratings:

SLC - 5 out of 10. For a full-sized thrill coaster, this is bad.

Batclones - 7 out of 10. I can recognize they're good, but they don't stand out too much.

Other inverts - 7 or 8 out of 10.

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The one at Geauga Lake was actually pretty good. I enjoyed it, and it was a fun ride. The only other SLC that I've been on is Mind Eraser at SFNE and besides the Great Adventure Viper it's the worst ride that I've ever had the misfortune of riding.


I've been on the BTR at SFGADV and SFMM and both were amazing rides. Even the best SLC sucks compared to those rides.

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I've never much cared for SLC's, but at the same time, I've been feeling kind of so-so about B&M's inverts lately, even though they are smoother.


I know in the past, I've been hard on Vekoma for cloning their coasters like crazy, but now that I think about it, B&M has become just as formulaic...I mean, on their inverts, aside from BTR, what do you see most of the time? Loop, twist, cobra roll, a couple of corkscrews, and you're done.


I think that's why I prefer wood coasters over steel ones at the moment. There's more incentive to be creative with the layout on woodies these days.

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The first time I rode Kong at SFDK, I thought it was better than the Batman clones...but I had only ridden it in the first few rows. My last ride in the back (yeah I'm hardcore) completely changed my opinion. Plus, Batman is just a flat out beast when it comes to force.


Oh yes Kong in the back is a horrible experience I hope to never relive

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The only SLC I have ridden is Mind Eraser at SFA along with the Two-Face ride. It wasn't that bad if you can prepare for the roughness of it. I have been on 1 BTR clone and that was a long time ago. I have ridden numerous inverts though and although they are smoother, I think if Vekoma would put together some different layouts and more custom type SLC's it might make a better argument. I don't really know if it is the transitions on SLC's that are so bad or if it has to do with the train design, but to me, Vekoma rides look alot better and offer more potential with the length of the train as far as ride experience goes.

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I've only been on two Batman clones (GAdv and NO), and they were both really smooth and enjoyable rides.


SLC...They're very spiratic. I've ridden a few of them, Mind Eraser and Great Nor'Easter are a few that I rode.



They're not...TERRIBLE coasters, but they're just INSANELY rough. Nor'Easter has improved with the new cars, and provide insane leg-chopping effects, but that's because it's a custom model.



And that's how it ALWAYS is. The custom SLCs are SOOO much better than the standard ones. Honestly, Vekoma should've stuck with the custom models. They worked ALOT better than their standard SLCs.



So, honestly, BTR wins for me, only because they're much smoother, much more sleek and you can have more fun on it...And especially because you don't break your back on it...

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I think the majority of people fail to grasp that it has nothing to do with "standard" or "custom" layout. Throw your favorite SLC's train onto your "custom" layout and it will ride like it always had in the past. The SLC is a well designed ride.


They're really not bad coasters. I've been beaten so much worse on one of my favorites (Shockwave, SFGam) than any of the numerous SLC's I've tried. Anybody saying otherwise is a tool who needs to apply gobfuls of vagisil onto their whiny ass vag.

It gets really old to read that one needed "spinal reconstruction" and 3 years of therapy just because it wasn't B&M smooth (and since about 2000, forceless like paralyzed people sex). It's not funny anymore. Has anyone ever laughed at "take the tunnel","ninety degrees" or "through the trees"? No, never. Those are some of the supidest things I've ever read. It stopped being funny three hundred thousand years before the first zit faced virgin internet poster posted it.


Vekoma coasters are fine. I waited longer for Top Gun than Behemoth.

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I prefer Batman, but like most other coasters Im very relaxed when boarding the train, and I just enjoy the ride. SLC's is one of the few coastertypes where I feel a bit uneasy before riding, and where I find myself shouting (woooowww) during the ride. They do throw you around quite a bit, some more than others, but I am actually yet to come off an SLC in pain.


I cant say the same about Intamin *coughColossusatThorpeparkcough*

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Yeah, I agree with the past 8 pages, Batman clones rule! Vekoma's "roll-over kidney bean" works much better on their standard Sit Down coasters. IE: Rockin' Rollercoaster. But their Standard SLC's have nothing to compare. Too slow, too rough, and poor pacing. The only thing I enjoy about the Vekoma's SLC's is the final 1/3rd curving bit of the first drop.

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SLCs are a great ride. They are one of those that the faster and rougher they go, the more worth it the ride becomes. When they're slow, it's just rough. I had some front-row rides on The Great Nor'easter that felt like the train was being pushed forth by demons. And the back row does more for it too. I like that version better than the Mind Eraser, and there's no better setting (and it's a pretty gigantic coaster to operate in that environment). Especially at night, they're open late, although haven't made the trip since the new restraints.


No one has said how superior the 2-wide seating is, although of course it overcrowds easier if they were actually popular. My last on a Batman (first after "experienced") was in the center rear, boring and I really can't rate it.... SLCs do vary a lot by seat, because the train is long compared to the size of the elements, making the end-train seats crazier; the middle is almost smooth, the design center.


The design is beautiful, a compact knot, no brakes yet perfect speeds, even a nice airtime jump. The wheel design is old, bad especially depending on maintenance, I noticed big gaps between the wheels and track on the SFA Eraser.

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I havent been on a Batman clone but I have ridden Fly the Great Nor Easter at Morey's Piers, and after reading so much anti-SLC stuff, I must say I was pleasantly suprised. Nor Easter is crammed on a pier surrounding log flumes and water rides and the interaction is what makes the ride. Very fun, I enjoyed it.

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