Wow, okay went to the park Friday night for a corporate event. I used to go to the park once a week, but was getting a bit bored of some of their attractions. Took a two year hiatus and skipped the debut of full throttle, but made it for twisted colossus last year.
New Revolution
My goodness, what a much better ride without the OTSR and trims. I grew up with the OSTR and trims, so this felt like a new ride to me. It still isn't all that amazing.. but felt much smoother and better paced. The VR was pretty neat, but the single rider queue to the front row was totally legit and the ride made me feel oh so happy on the way off.
Twisted Colossus
Yes, I pretty much love this ride at the moment. I've only had the chance to ride it 5 times over two visits, but it's such a rush each time and makes me laugh while tossing, turning, and popping all over. Such a great addition to the park.
Full Throttle
I really wish this was faster, forceful, and of course longer. It does feel like a wasted opportunity, but I can understand what they were trying to do.
Overall, my opinion of the park is pretty good. They've really started making some right decisions after the addition of apocalypse. There are a lot more "Good - Superb/Excellent operators" than there used to be.. but there were a few attractions where you start to wonder how long before an accident happens.
Don't forget to grab a funnel cake on the way out.. ice cream on the side.