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Six Flags Darien Lake (SFDL) Discussion Thread

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It would appear that SFDL used the later opening day to do some much needed work (not my photos)

New train for Mind Eraser


Both Viper trains on the track, likely meaning 2 train opsFB_IMG_1653698655179.thumb.jpg.11e431a05699aa176bd0f5208cc8b091.jpg

Visitors also reporting that ROS has moved to a locker system and Titan Track is a huge improvement on Predator.

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I saw that also.  I thought they weren't going to run Mind Eraser this year, it's nice to see it open with a "new" train even with being what it is.
There's also a clip going around of Predator on the new Titan track it looks like a really smooth transition and section.  Well done by GCI and the park to improve some of that ride.  I hope they keep adding new sections to Predator.

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7 minutes ago, Haymaker said:

That was a normal, complete and utter bullshit, Screamscape rumor. 

Fix'd that for you.

Also, calling that Mind Eraser train "new" is a massive stretch of the definition of the word.

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6 hours ago, Haymaker said:

That was an unsubstantiated Screamscape rumor. 

Correct, but they did have one thing right, it needed a "new" train, I'm just surprised they actually got one, it would be easy to block of that part of the park and not have to staff it this year

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2 hours ago, KBrylczyk said:

Jesus tapdancing christ, they couldn't even squeeze the budget to get the new restraints?

I would imagine the cost of a new train with new restraints is astronomically more than a used train from another park in the chain. 

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16 hours ago, Haymaker said:

I would imagine the cost of a new train with new restraints is astronomically more than a used train from another park in the chain. 

They can retrofit the new restraints to the old trains, AFAIK.  They did it to Nor'Easter in Jersey and a bunch of boomerangs, I think.

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1 minute ago, KBrylczyk said:

They can retrofit the new restraints to the old trains, AFAIK.  They did it to Nor'Easter in Jersey and a bunch of boomerangs, I think.

If thats the case, theres the famous Buffalo saying.... maybe next year

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The ride cranks through the end of the course. Total ride time is about 12 seconds faster, I'm told. I can just imagine how is tearing up the rest of the track, though, and if they redo it all, how much faster the ride would run. I have not been on it yet to experience it for myself.

To anyone who has been on it, is it noticably faster towards the end? Those last two major hills?

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15 hours ago, anonymouscactus said:

The ride cranks through the end of the course. Total ride time is about 12 seconds faster, I'm told. I can just imagine how is tearing up the rest of the track, though...

Maybe this is the long-con and they're hoping it tears itself apart rather than just dismantle it.  Insurance pays when the ride does it to itself.

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On 5/30/2022 at 9:25 PM, anonymouscactus said:

The ride cranks through the end of the course. Total ride time is about 12 seconds faster, I'm told. I can just imagine how is tearing up the rest of the track, though, and if they redo it all, how much faster the ride would run. I have not been on it yet to experience it for myself.

To anyone who has been on it, is it noticably faster towards the end? Those last two major hills?

Rode it this past sunday. The "death turn" that got the titan track just might be the smoothest part of the ride now. Its amazing how much that helped.


As for the speed, it honestly felt pretty similar if you ask me...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Stuff like this just makes me cringe. The dude in (Link removed because it's stupid) basically harassed one of the ride ops at Predator (and even tells on himself like it's something okay to do), and then calls it "racist" when they confronted him about it. Ride ops should never be harassed. No one should receive unsolicited flirtations when they're doing their job. And, for gosh sake, it ain't racist to call it out when it happens. The dude who made this video is actually disgusting.

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On 6/15/2022 at 10:40 PM, TheAmericanKnight said:

Stuff like this just makes me cringe. The dude in (Link removed because it's stupid) basically harassed one of the ride ops at Predator (and even tells on himself like it's something okay to do), and then calls it "racist" when they confronted him about it. Ride ops should never be harassed. No one should receive unsolicited flirtations when they're doing their job. And, for gosh sake, it ain't racist to call it out when it happens. The dude who made this video is actually disgusting.


I continue to be reminded why I dislike people...
Let's just flaunt that we're jerks and put evidence up all over the internet to prove the fact.

Why can't people just be decent?

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21 hours ago, pryonisys said:

I continue to be reminded why I dislike people...
Let's just flaunt that we're jerks and put evidence up all over the internet to prove the fact.

Why can't people just be decent?

unsupervised teens, *drops mic*

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