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Six Flags Darien Lake (SFDL) Discussion Thread

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  • 1 month later...

I saw this earlier too.  It certainly seems that either SF or EPR or both are sinking along of much needed money into the park.


I could also see this Mind Eraser refurbishment as a way for SF to add the DC character themes back to the park.  If they remove rizzly run, they have a huge plot of land with which to create Gotham City and ME gets renamed and tethered to batman or the joker for 2025 with a few flat or dark rides and shops.  


I have to say that if that were to happen and they get a second train for ROS, the park could be well on its way to much better things

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Apparently Morey's Piers did the same thing to their SLC a few years back.  They brought in new track and added some extra supports and new trains. The reviews say it's actually fantastic!

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Morey's SLC was a very extensive refurb.  They had entirely new track made using CAD techniques that weren't available when the ride was first built. It's almost an entirely new ride, and yes, it is fantastic.  It rides closer to a B&M invert than what you think of from a stereotypical SLC.  On top of the way it's entwined with the water park, it's a legitimately fantastic coaster now.

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Yeah I doubt they are doing anything close to the Morey's SLC re-do, but even just tossing on the better trains is night and day. See Riddler's Revenge at SFNE as a regionally close example. Add at least some reprofiling too and we are probably going to have a real winner here.

I didn't expect this and it is a very pleasant surprise to couple with the work the company has been doing on Predator each year. I really hope they continue working on the existing coasters (trains please!) before looking forward to any new big capital investments that would take away from their ability to fix the current problems. 

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
On 4/8/2024 at 8:01 PM, Haymaker said:

All it meant when it was branded was some logos. Nothing spectacular

Not even the damned queue line signs? (remembers mutated Oliver Queen Brainiac from our Superman ride...)

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  • 2 months later...
On 9/16/2024 at 7:01 PM, 716coaster420 said:

Ppl keep saying there are going to be more SF ride announcements in the spring so time will tell.  

Those are just the 2025 announcements for the 2024 additions that never opened.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just bringing this up as a fun topic.  Obviously nothing has been announced, but ppl are tossing the thought around that Green Lantern is closing at Great Adventure (again speculation).  I've seen quite a few ppl bring up the idea of it being relocated to a smaller park, with SFDL being one of the parks mentioned.  Thoughts? 

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