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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: Hard-Hat Tour of the Wolf's Revenge

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We hit up Busch Gardens on the 16th and 17th of June. Rides have been covered before but the beauty of the place just astounds especially after having visited Six Flags America and their hatred of trees.




My coaster partner and I arrive, the Mom and son aren't big on inversions.


The place is amazingly beautiful





Listen up Silver Dollar City, not a fake plant around except inside queues.








Lots of fun



Damn it's hot








More fooooood.

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So my brother and I are going to Busch Gardens on Saturday July 8th. We can get into the park for free because of the complimentary admission deal for military members. Assuming it'll be pretty crowded (correct me if I'm wrong), we're planning on getting the Quick Queue Unlimited pass. We haven't been to the park since Tempesto was being built, and I saw they're not included in the pass. I was just wondering, do Tempesto and InvadR have single rider lines? Thanks.


EDIT: I saw the weather as of now looks like AM Thunderstorms (although that could change). Is it possible to buy the passes inside the park after I see if it's crowded or not?

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This park has never struck me as one where a skip the line pass was necessary, even on busy days. Get there at opening, hit Tempesto and InvadR early and then decide if you feel like you need it.


Griffon, Alpengeist and Apollo rarely have lines above 15 minutes anyway. Since the pass isn't valid on the 2 rides where you need it most, it seems entirely pointless. It's basically only useful for Le Scoot and Verbolten.

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Okay, which one of you bums is at the American Revolution Museum right now? I ask because I noticed a Club TPR sticker on one of the cars in the lot.

If it helps narrow it down I think that particular person is a Club TPR member.

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This park has never struck me as one where a skip the line pass was necessary, even on busy days. Get there at opening, hit Tempesto and InvadR early and then decide if you feel like you need it.


Griffon, Alpengeist and Apollo rarely have lines above 15 minutes anyway. Since the pass isn't valid on the 2 rides where you need it most, it seems entirely pointless. It's basically only useful for Le Scoot and Verbolten.



I want to give a shout out to the ride ops at Busch Gardens. It wasn't busy when I was there so they had a bit of leeway so the booth folks were very interactive with the riders. I even complimented one when I bumped into him when he was on break outside of the ride. He was having a ball sending out the trains on Apollo. It was a stark contrast to Hershey Park where everything was prerecorded and while the operators were efficient and very down to business, it was nearly Hilter Youth like.


Okay, which one of you bums is at the American Revolution Museum right now? I ask because I noticed a Club TPR sticker on one of the cars in the lot.


It wasn't me but I'll give the place a plug. It has a living history army camp and some nice pieces including the welcome banner and carriage for Lafayette. It is spotless and immaculate. I love how they used a recreation of a British Redoubt to act as a fence for the outside parts.


Camp reenactment








Cannon and musket demostrations




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I want to give a shout out to the ride ops at Busch Gardens. It wasn't busy when I was there so they had a bit of leeway so the booth folks were very interactive with the riders. I even complimented one when I bumped into him when he was on break outside of the ride. He was having a ball sending out the trains on Apollo. It was a stark contrast to Hershey Park where everything was prerecorded and while the operators were efficient and very down to business, it was nearly Hilter Youth like.


I've had good experiences at BGW too, but I've also had great ride ops at Hershey Park. One guy I see working Wildcat occasionally is the coolest ride op I've met. It's nice to see when they seem to genuinely enjoy their job.

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Okay, which one of you bums is at the American Revolution Museum right now? I ask because I noticed a Club TPR sticker on one of the cars in the lot.



Ha! That was me. I was there with some friends from out of town. We also had a great lunch at the Water Street Grill in Yorktown, too.

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Okay, which one of you bums is at the American Revolution Museum right now? I ask because I noticed a Club TPR sticker on one of the cars in the lot.



Ha! That was me. I was there with some friends from out of town. We also had a great lunch at the Water Street Grill in Yorktown, too.

I had a suspicion! Too bad we didn't cross paths at some point. We actually ended up eating dinner at the place right next door (Riverwalk Cafe I think it was called?).


Also, ElvisLuv, great pics! My wife was in charge of taking most of the photos, and ended up dropping her DSLR the very first morning, so she's been shooting mostly blind. Still have yet to go through all the raw images.


Overall we had a great couple days down Virginia way, I hope I have the free time to write up a trip report soon. Definitely reconfirmed my suspicions that BGW is one of the best parks on the East Coast.

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Okay, which one of you bums is at the American Revolution Museum right now? I ask because I noticed a Club TPR sticker on one of the cars in the lot.



Ha! That was me. I was there with some friends from out of town. We also had a great lunch at the Water Street Grill in Yorktown, too.

I had a suspicion! Too bad we didn't cross paths at some point. We actually ended up eating dinner at the place right next door (Riverwalk Cafe I think it was called?).


Also, ElvisLuv, great pics! My wife was in charge of taking most of the photos, and ended up dropping her DSLR the very first morning, so she's been shooting mostly blind. Still have yet to go through all the raw images.


Overall we had a great couple days down Virginia way, I hope I have the free time to write up a trip report soon. Definitely reconfirmed my suspicions that BGW is one of the best parks on the East Coast.


In that area, we did Busch Gardens, Nauticus Museum in Norfolk, Mariner's Museum in Newport News, Jamestown Settlement and Historic Jamestown, Colonial Williamsburg, Water Country USA, Yorktown Battlefield and the the American Revolution Museum there.


This was my "Didn't they learn anything from Pearl Harbor" moment, Four carriers in a row. Right to left, Ike, Washington, Lincoln, and Ford.


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"Height waiver for new attraction in Busch Gardens"


"Busch Gardens Madrid" ?!?!


New country-themed land?!?!

I saw this earlier today also. I have problems visualizing where they actually have room for a whole new country themed land, but I've been surprised before. I'm curious to see if anything comes out of this.

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I would personally find it very odd for BG to add Madrid (a city) among various countries....


Hmm--"Italy" consists of "San Marco" and "Festa Italia." "Germany" was once consisted of both "Rhinefeld" and "Oktoberfest." "Canada" is "Fort New France."


I don't think it's all that strange.

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This could be completely unrelated, but I have seen some survey markers near the train tracks along the old Drachen Fire site. I don't really see them expanding that way, but I thought I'd stoke the fire anyways. I think Spain kinda makes sense if they were to add a country.

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What kind of coaster could you see in this new land if they were to build one?


I'm inclined to say RMC woodie (it would fit so well) but with Hurler getting the iron horse treatment I'm not so sure. I've also seen a B&M flyer as a long standing rumor.

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I couldn't see them immediately pissing all over their new wooden GCI with a RMC wooden coaster, but that's me. There's no guarantee if the park does receive a new section that it will immediately receive a coaster, anyway.


With Tempesto, followed quickly by InvadR, and now possibly a new area, that seems like a shit load of money to dump into a park within a very small time frame.

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I have problems visualizing where they actually have room for a whole new country themed land, but I've been surprised before. I'm curious to see if anything comes out of this.

My first thought was the Drachen Fire site. They have plenty of space back there.


What kind of coaster could you see in this new land if they were to build one?


I'm inclined to say RMC woodie (it would fit so well) but with Hurler getting the iron horse treatment I'm not so sure. I've also seen a B&M flyer as a long standing rumor.

LOL You do realize this park just opened a wooden coaster 4 months ago, right?



We know absolutely nothing about this new area other than the name on that permit (which could be a code name, yes?) so I'm not sure how you're able to assume how well an RMC would fit into it. Also, is the B&M flyer rumor the same as the perpetual Kings Dominion B&M flyer rumor that never dies yet never has and likely never will come to fruition?


For those who mentioned a star flyer - I could totally see this, or a giant frisbee of some sort? The park could definitely use more adult flats. Their coaster line-up is dynamite as it stands.

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