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Walt Disney World Magic Kingdom Discussion Thread

p. 149 - Cars Frontierland expansion, new nighttime parade, and new Villains Land announced at D23!

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I like the new station area and lime accents. I'm most excited, however, of the possibility of the stand by line actually being inside the building. It would irk me greatly to stand outside in the heat only to be "flushed" through the building and see all those switchbacks empty.


I am pretty interested to see if they try to do any suprise updates with lighting the outside of the mountain. That seems like a relatively inexpensive addition.


I see there is a wall up blocking the little garden area between the old Skyway building and Space. I hope they open that back up. I loved sitting back there in the shade to take a break from the heat.

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Thumbs up on the new neon in the queue area. I've always been partial to WDW's "pre-show" & area music on their version.


I had hoped that Disney would take a chance & include a solid launch (a la California Screamin') along w/ new track, digital effects, and 2+2+2 seating, like DL version for increased capacity.


In my opinion, I felt like DL missed an opportunity to do something great w/ their re-design & were too scared of backlash. The ride is much darker/smoother yes, but could have been more thrilling.


Given Disney's move into more thrill-oriented attractions, I thought WDW was going to benefit greatly fr: this latest re-imagining. Just hope these latest improvements (minus track replacement) stand the test of time.

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I had hoped that Disney would take a chance & include a solid launch (a la California Screamin') along w/ new track.

Oh, god no! I'm so happy they didn't touch the track layout! I love the random pops of airtime you get in the dark and I feel that if they had decided to go with a new track layout, we would have probably lost that.


WDW's Space Mountan is currently my favorite of all of them (now that they've ruined Disneyland Paris' version) and I'm very happy to say the changes were not as drastic as I feared.


I would have liked to have see an on board audio track, but like Tokyo's re-do, I don't think the ride suffers at all without one.



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I haven't ridden the WDW version yet, but I'm glad that they only made minor changes. The refurbishments on the other Space Mountain rides, although they're awesome, bare little resemblances to their original attractions.


Thankfully, now I still have a chance to ride the first-ever Space Mountain whose refurbishments didn't completely ruin the experience.


Though like you said Robb, a sound system would be nice...

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The exterior of the building looks a little odd, like not new and shiny, maybe it was just a dull day.

Regardless, very looking forward to riding again, its probably my favourite attraction in the park.


They were power washing the exterior of the mountain today too. It was pretty gross.


And I know waaaaay too much about this for living in Chicago.

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I'm both excited and disappointed from finding out that the ride has not been changed much. Honestly, I hope the trains are the same. I think they are so comfortable and I love the 1 in a row seating.


I also hope that they keep the music from the original queue in some form.

I like the new enclosed station a lot!



I think it was on the side with the most drops.

Both sides are the same! Only mirror images! Gahhhhhhh!!!

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All I hope is that they widen the regular queue out a bit. It was too tight for my taste, and with America getting larger as it is, (me as well,) some guests have a bit of a problem with it, there's not enough space to just relax, your packed liked sardines.


And I'm glad they added the games they def. needed something to pass the time.

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^I'm also with the "I'm glad not too much has changed" crowd. It's a great ride as it is, glad the just did little things here and there. I wonder what happened to the spacemen. Maybe they finally finished their repairs.

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Regarding the width of the queue, I say, the more narrow the better. The narrow lines seem to move faster because it does not allow large groups to clump up and condense. Keeps everybody moving!



Also, I know that sitting on railings is usually discouraged in queues, but I've never seen a sign or heard a person tell me not to in Space Mountain, and on the standby side, I've found that the rails are the perfect distance apart to sit on one side and put your feet on the bottom of the other.


The fastpass line, however, lacks this amazing trait.



And for the general topic:

I'm still really hoping for the same trains, and even if they change the trains, I doubt that it will be possible to make two in a row seating without replacing the track, which makes me happy, because I don't want that changed.


I want it to be darker in the ride, and I know it will be, because they are closing in the station.


I do hope that they change the projections inside the building. When I rode past one of the walls I could see really shaky looking stars, it looked pretty sad.


And what about the post-show?

I'm a big fan of the nostalgia from this area, but I also realize how old it is. So I guess I'll be happy whether they keep it or change it.

Does anyone else know what I'm talking about when I say

blue light shining through thin pieces of wood with holes in it?


Those remind me of a store shelf, where all of the pegs hang from.


They've been working on this refurb for a while, so I'm sure that there is a lot more that they've been working on that we don't know about.

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I've found that the rails are the perfect distance apart to sit on one side and put your feet on the bottom of the other.


Not everyone is exactly the same height as you. Also, no body wants to touch where your A$$ has been!


People seem to be fine with touching where thousands of people put their hands all day long, my shorts aren't making the railings any dirtier...


You don't have to be an exact height, but it is a nice place to rest.




<--- Showing my love for the railing

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There was a comment Robb made about how he hopes the ride'll be darker because of the surprise airtime moments...I completely agree. Also, I would hope it's darker because I love getting the $hit kicked out of me by those laterals.


I'm glad the ride aspect isn't changing, this had to be my favourite coaster at WDW.

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Why did they enclose the station? It used to be fun watching the "rockets" zip around while you were waiting.

It should make the ride itself much darker!


And if you looked hard enough, you could see the supports and the track of the entire ride from the loading station...which ruins the theme a bit.

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Why did they enclose the station? It used to be fun watching the "rockets" zip around while you were waiting.


Also, the theme is set in space.... where us people can't breathe.... so a queue inside a space station makes alot more sense lol. I am a fan of the unrealistic and loved watching the rockets.

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Space Mountain at Disneyland originally had a big window where waiting guests could watch the "rockets" zoom by. Even funnier was that when you were on the ride and passed that spot, you could look to the left and see the guests from your rocket. Thematically correct to be sure.


But when the ride was rehabbed back in 2003-2005, they sealed that window, which made the interior darker and, in my opinion, is a better ride for it.


I also liked watching the rockets fly by, whether at Disneyland or WDW, but a darker ride will be better.



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