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Walt Disney World Magic Kingdom Discussion Thread

p. 149 - Cars Frontierland expansion, new nighttime parade, and new Villains Land announced at D23!

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Not a fan of duplicate rides being right next to each other. Certainly there is another family flat that would fit into the Dumbo/circus theme.


Dumbo, for whatever reasons, is one of the most iconic park attractions in the world, and with it's low capacity is a long-line nightmare for those with small children. Surely there would be an obvious benefit to building two Dumbo rides side by side. Not having Dumbo at all would cause toddlers all over the world to riot in the streets.

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The Cinderella Attraction looks like the beginning of the Haunted Mansion, with the stretching rooms. Possibly the mansion where she was a slave to her stepmother and sisters. Why are they building a Cinderella Attraction when her freaking Castle is the park's main icon? I understand Aurora, Belle and Ariel, but why the emphasis on her?


All of the other attractions look like either walk-throughs, meet and greets, or possibly some kind of new interactive stuff.


With the economy still not so great, I don't see why they WOULDN'T start selling adult drinks at the MK like at Gaston's Tavern.


Also, it looks like Snow White and Pooh are getting brand new queues like what they did for Disneyland's dark rides. Finally.


So...where is Enchanted or The Frog Prince in these plans?

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^^ It appears that the queue for the double Dumbos, will be interactive. That may have something to do with it. Besides, with two of the spinners, the line won't be as long.....one would hope.


^ I'm betting the Cinderella attraction will be exactly like the Sleeping Beauty one at DL. A little walk through of the story.

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They could have one Dumbo flying in one direction & the 2nd flying in the other. But why 2 when there is Astro Orbitor in Tomorrowland? Also they are putting in a new sub ride-sometime which will most likely be a copy of the Nemo sub ride at Disneyland. & If you read the news at Screamscape the plans are definate for a Seven Dworfs roller coaster in Fantasyland(Snow White is safe). But it still won't be original since they are copying the Mermaid DCA ride & the Nemo subs. Disney should stop making so many clones! WDW should have totatally different rides(like Peter Pan's Flight turn it into something that's not a Disneyland copy) from Disneyland but keep the same names.

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So in one park we'll have four of these things flying? (Don't forget the Magic Carpets of Aladdin in Adventureland.)


I vote for a DL-Indy clone.


Someone mentioned before that the Magic Carpets could actually become the second Dumbo ride. Still though, there's a lot of them.

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They could have one Dumbo flying in one direction & the 2nd flying in the other. But why 2 when there is Astro Orbitor in Tomorrowland? Also they are putting in a new sub ride-sometime which will most likely be a copy of the Nemo sub ride at Disneyland. & If you read the news at Screamscape the plans are definate for a Seven Dworfs roller coaster in Fantasyland(Snow White is safe). But it still won't be original since they are copying the Mermaid DCA ride & the Nemo subs. Disney should stop making so many clones! WDW should have totatally different rides(like Peter Pan's Flight turn it into something that's not a Disneyland copy) from Disneyland but keep the same names.


To an enthusiast or most adults, the Orbitors look like the same spinning ride as Dumbo but that's completely missing the point. The Dumbo ride is a Disney icon and for most little ones is absolutely the most essential ride in all of Disney-dom. The target audience is absolutely not people who would care if the park had four similar rides, all they care about is meeting Mickey and going on Dumbo.


The subs aren't coming back to MK. Check out an overhead view, the lagoon is completely filled in. It's not there any more.


As for WDW having different rides from DLR with the same names...why does it really matter? I many (most?) cases that's already how it is, but cloning rides saves Disney a millions upon millions of dollars and it's not as if your average park goer is even going to know. Sure having different rides can be nice for us enthusiasts but most people don't hop from CA to FL and know all the differences.

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Toontown Fair, and by the looks of the concept art in hi-res, Barnstormer looks to remain where it is, albeit with a new dual-Dumbo neighbor. As far as the rest of it, who knows? (4000 pixels long, I don't think an image tag would be appreciated.)




If I'm not mistaken, it looks as if the new train station will be moved down a bit from the current location as well.


EDIT: If I'm looking at this right, the majority of the Fair will be taken over by Pixie Hollow. Also based on this blueprint it now appears that the same train station will simply be re-themed (way over near "DUMBO" on the far right edge).


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From what I've heard, Barnstormer is going to be re-themed, and remain in it's place. Kind of sad, as I always liked the plane theme.


The train station shouldn't be moving, and Toon Town/Fair, Mickey Birthdayland, whatever is going the way of the dodo. This is pretty exciting, although I can't say there's a ton of new additions that excite me, but I can certainly see a lot of little girls loving this new area. And some older girls too.


The Little Mermaid ride is a long needed addition, and one that's been on the drawing board for years. I can't wait for it, as it's still one of favorite Disney movies.

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I agree that the Dumbo thing is a great idea, when I visited in 2008 that was the longest line on the whole trip. When we were in line it's aggravating because we pretty much walked on huge rides but had to wait for a ride that just spins. So I see why they are doing this.....


The whole plan looks amazing but my daugther will be alot older (12) once it opens Can't wait to go in 2010 again.....

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I agree that the Dumbo thing is a great idea, when I visited in 2008 that was the longest line on the whole trip. When we were in line it's aggravating because we pretty much walked on huge rides but had to wait for a ride that just spins. So I see why they are doing this.....


The whole plan looks amazing but my daugther will be alot older (12) once it opens Can't wait to go in 2010 again.....

In August when we went, there was a massive rain storm that closed everything for 2 hours. Even then, there was a 30 minute wait for Dumbo well over an hour before the ride opened. You would just see one parent standing there and looking like they were thinking "I am in line for this!?!"

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Did they happen to explain the queque in any detail? I've read that its more of a play area than simply standing in line. Accurate?


All in all, the look of their Little Mermaid clone exterior is quite stunning. Most the artwork is actually for that entire area. It might be a tad overboard on the meet & greet areas, and imo, maybe Pixie Hollow could be more than just a "playzone".


I suppose in the future the space could be adapted to an actual attraction when/if the Princess merchandise thing fades out. Especially, since Dumbo is extremely popular, that are could be useful in brining in some other styles of kid appropiate highly themed falts in the future.


I noticed they said it's the largest expansion in many years. Which is 1 dark ride, a restaraunt, a playground/zone, and a additional spinner. That's one leisurely pace for expansion!

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I suppose in the future the space could be adapted to an actual attraction when/if the Princess merchandise thing fades out.


I wouldn't count on that Princess thing fading out anytime soon. There will always be little girls. A HUGE percentage of whom will ALWAYS dream of being a princess. And considering Disney is basing the marketing off of movie characters that are 10, 20, 30+ years old, yet are still raking in millions off of them, I think the trend is fairly safe.


I noticed they said it's the largest expansion in many years. Which is 1 dark ride, a restaraunt, a playground/zone, and a additional spinner. That's one leisurely pace for expansion!

Well, they do have three other parks on site as well. Disney doesn't use the same playbook as everyone else.

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