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Walt Disney World Magic Kingdom Discussion Thread

p. 149 - Cars Frontierland expansion, new nighttime parade, and new Villains Land announced at D23!

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^ That reads like it will be closed on April 19th.


Is there any news of an on board audio system? Really that seems to be the big thing missing that has enchanced the other versions. It seemed weird to go on the Tokyo version with all it's new "updates" and have no audio system.


It really felt like something was missing and everytime I go on the Florida version, even though it's my favorite of all Space Mountain's, without the audio it really feels like it is lacking something.



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I've always preferred the California version (especially after they added the music), but I had a great ride on Florida's last October. Adding music, along with the new track, would be great.

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My only gripe about Space Mountain at WDW was that it can be a bit rough, but I do like its layout and will be glad to see it remain the same.


However, I wonder if the configuration of track/trains will remain the same; that is, the 3+3 inline seating and narrow "Matterhorn-esque" track. Most likely, I'd guess, unless they do add an onboard sound systems which would require a beefier track for the heavier trains.



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While the improvements will be great for the ride, I'm a little disappointed that I will be unable to ride Space Mountain if/when I go to WDW this year. Space Mountain was one of the rides I was looking foreword to riding the most, but now I'l have to wait even longer to finally get the credit.


I understand that new effects will be added, but what does the track replacement mean? Will this be an entirely new coaster, or will only the pieces that ned to be replaced be replaced?

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From reading the rumor blogs, it seems like the initial plans for installing the full sound/SFX package from DLR has been shelved in favor of just a minor cosmetic refresh due to economic concerns.

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^Yeah, but this is a step in the right direction. Economy or not, now it will be a quicker refurb in the future if they decide to add audio to the cars instead of doing EVERYTHING at once and having the ride down for like a bazillion years as they did at Disneyland.


Like we're discussing in the Everest Yeti thread, WDW does not like to have rides down for an extended period of time. Having it down for two shorter periods years apart is a better idea.

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I know the early rumors called for this to be in the same vein as the DL refurb, but with the economy, they have opted for a cheaper redo. I also wonder if they will replace the entire track structure or just parts that need work.


I much prefer the Disneyland version to WDW's and agree with Robb that sound should be something they add in the near future. Riding both the WDW and TDR versions I definitely noticed something missing. Both the DL and HKDL versions provide a superior experience simply because of their onboard sound.


My only disappointment with this shortened refurb was that they don't have the money for something major like was originally rumored two years ago. With the size of the dome, they could've changed the ride to one track that is double wide and created a wonderful new Space Mountain that would've been enormous. (Of course this plan may have never actually been on the table given that it was a rumor.) Oh well, the ride is pretty darn good the way it is.

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I hope the new version is a lot smoother. My last ride was in December 2006 and it was so rough I almost had a headache, the only other coaster to give me a headache was Hercules.


I know it won't happen but I would have liked to have seen the 2 tracks completely different, keep 1 track as a regular not to intense coaster and make the other one a lot scarier, inversions, large drops, sharp banked turns etc.

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^ The only problem with keeping one track as is and adding inversions to the other is that you'd either have to get all new trains, or keep one kind on the non-inverting side, and new ones with OTSRs on the other one. Right now, should they choose or need to, cars could be used on either track (if there's a switch track that allows for it---I honestly don't know).


My last ride was in October 2006, and, yeah, it was quite rough.



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I hope the new version is a lot smoother. My last ride was in December 2006 and it was so rough I almost had a headache, the only other coaster to give me a headache was Hercules.


I know it won't happen but I would have liked to have seen the 2 tracks completely different, keep 1 track as a regular not to intense coaster and make the other one a lot scarier, inversions, large drops, sharp banked turns etc.


I personally think Screamin and Rockin will be the most intense Disney coasters at parks owned by Disney. Now that I think about it the small rides kind of make Disney fun. If you have something that works( all the amazingly themed disney coasters) and have one of,if not the most popular theme parks on earth, why change anything. Besides, we don't want another mission 2 on our hands.

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Thanks for the news, Adam. Good news indeed.


I was not thrilled when the rumor mill was churning up stories about a complete DLR redo. I like DLR's version, but there's still something about WDW's that gets me more excited.


It's gotten rough, but I still love it.

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The layout of the track will remain the same, however.


You can't see it, but I'm doing a happy dance right now!


Other upgrades will include a new enclosure for the ride’s queuing area and a new ceiling inside its signature, white dome, Finger said.


Does this mean I won't be seeing the giant flying chocolate chip cookie in space anymore?



“We’re retaining many of the classic elements that made Space Mountain a right of passage at the Magic Kingdom that’s been enjoyed by generations,” Finger said.

Again, I'm very happy about this. While I'm a huge fan of on-board audio, this is one coaster I'm happy to leave as is.




Scott "not embarrassed to say it's my favorite steelie" B.

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  • 4 months later...

After checking up on screamscape and the official WDW site, Disney indeed mentions a "pumping musical score" and synthesized sounds of space in the ride description. I can finally rest easy about this whole rehab now but let's just hope that the soundtrack is up to par with DL's and not another Red hot Chili Pepper attraction.


On the contrary, I hope that they don't just set up some speakers throughout the building and call it on board audio. Could anybody else see that happening?

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^ I haven't heard them calling this "On Board Audio" at all. It could very well be enviornmental audio around the track.




Just in case it is only environmental audio, have you ever ridden a coaster with a similar sound system? And if so, how was the actual quality and clarity of the audio? I understand that Disney could probably do it as well or better than anyone else but I would like to get an idea of what to expect. I guess that could possibly make more sense with the tiny size of the track on this ride.

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Yeah, I'm thinking it could just be sound-effect stuff at certain points of the ride. They already have 2 area's where that is before the lift and at the final breaks. Granted, those are in tunnels so it makes it easier to pick up. Maybe they are tunnelling other parts of the ride!!!!


I'm also one who MUCH prefers the MK version of space. I find Disneyland's to be rather boring, even with the new audio and effects.


Plus that one, after riding Saturday, is in DESPERATE need of another refurb.

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^ I haven't heard them calling this "On Board Audio" at all. It could very well be enviornmental audio around the track.




Just in case it is only environmental audio, have you ever ridden a coaster with a similar sound system? And if so, how was the actual quality and clarity of the audio? I understand that Disney could probably do it as well or better than anyone else but I would like to get an idea of what to expect. I guess that could possibly make more sense with the tiny size of the track on this ride.

Well, Evolution (Revolution) at Bobbejaanland had a pretty awesome pumping soundtrack playing in the building as the train went through the course. That was pretty freaking great!


EuroMir also has an AWESOME sound track playing during the indoor section of the ride. So it's been done very successfully before and I agree, if this is the route Disney chooses to go, then I would hope they can do it even better!



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^ Disney certainly doesn't have a problem having audio on many of their dark-rides that aren't on-ride, so I would assume they could use some of those same tricks for Space Mtn.


Granted, the speeds are obviously going to be MUCH different, but if anybody can make it work, it's Disney.

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