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TPR's Deep South 2009 Trip!

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Is that actually the same pole from the original Elissa photo? Is she really a whole foot taller than both Nay & Robb?!


I noticed that also, the pole has clearly been replaced, as that ornamental ball that Elissa was rubbing against is not part of this pole.

The base of the pole had stuff added to it.



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I am still not swayed and my vote will remain with Renee and her lovely knockers! I have always been a big Renee fan!



Ice Bat was some tough competition though, but he took his Valuable Big Mike Reader Pin off, so he came in 2nd!



Peace, Big Mike

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EDIT! This just in! I had been told that Brooke (dcody) took a Carowinds picture with an a$$ cheeck in each state, but I never saw the photo in all the memory cards we collected. I checked again tonight and I found the pic!!!




Good to see that all that Minneapolis training has been put to good use.

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I'm going with #0, the Ice Bat crucifixion scene.


Most people don't realize what a nasty way to die crucifixion is. It's a very slow death. It takes hours or even days to die while you're up there naked, attached to a pole for all who walk by to see you, ridicule you, throw stuff at you, etc. Animals, like packs of wild dogs, may come along and start chewing off pieces of your body.


Eventually, you die of sepsis, shock, blood loss, or even dehydration. But it's a horribly slow and agonizing demise.


Notice how calmly Ice Bat accepts his fate, as if he's from another world. A better world. Ice Bat must truly be our lord and savior.

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Changing my vote


There are 2 pictures now, each with one of my favorite things... (sing the song from Sound of Music... Boobs and tight asses in red satin panties..is that how it goes?)


1/2 vote for Renee


1/2 vote for the Oscar winning performance of having butt cheeks in two different states to Brooke.

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As an a$$ man, I would definitely go with #10. However, her expression seems to be more of pain than pleasure. (Unlike the classic Elissa photo.) Is it wrong for me to kinda find that erotic?




IMHO it really is more the subtle nuances that the artist is trying to express in the photo that sells it as the best one in the lot. If you'll be so kind as to notice that the a$$ in general leans to the North side of the pole while the pained expression favors the South. This conjures visions of the ongoing battle between good and evil, light and dark, life, death, chicken or egg. What is our final destination after serving our time here in this plain of existence. Good being North (Heaven), bad being South (Hell). The pained expression as well as the hand holding on for dear life on the Southern side gives way to feelings of being dragged to somewhere the soul chooses not to go. In stark contrast, to the North one free floating, effervescent, petal soft, hand and a$$ appear to dance effortlessly toward all that is good and holy. It tells me that the soul wants to be in the cool, comfortable bosom of the North, but has been unfairly chosen by the evil flames and their minion that live below.


It's not just some random photo people, it truly is a captivating work of one artists inner struggle. That is why #10 is hands down the winner in this little contest.


Guy "I see more than just the text." Koepp

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I thought DCody was a guy.


Shhhhh! Don't tell her fiance!


A couple of years ago I got on Ed's s*** list because I thought he was a girl. If I worked the Guess Your Age or Weight game and they added Gender to it I might be in trouble.

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I'm working on another update now, but just sooo many photos to sort through! We ended up having a backstage tour of both Mystery Mine and Blazin' Fury; ERT on Tennesse Tornado, Mystery Mine, and Thunderhead; VIP seating at Sho-Kan-Oh-Hey with a Q&A session featuring the writer of the show, and FANTASTIC ham and beans lunch (yes you read that right) so I have litterally THOUSANDS of photos to sort through from Dollywood!


Update will come soon I swear!




Awesome. I won the Screamscape drawing for tickets to Dollywood, so I'll hopefully be making a trip down there at some point this season. Any more info I can get about the park will be helpful.


And mt vote fors for #0, followed closely by the threesome-across-two-states.

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