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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

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I say bulldoze T3 and extend the Twins coaster over in that direction when *keeping fingers crossed* RMC gets ahold of it like some of the rumors are saying. They could really make one heck of a coaster by combining both sides and extending it. I know it'll never happen just saying.

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I just really hope T3 is up and running by this year & it doesn't have an Enterprise incident. Yes, Enterprise had a part go bad and what caused it to be delayed a year was the fact that it took a year for the piece to arrive, but maybe there is more to simple refurbishments and new train installation that's causing the constant delay. All I know is I really hope the ride is open by the end of the season.

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haha...yeah you have to read more than one forum on KK to get any sense of balance please share your thoughts on LR. I love it. I will be there Sunday for the first time this season.

I agree, This forum is the only place where you can have a balanced discussion about Kentucky Kingdom. Other dark places does nothing but make False Claims to attempt to damage KK PR.

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If you look at the KK Facebook page, there are many many many people that are bashing T3 rather than anticipating the comeback of it. Looks like the GP isn't such a fan of the coaster after all

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I would have to disagree when I've looked and I've looked everyday...... the only reason people are saying bad things about T3 is because its not open yet. which makes me think its really wanted.

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Yeah I didn't see anything let alone "many many many people bashing T3" I don't get why everyone loves it but they really do. I rode it once. Been many times but once was enough for me haha. It's not so much that it's rough, there are just about 5 moments where your head is just SLAMMED into the restraints. But new restraints really helped flight of fear at KI so maybe they can work some magic here too.

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There were some mechanics looking at the ride when I passed by. A woman stationed outside the ride said management needs the state to come inspect it before it can open to the public. Theres a possibility it could open up anytime this coming week.


Apart from that, I'm currently in a full queue for the River Rapids Ride. Very popular (though slow moving) ride on this boilling hot day.

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There were some mechanics looking at the ride when I passed by. A woman stationed outside the ride said management needs the state to come inspect it before it can open to the public. Theres a possibility it could open up anytime this coming week.


Apart from that, I'm currently in a full queue for the River Rapids Ride. Very popular (though slow moving) ride on this boilling hot day.



How is it compared to the Penguins Blizzard River. It was in my top 2 Rapids Rides (Tied with Rapids at Hersheypark RIP)

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There were some mechanics looking at the ride when I passed by. A woman stationed outside the ride said management needs the state to come inspect it before it can open to the public. Theres a possibility it could open up anytime this coming week.


Apart from that, I'm currently in a full queue for the River Rapids Ride. Very popular (though slow moving) ride on this boilling hot day.



How is it compared to the Penguins Blizzard River. It was in my top 2 Rapids Rides (Tied with Rapids at Hersheypark RIP)

If it was in your top-tier for the theming, then I think you're in luck. Six Flags removed just enough DC Penguin theming for KK to not get sued. Raging Rapids River Ride is indeed the most heavily themed ride in the park, which is almost quite alien for the park come to think of it. It has quite a good length to it too! Biggest downside is that it is in need of more rafts, and by then probably some more employees to help with bringing it to "people-eater" status because it looks like it has the potential (I think I counted 4 or 5 rafts). The line was at a standstill most of the time, before moving forward a couple of feet every now and then.


At the end of my day, I bumped into Ed Hart near the front entrance and said hello. We spoke for a bit, before he mentioned that he had a special announcement to make sometime in July about the future of the park and what ride Twisted Twins is going to be. He did confirm that it should be pieced into one big ride and that work for it has already gone underway, so that is something to definitely look forward to!

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There were some mechanics looking at the ride when I passed by. A woman stationed outside the ride said management needs the state to come inspect it before it can open to the public. Theres a possibility it could open up anytime this coming week.


Apart from that, I'm currently in a full queue for the River Rapids Ride. Very popular (though slow moving) ride on this boilling hot day.



How is it compared to the Penguins Blizzard River. It was in my top 2 Rapids Rides (Tied with Rapids at Hersheypark RIP)

If it was in your top-tier for the theming, then I think you're in luck. Six Flags removed just enough DC Penguin theming for KK to not get sued. Raging Rapids River Ride is indeed the most heavily themed ride in the park, which is almost quite alien for the park come to think of it. It has quite a good length to it too! Biggest downside is that it is in need of more rafts, and by then probably some more employees to help with bringing it to "people-eater" status because it looks like it has the potential (I think I counted 4 or 5 rafts). The line was at a standstill most of the time, before moving forward a couple of feet every now and then...



It wasn't in my top for Theming, But for getting you Soaked.

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There were some mechanics looking at the ride when I passed by. A woman stationed outside the ride said management needs the state to come inspect it before it can open to the public. Theres a possibility it could open up anytime this coming week.


Apart from that, I'm currently in a full queue for the River Rapids Ride. Very popular (though slow moving) ride on this boilling hot day.



How is it compared to the Penguins Blizzard River. It was in my top 2 Rapids Rides (Tied with Rapids at Hersheypark RIP)

If it was in your top-tier for the theming, then I think you're in luck. Six Flags removed just enough DC Penguin theming for KK to not get sued. Raging Rapids River Ride is indeed the most heavily themed ride in the park, which is almost quite alien for the park come to think of it. It has quite a good length to it too! Biggest downside is that it is in need of more rafts, and by then probably some more employees to help with bringing it to "people-eater" status because it looks like it has the potential (I think I counted 4 or 5 rafts). The line was at a standstill most of the time, before moving forward a couple of feet every now and then.


At the end of my day, I bumped into Ed Hart near the front entrance and said hello. We spoke for a bit, before he mentioned that he had a special announcement to make sometime in July about the future of the park and what ride Twisted Twins is going to be. He did confirm that it should be pieced into one big ride and that work for it has already gone underway, so that is something to definitely look forward to!

Did you talk to him about T3?
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At the end of my day, I bumped into Ed Hart near the front entrance and said hello. We spoke for a bit, before he mentioned that he had a special announcement to make sometime in July about the future of the park and what ride Twisted Twins is going to be. He did confirm that it should be pieced into one big ride and that work for it has already gone underway, so that is something to definitely look forward to!


Amazing! I can tell you guys that Twisted Colossus was amazing, so if you get anything similar, you're in luck!

That video from a few years ago, he mentioned how much he liked the name 'Double Trouble,' it would be cool to see that come back, Twisted Twins is a bit generic IMO.

I'm excited to see what RMC can do with only 80 ft, but then again, Medusa isn't much taller!


If the coaster is kept separated as two coasters, KK will potentially have three airtime coasters designed by Ride Centerline (Alan Shilke's company)! Be excited you guys

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Apart from that, I'm currently in a full queue for the River Rapids Ride. Very popular (though slow moving) ride on this boilling hot day.

How is it compared to the Penguins Blizzard River. It was in my top 2 Rapids Rides (Tied with Rapids at Hersheypark RIP)

If it was in your top-tier for the theming, then I think you're in luck. Six Flags removed just enough DC Penguin theming for KK to not get sued. Raging Rapids River Ride is indeed the most heavily themed ride in the park, which is almost quite alien for the park come to think of it. It has quite a good length to it too! Biggest downside is that it is in need of more rafts, and by then probably some more employees to help with bringing it to "people-eater" status because it looks like it has the potential (I think I counted 4 or 5 rafts). The line was at a standstill most of the time, before moving forward a couple of feet every now and then...


It wasn't in my top for Theming, But for getting you Soaked.


Oh. You're guaranteed to get wet on it thanks to lots of spray elements, not with as much soakage as Mile High Falls though. This should give some context as to what I mean.



Did you talk to him about T3?


It never really came up. I figured I'd take the word of the staffer at the entrance who said it just needed to be inspected by the state.


Speaking of which, I had also forgotten to upload the pics I took of T3 with what I could see of the new trains.


Edited by Midgetman82
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