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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

P. 410: Discovery Meadow details revealed!

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Screamscape is saying that T3 might not be open for a few more weeks I was hoping to ride next weekend but oh well. I agree that there's no way they could give any real information about the delay without making the ride seem unsafe.


But screamscape is also saying that locals had better take pictures of TT, because they will be changing SOON. A RMC overhaul will give KK a very solid lineup of coasters, putting it inline with holiday world in terms of coasters.

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SFKK was imfamous for the Superman accident. And then prior, the Hellevator. I promise you, I still hear all sorts of stuff anytime I am inside any park with a drop tower. Want to bring more PR damage that it can't handle now?

Edited by RollerManic
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I have. I see tons of people asking when the ride will be open. I am just suggesting a well worded truthful explanation might calm the GP down and make them appreciate why it is taking some extra time. It also may be something completely different and would not warrant any further information. We do not know at this point and may never.


There is something that is not going according to plan or else T3 would have opened on May 30th as was announced or June 6th as was announced. If you give the GP a reason to doubt your competence, which, not getting things ordered/installed/inspected according to a schedule you originated is a reason, they will doubt your competence on numerous fronts.


Sometimes silence is the best way to approach something because as soon as you post something to your wall on Facebook it opens you up criticism on that front that thousands of people, including news stations, will see. News stations want nothing more than to report on how unsafe you are in order to get you to keep tuning back in. Posting anything relating to a matter such as this is probably a bad business practice, especially for this park. On the other hand, advertising a ride will be opening, when you aren't sure if you can meet that date, let alone a month afterwards, probably is a bad business practice as well.


I just hope it opens this month or else I have a feeling sharks(WAVE3 and WHAS11) will sense blood in the water and send their investigatory "reporters" to the park for "answers".

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All I am saying is that people assume the worst. If there is a simple explanation that could be given and spun in a positive manner it would go over better than the repeated "coming soon". If it is something truly bad and difficult to solve, I completely understand their silence. I am not saying they are wrong in their handling of the situation, just that depending on the nature of the problem it may or may not be more beneficial to them to be more transparent. Being that we do not know what the issue is, we can not say for sure. People will speculate all kinds of crazy scenarios (I'm sure you have heard some of the wild stories about the original KI Bat) that are far worse than "we decided to make the ride better/safer and it is taking a little longer than we initially planned." Truthfully, its neither our's nor the GP's business what is going on with the ride but people appreciate being kept in the loop, especially if they have bought tickets/season passes with the expectation of riding T3. I'm just looking for a way to turn a negative into a potential positive for them and this is all pure speculation anyway. Maybe its far worse. Maybe there were originally two new trains and one flew off the track and exploded in a ball of flame as it crashed into the old Batman show theater... or maybe they just decided to upgrade the braking system.

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The braking system is being upgraded to magnetic braking. This has been the plan all along. I have no doubt that the issue is minor and I have full confidence in the abilities of the staff at KK. All I am saying is that the GP doesn't see the efforts the staff goes through and they are quick to write off the park as inept when they miss an opening date by 2 weeks. This view could hurt a park that is just starting up and trying to shake the stigma of the previous owners.


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I agree with you 100% I think we are on the same page here. Most people have no idea what it has taken to bring this ride back. Some pics of the folks hard at work on what they are doing to it on social media would be awesome. "Here we are installing state of the art magnetic brakes on T3. Be ready to ride soon!" It would keep things in a positive light, build some hype, cut out the wild speculation and keep them from having to constantly answer "when is T3 going to be open." I absolutely believe it is something minor. Most people just don't get that with something as complex as a roller coaster that something minor can take a bit of time to make right. Then you have the folks on that other thread on that other forum making it out to be that the park doesn't have the money to open the ride...people always assume the worst.

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It would go something like this:


"Were sorry for the delay; we're totally retrofitting the breaking system on T3 and want to make sure everything is in perfect condition before opening the ride to the public." KK press release


"KK ride experiencing problems with malfunctioning break system!" CJ Headline


"KK ride not fit for public opening! How in danger are your children? Find out at 11..." WAVE

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The braking system is being upgraded to magnetic braking. This has been the plan all along. I have no doubt that the issue is minor and I have full confidence in the abilities of the staff at KK. All I am saying is that the GP doesn't see the efforts the staff goes through and they are quick to write off the park as inept when they miss an opening date by 2 weeks. This view could hurt a park that is just starting up and trying to shake the stigma of the previous owners.

so it looks like there will be 2 trains.

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I wouldn't expect it until we see a second train on the tracks, but from that message, I would say that's what the plan is. Probably wanting to get a reliable cycle from 1-train op before putting a second one on the circuit.


Just because the second train is there, though, I would not anticipate them running 2-train op very often. KK seems to prefer 1-train op as long as the line isn't exceeding an hour and a half or so, as seen on Lightning Run. From a financial standpoint, it makes sense. The fewer cycles, the less replacement parts are required. I don't like it from a guest experience standpoint, but if it allows them to focus there efforts and finances on future enhancements, I can tolerate it.

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While an I-Box would be great for Twins, I'd prefer the park to demo the ride and RMC to build from scratch.


If they were to demolish TT and build something new, the ride would have a much lower height limit as the height limit has changed since TT was built. I'm pretty sure if they are going to build a new coaster on that site, it's going to be with the current structure. I would like something new to be built there as the view from Crittenden with that steel is really unattractive, but I don't think it's going to happen.

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While an I-Box would be great for Twins, I'd prefer the park to demo the ride and RMC to build from scratch.


If they were to demolish TT and build something new, the ride would have a much lower height limit as the height limit has changed since TT was built. I'm pretty sure if they are going to build a new coaster on that site, it's going to be with the current structure. I would like something new to be built there as the view from Crittenden with that steel is really unattractive, but I don't think it's going to happen.

I was unaware that this area of the park had lowered the height restriction over the years. It just seems like 80 feet is a pretty big (ironically) crutch for the ride. How about instead of doing two lifts, like Twisted Colossus, they demolish the second lift for a launch with low-to-the ground elements and short ejector airtime hills?

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For the record, I attended the NAPHA event at KK the day after Holiwood Nights. You didn't hear about it? Don't feel alone. There were only 28 attendees, I think. Anyways, Ed Hart was given a plaque and took a few questions. Before even doing that, he referred to TT and stated we'd see something in the next 30 days. I guess that would mean we just have a couple more weeks left before anything is announced, but the way he stated things with regards to the ride, it sounded like it was not being torn down. Take that for what you will.

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I really can't wait for T3. I am disappointed on how it was delayed twice. I wish they'd provide a exact date. I don't like having to check their website daily to see if it's operating.


@Midgetman, thanks for sharing those! I was really curious as to what he cars looked liked!

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RMC Double trouble in 2016!


While it may be RMC remodeling the ride remember that Ed have been planning the reopening since before RMC became a thing, it could very well be someone else who is doing it.

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Is there any hard evidence RMC is doing anything with TT? It's still just wishful thinking at this point, right?


Im very excited that the structure is steel. It'll mean less odd-ball supporting and *hopefully* a much cleaner look.


I'm pretty sure you just pulled this out of your tookus. Am I wrong? With a new layout and stronger forces, of course they'd need to add onto the structure. The ride was built with the current layout in mind.

Edited by neil009
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People have said that people were inspecting the ride and had blueprints. So it seems that the layout will be drastically different. So it's probably RMC, GG, or another unknown manufacturer.

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People have said that people were inspecting the ride and had blueprints. So it seems that the layout will be drastically different. So it's probably RMC, GG, or another unknown manufacturer.


That's a pretty huge leap in logic. Not saying you're wrong, just that that's very far from hard evidence. The "blueprints" could've been literally anything.

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