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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

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^As I said, when Alan Schilke said three are planned (might've been IAApA 2014), Wildfire was planned for 2016. Seeing as reopening Twisted Twins in 2016 was announced even before then, one of the projects I listed as possible cannot be.


Projects reschedule, there's still 3 projects for 2016, and none of them are Wildfire (or La Ronde)

I heard A LOT that La Ronde will be in 2017 for the park's 50th anniversary and it will be a brand new topper track coaster like Goliath at six flags great america or outlaw run and it will be on le cobra's emplacement.

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So wait, is all this talk about 3 projects because you don't think they will do more than those if asked? RMC probably has proposals for 5-10 projects on any given year. Everyone thinks that it takes 3 years or so of design to build a roller coaster. Many times, the designs are done a year and a half in advance, with actual engineering and calculation done in a year or less. It is not unreasonable that at this past IAAPA, RMC only had 3 contracts signed and that another project that they placed a bid on in summer 2014 was given the go ahead since then.


I know we won't be certain until an announcement is made, but after the accolades given for Lightning Run designed by Ride Centerline, I think it's a fair jump to make that KK may want to work with Schilke again.

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So wait, is all this talk about 3 projects because you don't think they will do more than those if asked? RMC probably has proposals for 5-10 projects on any given year. Everyone thinks that it takes 3 years or so of design to build a roller coaster. Many times, the designs are done a year and a half in advance, with actual engineering and calculation done in a year or less. It is not unreasonable that at this past IAAPA, RMC only had 3 contracts signed and that another project that they placed a bid on in summer 2014 was given the go ahead since then.


I know we won't be certain until an announcement is made, but after the accolades given for Lightning Run designed by Ride Centerline, I think it's a fair jump to make that KK may want to work with Schilke again.

Did you read what I wrote? Alan Schilke said RMC has three projects coming out for 2016, not that I think he refuses to do more. He then went on to say there are already four projected for 2017. I'm confident this is because they only have the capacity to do a limited number of projects at a time since they are a smaller company.

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So wait, is all this talk about 3 projects because you don't think they will do more than those if asked? RMC probably has proposals for 5-10 projects on any given year. Everyone thinks that it takes 3 years or so of design to build a roller coaster. Many times, the designs are done a year and a half in advance, with actual engineering and calculation done in a year or less. It is not unreasonable that at this past IAAPA, RMC only had 3 contracts signed and that another project that they placed a bid on in summer 2014 was given the go ahead since then.


I know we won't be certain until an announcement is made, but after the accolades given for Lightning Run designed by Ride Centerline, I think it's a fair jump to make that KK may want to work with Schilke again.

Did you read what I wrote? Alan Schilke said RMC has three projects coming out for 2016, not that I think he refuses to do more. He then went on to say there are already four projected for 2017. I'm confident this is because they only have the capacity to do a limited number of projects at a time since they are a smaller company.


Did I read it? Yes. Did I understand why something was "off" because of it? No. Just because Ed Hart said he was going to open TT as the third phase of opening the park doesn't mean he had contracted RMC to do the work. Hart announced wanting to renovate TT back in 2011 when he pitched his takeover. I believe a construction contract with RMC may not have been finalized until after IAAPA.

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I don't mean to hog the topic, especially with some conspiracy, but check this video out:





I don't know if it's been discussed here, but at 5:00 ish, they begin to show stuff in the clock tower. Any thoughts?


Again, I don't mean to hog the subject m the last thing you all need is a brand new member coming here posting "false" information.

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I have no clue what they are insinuating is in there, but this video was taken when that area of the park was closed. They could have been storing anything in there for covered storage. I believe that is the entrance to the loading area, and seeing as that ride is now open, I highly doubt there is anything in there currently without guests seeing it.


I fail to see how this is any kind of conspiracy or attempt to hide something, but maybe you could explain, as that video didn't really provide much other than some creepy music.

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Wildfire has been pushed back to 2017


and every way would be built in Europe by Vekoma,


No, track is constructed in the U.S. Vekoma only handles business for them, no construction at all!

I'm not sure you know, I think Vekoma builds and erects for Europe

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Wildfire has been pushed back to 2017


and every way would be built in Europe by Vekoma,


No, track is constructed in the U.S. Vekoma only handles business for them, no construction at all!

I'm not sure you know, I think Vekoma builds and erects for Europe


I am very sure. They actually started manufacturing track for Wildfire, but they stopped once everything got postponed. Trust me

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At the park now, you could see from Mile High Falls that both Track and structure has been completely removed, on Twisted Twins. Both sides Brake Runs plus all the course to the lift hills are gone, work has definitely started on Twisted Twins rebirth. As far as T3, there are no breaks in the station or the break run. The Train is half way in the station, it is tied out. Took a couple of pics with my phone.






T3s Train is tied out of the station.

Edited by ratdogg68
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I don't think there were fountains behind the front entrance. Is that tower mark still there?


There's a fountain. Not sure if the mark is there, it's hidden behind the fountain.


I know there's a fountain in FRONT of entrance, but they never replaced the ride with one, if you look at pictures you can see the fountain is in front of the entrance not behind where the ride was. But I did just realize one of their other uses for the fountain...


Does anyone know if you can still get to that area behind the entrance like in the video? If it's off limits than it doesn't matter, but it would be cool to check it out if it's not.

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There's a fountain. Not sure if the mark is there, it's hidden behind the fountain.


I know there's a fountain in FRONT of entrance, but they never replaced the ride with one, if you look at pictures you can see the fountain is in front of the entrance not behind where the ride was. But I did just realize one of their other uses for the fountain...


Are you going to recreate the Friends intro?

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So something very interesting was happening to me guys. I was looking through the comments of a youtube video and someone was talking about how Alan schilke said himself on WC media day that 3 RMC projects were scheduled for 2016. One for a SF park, one in Tennessee (Dollywood), and one in Kentucky !!! I asked him where he got his info and he directed me to a SFNE fan forum. This person had been to WC media day and had got to talk to Alan for about 30 minutes. Get hyped guys, I think this seals the deal on RMC Twisted Twins.http://sfneonline.org/forums/index.php?threads/rocky-mountain-construction-discussion.1682/page-10

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