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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

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Apart from that, I'm currently in a full queue for the River Rapids Ride. Very popular (though slow moving) ride on this boilling hot day.

How is it compared to the Penguins Blizzard River. It was in my top 2 Rapids Rides (Tied with Rapids at Hersheypark RIP)

If it was in your top-tier for the theming, then I think you're in luck. Six Flags removed just enough DC Penguin theming for KK to not get sued. Raging Rapids River Ride is indeed the most heavily themed ride in the park, which is almost quite alien for the park come to think of it. It has quite a good length to it too! Biggest downside is that it is in need of more rafts, and by then probably some more employees to help with bringing it to "people-eater" status because it looks like it has the potential (I think I counted 4 or 5 rafts). The line was at a standstill most of the time, before moving forward a couple of feet every now and then...


It wasn't in my top for Theming, But for getting you Soaked.


Oh. You're guaranteed to get wet on it thanks to lots of spray elements, not with as much soakage as Mile High Falls though. This should give some context as to what I mean.



Did you talk to him about T3?


It never really came up. I figured I'd take the word of the staffer at the entrance who said it just needed to be inspected by the state.


Speaking of which, I had also forgotten to upload the pics I took of T3 with what I could see of the new trains.


did you see the other set of trains?

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They only bought one train. It's a stupid decision.

Seriously? If that's true, then I think I would've rather had it replaced. I mean, not only will it be a mediocre ride, it'll be a mediocre ride with an extremely line long.


Hopefully Twisted Twins will be high capacity when it opens. KK really needs a people eater, because all their rides are extremely low capacity.

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Lightning run was insanely awesome!


Agreed. The world needs more of those! I had a really good trip today. There was a pretty good crowd there especially in the water park. I'm probably going back next weekend because my daughter was sick and could not make the trip today. Maybe T3 will be up and running...and the red paint looks a lot better in person.

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They might have ordered two trains, but maybe they want to run the first one to make sure problems are ironed out before ordering the second one.

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^To add to that:


They only bought one train. It's a stupid decision.

How do you know what's your source?

There was definitely only one train on the track that day. It could be the case of what A.J. said, but I guess we'll just have to see.

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^To add to that:


They only bought one train. It's a stupid decision.

How do you know what's your source?

There was definitely only one train on the track that day. It could be the case of what A.J. said, but I guess we'll just have to see.


Dare I say that looks a LOT more comfortable? At least no head banging? Hmm... I'll wait for rider reviews.

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^To add to that:


They only bought one train. It's a stupid decision.

How do you know what's your source?

There was definitely only one train on the track that day. It could be the case of what A.J. said, but I guess we'll just have to see.


Dare I say that looks a LOT more comfortable? At least no head banging? Hmm... I'll wait for rider reviews.

and they smiled like it was fun lol.

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haha...yeah you have to read more than one forum on KK to get any sense of balance please share your thoughts on LR. I love it. I will be there Sunday for the first time this season.

I agree, This forum is the only place where you can have a balanced discussion about Kentucky Kingdom. Other dark places does nothing but make False Claims to attempt to damage KK PR.


I wouldn't say all claims made there are false, but several folks are willing to jump to conclusions pretty quick and take shots at the park over pretty much anything. Its a very informative thread but some post are pretty laughable and predictable...The current discussion over how there is no way the park could have got any good press unless it was some how paid advertisement is a prime example...

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I really wish the park owner had taken my advice when he asked for honest opinions on our visit last summer and I told him to just give up on T2/3 and focus elsewhere.


Instead he was condescending to me and now he has a (not even) polished turd.

So you thought the owner of Kentucky Kingdom should disregard a major attraction based solely on your recommendation?!? Get over yourself, lol. Being a roller coaster enthusiast does not suddenly make you an authority on running a successful amusement park. Coaster enthusiasts make up maybe one percent of the people visiting amusement parks. For the average guest in Kentucky Kingdom T3 is the exact same ride as Banshee. It is a steel coaster that hangs bellow the track and it has inversions. They have no idea what the difference is between a Vekoma or a B&M....For the cost of a new train there would have been no bigger bang for their buck...

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With the new colors, trains, and names, KK could simply have pulled a Six Flags and marketed it in a *vague* way to create the illusion that it is an entirely new attraction. So be happy he at least isnt that type of president who would take advantage of the GP knowledge.


Lightning and Thunder were enough to get me happy for KK. Now T3 is also on my "must-do's" list because of these new trains (and to think that by my first visit, they will *hopefully* have an RMC Twisted Sisters )

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The brake system explanation makes sense as there were maintenance folks working in the station over the weekend. I do wish the park would just say publicly that is what they are doing if that is the case. I think the GP would understand and appreciate they are upgrading an essential safety system after testing deemed it needed to be done.

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The brake system explanation makes sense as there were maintenance folks working in the station over the weekend. I do wish the park would just say publicly that is what they are doing if that is the case. I think the GP would understand and appreciate they are upgrading an essential safety system after testing deemed it needed to be done.

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The brake system explanation makes sense as there were maintenance folks working in the station over the weekend. I do wish the park would just say publicly that is what they are doing if that is the case. I think the GP would understand and appreciate they are upgrading an essential safety system after testing deemed it needed to be done.


I agree that it would be nice to know publicly what was going on, but that's solely because of my curiosity. Kentucky Kingdom doesn't want to say, "We're checking to make sure the brakes are working properly." Because when they do that, the GP is going to say, "Did you hear Ky Kingdom is having to check that their brakes actually work on their new roller coaster?!? It's probably because it crashed when they were testing it!!!"


^ That may be a bit of an over the top example but those are the types of things that I've heard around town when discussing Ky Kingdom. The Hellevator accident really changed the way the park was viewed by the public. That's why it's quite interesting to see how Alton Towers is treated after their accident severely injured a few guests. I think for a few years, Ky Kingdom is going to play everything extremely close to the vest as to not give too many details for the GP to misconstrue.

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It would not be a negative if messaged properly. "In addition to upgrading the train(s) and electrical system we have also decided to upgrade T3's braking system to get it up to modern standards. The safety of riders is our primary concern. Sorry for the delay and thanks for your understanding."

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The brake system explanation makes sense as there were maintenance folks working in the station over the weekend. I do wish the park would just say publicly that is what they are doing if that is the case. I think the GP would understand and appreciate they are upgrading an essential safety system after testing deemed it needed to be done.

Spend about 30 seconds on the parks Facebook page and you'll realize why that would be a terrible idea.

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I have. I see tons of people asking when the ride will be open. I am just suggesting a well worded truthful explanation might calm the GP down and make them appreciate why it is taking some extra time. It also may be something completely different and would not warrant any further information. We do not know at this point and may never.

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