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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

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Just spent about 3 hours at Kentucky Kingdom, and it was a lot of fun! Some quick thoughts as we head towards Santa Claus...


- Storm Chaser is just insane, much more so than I expected. This was my second RMC and by far our favorite ride at the park, which we rode 7 times. It's great in the front, middle, and back. The barrel roll drop is better than I expected and the corkscrew/zero g is perfect, especially towards the middle of the train. Kentucky Kingdom has a winner on their hands with this. It's a shame the park is so empty.


- Lightning Run is fun and the first couple drops feel longer than they are. But what the hell is up with those seats? They have that pad sticking out in the middle of the lower back, making it incredibly uncomfortable to ride. Because of that, we only rode once. We would've gone for re-rides had it not been for that.


- T3 sucks. So bad. I honestly don't know why anyone likes this ride.


- Thunder Run has a lot of boring, straight track. I don't mind straight track (it's great on Millennium Force, for example), but Thunder Run was disappointing and a little on the bumpy side.


- Sorry guys, but we didn't find Roller Skater very fun. Tried it once because some people said it was actually alright, and now I just feel trolled. Lol


Overall it was a great way to spend a few hours because of Storm Chaser. The out of town deal they have is great too. Like $28 for two days and free drinks is amazing. We used the drink stations three times in our three hours there.

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Wait...so Mile High Falls doesn't constitute a log flume ride




This is a log flume (note the happy riders... not something you typically see on Mile High Falls)


Funny you posted Silverwood's log flume as the visual example, because that same flume actually was Kentucky Kingdom's original log flume from its 1987 opening season. The Auntie B's food venue originally served as the station for the log flume, or "Ohio River Adventure" as it was called by the park, so that also can give you an idea of how tightly packed in it was. The only hint that it was ever there is a small curved concrete wall in the back of the park that adjoins the fence.



If only because the layout is almost exactly the same as it was when built, I think the Tin Lizzies are the ONLY attraction left from the park's opening year.


Roughly 1988-1989 aerial of the park when it was SBNO, you can still see the layout and troughs of the log flume. Note in the back where the flume's trough cuts directly into the back fence as it turns around.


The same part of the trough curve that cut into the fence still remains partially intact. It can be seen to the left of the grey truck in the picture.

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I'm so excited! I'm going to Kentucky Kingdom for the first time on June 14th! I can't wait to ride T3 (I actually really like Vekoma roller coasters), Thunder Run, Lightning Run, and Storm Chaser! Plus it seems like they have a great flat ride selection and the Sea Lion Splash show looks cute. Does anybody have any advice? Are crowds usually heavy on a Wednesday?

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I was at the park today. Spent about three hours there. It was as it always is. Nothing new to report.



How were the lines today? I'll be there tomorrow and Saturday morning on my out of state ticket special.

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I was at the park today. Spent about three hours there. It was as it always is. Nothing new to report.



How were the lines today? I'll be there tomorrow and Saturday morning on my out of state ticket special.


The lines today for the coasters were all very short - either in the station or just outside, but due to single trains on everything and slow moving ops some lines took up to 20 minutes. I walked right on to Storm Chaser almost every time though.

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I took my 3 kids to Kentucky Kingdom for our first ever visit yesterday. We had a great time! On the positive side, the park was a little bigger than I anticipated and they have a great collection of flats. Lines were mostly nonexistent all day. The free drink wristband with the TPR code was a fantastic bonus.


The only negatives were the short operating hours (only open 11-7) and slow operations. All coasters were only running a single train, and even then dispatches were painfully slow. Compared to a park like Kings Island, which often operates 3 trains and really pushes dispatches, this was frustrating.



1. Storm Chaser - I thought I had experienced ejector airtime before this, but I was wrong. This coaster really tries to throw you out of the car on every hill. The rollover drop is also unique. Others have noted this, but I also think it's currently running much faster than some POVs I've seen. No lines all day. I got 5 laps in and my oldest rode it 9 times and declared it his new #1 overall.


2. Lightning Run - lots of fun with some good moments of ejector air as well. This packs a big punch in small layout. It doesn't let up and hits those final bunny hills with a lot of speed. Due to slow ops, we only got 2 rides in.


3. Thunder Run - A decent woodie that grew on me. After the first ride, I thought it was kinda meh. We rode it a lot through the day because of its central location in the back, it felt like we were always passing it! A couple floater hills and some decent speed, this was my 6 year olds favorite.


4. T3 - A Vekoma SLC... I didn't find it painful, but it was just not good, either. My 10 year old came off with some leg pain. And said he'd never ride it again.


5. Roller Skater - We took an obligatory lap on this for the credit. Better than some kiddie coasters, but nothing special other than the cool looking skate cars.


The rest

My daughter's favorite ride in the park was Eye of the Storm. We did a number of other flats and were never searching for things to do. I have never been as soaked on a water ride as we were on Mile High Falls. The Sea Lion show was good. Food didn't seem to be anything special (although they had a beer garden that I would have checked out if without children). We just ate burgers and fries and some dippin dots. We did not check out the water park at all, but it seemed to have some fun things to do.


We had a great time and would absolutely go back. Storm Chaser and Lightning Run are fantastic and worth a trip on their own. The rest of the park is enough to keep you busy. Here are some pics of our day.







New PTC train on Thunder Run for those who like this kind of thing



Sea Lion Splash!










Battle scars from T3


Mile High Falls splash


Raging Rapid has a pretty cool station building


Goodbye from Storm Chaser

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- Sorry guys, but we didn't find Roller Skater very fun. Tried it once because some people said it was actually alright, and now I just feel trolled. Lol


I mean, it's fun for what it is but I don't think anyone here meant to imply that it was on the same level as the top coasters in the park. I'm really not sure what you could have possibly been expecting to be let down by it. It's just a Roller Skater but if I ever spent a full day at this park I would probably give it another ride. It's fun for a little family coaster.

Edited by coasterbill
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- Sorry guys, but we didn't find Roller Skater very fun. Tried it once because some people said it was actually alright, and now I just feel trolled. Lol


I mean, it's fun for what it is but I don't think anyone here meant to imply that it was on the same level as the top coasters in the park. I'm really not sure what you could have possibly been expecting to be let down by it. It's just a Roller Skater but if I ever spent a full day at this park I would probably give it another ride. it's fun for a little family coaster.


Ditto this. It's better than Jr. Gemini-er... Wilderness Run by light years, and better than most kiddie or family coasters I've been on. It's still not like I even rode it more than once though... (Though I wouldn't have been opposed to, either!)

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- Sorry guys, but we didn't find Roller Skater very fun. Tried it once because some people said it was actually alright, and now I just feel trolled. Lol


I mean, it's fun for what it is but I don't think anyone here meant to imply that it was on the same level as the top coasters in the park. I'm really not sure what you could have possibly been expecting to be let down by it. It's just a Roller Skater but if I ever spent a full day at this park I would probably give it another ride. It's fun for a little family coaster.


I definitely wasn't expecting it to be even close to as fun as any other coaster in the park lol. Although I'd prefer Roller Skater to T3 any day.

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Does Kentucky Kingdom have a fast lane? I will be going for the first time was also wondering what are the crowds and ride operations like during the week? I will be going on a Thursday in June stopping on the way home from Kings Island going back to Minnesota.

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Quick summary:


Lightning run was a TON of fun, and storm chaser was a SOLID ride as well (damn these rides both throw you around!); still not sure if I like wicked cyclone better or not, though (I did have 50/50 great rides vs painful rides due to my size and weight distribution ;-/)


Nothing special with Thunder Run (?) or whatever it's called, it wasn't terrible but there was nothing memorable about it. I'm not sure why they are advertising a 'new train'... was it worse before?


Oh, and T3 sucks and needs to be launched into the sun. Not even the vest restraints or a front row ride saved it. Although am I correct or crazy in the fact the ending is different than most SLCs? Like the track is straighter instead of having that awkward side to side bounce to line it up with the brake run. Like I said, it's been awhile since I've been on one of these.


Overall an awesome few hours and well worth the stop for $25. The waterpark looks a lot nicer than I realized but we just didn't have the time.

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^You're correct, the first SLC's that were built had the final turn go under the first drop instead of above, and they go in a straight line instead of doing that little twisty bit at the end. I think there are only 2 or 3 of this version.


Edit: I checked RCDB, it lists this and Condor @ Walibi Hollanf d as the two 'prototype' SLC's.

Edited by viking86
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