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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

P. 410: Discovery Meadow details revealed!

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^I feel like The Wizard of Oz: The abbreviated version will be hilarious. I don't understand how it is possible to have a quality film be a 12 minute version of The Wizard of Oz without it making a lick of sense.

If Kentucky Kingdom did dive-in movies in Hurricane Bay, this would be an excellent opportunity to show the full movie as a tie in.

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^That would be nice, but I think that would involve a complete retrofit where the wave machine's pumps are located to install a projector and screen?


^^^^Thanks for the report. I couldn't make it due to being buried in schoolwork, and probably won't get to go until finals are completed two weekends from now. Glad to hear they had a crowd though, and long live the Enterprise!

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That video was from 2010 when Ed Hart was presenting his original plans to reopen the park, so those plans have more than likely been changed.


I personally don't plan on seeing an RMC conversion happening with this coaster. For one, the coaster really can't have any major height changes because of the airport's airspace. I believe someone even mentioned that the coaster is actually above the restricted height limit. What I do think will happen is that they'll have Gravity Group come in (since majority of the people at Gravity Group are actually former CCI employees) and they'll completely redesign the layout and bring in 2 brand new Timberliner trains. I think this was even previously mentioned as the highly probably plan back before this RMC fanfare started.

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^That would be nice, but I think that would involve a complete retrofit where the wave machine's pumps are located to install a projector and screen?


^^^^Thanks for the report. I couldn't make it due to being buried in schoolwork, and probably won't get to go until finals are completed two weekends from now. Glad to hear they had a crowd though, and long live the Enterprise!



I'm sure a temporary/rental solution could easily be rigged up.

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It's good news to me, the world needs to keep these CCI's. They're pretty fun and do really represent the era.


Except they're not really fun. I'm all for keeping good rides around, but this one was kind of a miss. Not very speedy, very little airtime, and uncomfortable lateral Gs. This ride desperately needs some tweaking for sure. A Gravity Group remake would be great, but 3million dollars won't get more than new trains and new track. It seems like KK is doing more each year than we expected initially, so who knows!

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Do you mean the one that went under Thunder Run towards T3, or the one going around Thunder Run's curve towards Twisted Twins. I think the path that runs under Thunder Run should open when T3 and Rapids opens.

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I'll like to note this past Saturday I went to Kentucky Kingdom. I bought a ticket for my cousin Successfully by using my Debt Card, No problems at all friendly employees and even tho it's been about almost two year's since the park came back to life I'm still excited and greatful

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Have there been any reports on T3 testing? I know yesterday when I pulled into Kings Island for my Ride Operator interview (i got the job!) they where testing Diamondback and Windseeker.


Since nobody else in this thread thought to do so - I'll say it. CONGRATULATIONS on the job!!

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The one that goes around Thunder Run and ends just past Twisted Twins.


I've seen some discussion on KK's Facebook page to where it looks like not everyone recognizes that there is a path under Thunder Run.


I did a backstage tour with John Mulcahy (Director of Marketing and Communications) last Saturday and he confirmed that the path under Thunder Run will open up, allowing you to access the waterpark and T3 from there. The path back by Twisted Twins will not open until they have finished that area of the park.

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I'm still debating on should I visit this year when I make my trip to Holiday World, or wait till next year for Twisted Twins. Decisions after decisions.

I'm going to HW this year and I can't have LR that close and not make a trip to KK as well!!!

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