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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

P. 410: Discovery Meadow details revealed!

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In fairness, Kentucky Kingdom's new park map does have an "opening in 2016" over an apparent graphic of T2.


Did they change it? I thought it was supposed to open in 2015.

Then again I'm probably wrong about that, my mind likes to play tricks on me haha.

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In fairness, Kentucky Kingdom's new park map does have an "opening in 2016" over an apparent graphic of T2.


Did they change it? I thought it was supposed to open in 2015.

Then again I'm probably wrong about that, my mind likes to play tricks on me haha.



It is 2015. The park map even says it.

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I mean, I could care less what color they paint T2 (well, as long as they don't paint it all bright pink/red).


And I really don't care if the ride is that rough, because they already have two good coasters coming in 2014, and hopefully a RMC version of Twisted Twins in 2016.

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I just think they should rename it Batman.

NO! This country doesn't need any more Batman themed anything. The Six Flags chain has well taken care of that.


How about BatBat?



They could probably get the rights to the character cheap.

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I am thrilled to announce that Irvine Ondrey Engineering will be doing the controls for Lightning Run. This is really exciting for us and we are looking forward to sharing construction updates on both our facebook page and here. This one was a hard secret to keep because we think this ride will be a huge hit! It's truly awesome to be part of the rebirth of Kentucky Kingdom and we wish the park all the success in the world. Any questions you have on the control system for the new ride feel free to ask!

Have you encountered any unique challenges so far during the Lightning Run design process?

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