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The Mega Dead Celebrity Thread

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US singer Loleatta Holloway, best known for her vocals which were sampled on Black Box's 1989 hit Ride On Time, has died at the age of 64.


Anyone more au fait with the song should be able to say if this is actually her or the model who lip-synched in the below vid.


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I was shocked to hear this. I watched wrestling all the time growing up, and Savage was always one of my favorites. Sure, he had a tumultuous personal life, but I can't forget all the great memories he gave me.


Back in the day, Savage was a master at planning out and choreographing matches. His most famous match, arguably, was against Ricky Steamboat at Wrestlemania III. For that match, Steamboat visited Savage at his home, and they carefully went over every second, and every stunt they were going to do in that match. Anyone whose done theater, like me, knows it takes a lot of time and effort to plan out things like this, especially if you want them done well.


Yes, the man was far from a saint in reality, and he had a very strange personality all around, but he committed to entertaining people in a way I've seen few others have. He will be missed greatly, by me, and others who grew up watching him dive off with that big elbow over and over.


Also, do a search sometime for his brother, Lanny Poffo. He is one of the coolest, and most approachable guys who ever worked in Pro Wrestling, and he gives wonderful interviews.

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'Jackass' star Ryan Dunn died early Monday in a Pennsylvania car crash. April Margera, the mother of a fellow 'Jackass' dare devil, Bam Margera, confirmed to TMZ that Dunn was killed in the car wreck that also left one other, who has yet to be identified, dead.


The 34-year-old was a part of the 'Jackass' film franchise -- often pulling off eyebrow raising stunts to the delight of his fellow thrill-seeking buddies.


The Morning Freak Show on 96.1 is reporting that Dunn was at the wheel when his Porsche careened over the road's guardrail and into the woods before bursting into flames. The collision occurred at roughly 3:00 AM Monday morning on Pennsylvania's Route 322.


A photo of the charred wreckage of the car was posted on Twitter, apparently by the towing company. They were quickly taken down but uploaded on Flickr. The images show the extent of the fire that engulfed the vehicle.


Just hours before his death, Dunn tweeted photo of himself and two pals -- documenting their night out, beer and cigarette in hand.


Although it has not yet been officially confirmed who was driving when it crashed or the cause of the accident, Chief Deputy Coroner David Garner told Chester County's Daily Local News that there was only one vehicle involved in the crash.


"Preliminary investigation revealed that speed may have been a contributing factor to the accident," police said in a statement.


The identity of Dunn's passenger will be revealed pending autopsy results due out later today, however many friends of the star have been lamenting the loss of "Zach" as well in the crash.


In between projects with 'Jackass,' the fun-loving stuntman appeared regularly in spin-offs like 'Viva La Bam' and 'Bam's Unholy Union,' later launching his own MTV show, 'Home Wrecker' and appearing in films such as 'Haggard' and 'A Halfway House Christmas.'

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I'm not really upset that Dunn died (I don't have much sympathy for drunk drivers, if he was drunk)


I'm mainly upset because he was a good friend to many people, and that he is now lost.

Edited by Band-Aid
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That's two celebrity deaths this week, since Clarence Clemons, the saxophonist from Bruce Springsteen's E-Street Band, passed away earlier due to complications from a stroke last week.


The "Big Man" is gone? I hadn't heard--that is sad.

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