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Weird Roller Coaster Dreams

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I had a dream last night that involved Bizarro at SFNE turning back into Superman: Ride of Steel! They did some type of weird track work to it though making it so the first drop used the second tunnel. Also, we did this weird grouping thing inside of the "pre-station" or so we called it, which allowed us to fill in every seat possible. Oh and we had new trains that were kind of like a Dare Devil Dive trains at SFOG, but had super thin lap bars. So weird. =P

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I once had a very awkward dream about going to Cedar Point. First of all, the park was a giant Pier. It was cold and really foggy. And all the coasters were made out of playground equipment, just like this....



I must have been sleep deprived.

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Well! I had a Interesting one 4 years ago when I used to be Depressed about Astroworld and didn't like Hunting! I dreamed of Arguing with my Grandparents, Uncle, & My Mom of didn't want to go to college, but I'm 1, & over and left the House after I woked up at 3:AM in the morning ran away to San Antonio!

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Had a weird one tonight. I was riding Iron Rattler (which I've never been on) but it had a totally different layout and location so I don't really know why it was IR. The problem was that the restraints would just open during the ride but as there were seatbelts I didn't come off. I remember thinking: I'm glad six flags decided to put seatbelts on these RMC hybrids and I also though that I would have a very interesting story to tell here on the thread: "Seemingly "Unsafe" or unusual events on rides ". It's kind of strange that I have so many dreams where the restraints open given that I'm never concerned in any way that it might happen. Well, what can I do?

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White not a Roller Coaster, I did have a dream last night about Epcot and Food and Wine. It was closing time on the last night of the festival and I was franticly trying to run around get one last taste of all the good things. And instead of grapefruit beer the German stand had a pomegranate beer. Think my mind is ready for a trip to the Mouse again.

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I had this random dream about Mr. Freeze "Reverse Blast" at SFOT. We waited and waited and waited and when it finally came time to board we got in, pulled down the lap bar, and right when it was time for the coaster to launch.... I woke up. . . I was so livid. I waited all that time in my dream for nothing. I tried to fall back asleep to pick up the dream where it left off... But no such luck.

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I should have posted this the day I had the dream, but a few days ago. I had an absolutely horrifying dream concerning roller coasters. It started in this small amusement park somewhere in the Midwest. I remember it was a small, dinky looking park with only a handful of roller coasters, I think there was a medium-sized woodie and what looked like a Galaxi, but it's claim to fame from coaster enthusiasts is that in the "thrill section" the park currently has a very rare portable Schwarzkopf looping coaster that was very similar to Olympia Looping, but larger and much more intense. It was so intense, that even when it did rounds in German Fairs, it had to be trimmed. And it was STILL very intense.


Basically, the most of my dream was a very tragic news story concerning said Schwarzkopf coaster, supposedly without trims, the coaster has such high G-Forces that it's very dangerous for people. Well, the news story said that the trim brakes failed during the ride.....and basically people sitting in the back 3 cars were killed instantly. There necks snapped due to the G-forces, just like that. And the news channel even showed a picture of what happened. God....I know that would never happen in real life, but the dream just made it seem so real.

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  gerstlaueringvar said:
City Museum made their elevator a drop tower and added a Mega-Lite at the roof top

Too bad everything the City Museum uses is recycled. A park would have to get rid of their Mega-Lite first before the City Museum could use it.


They actually had plans to build a water park on the roof at one point, but the weight of the water would've been too much for the building to support.

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I was riding Top Thrill Dragster. Instead it went into space before the ride became a space Intamin mega lite O_o. The ride went around the world and ended with me exiting through the Tower of Terror (Hollywood Studios) exit that lead into a Disney world park with Cedar Point rides like Millenium Force and Gemini... Also half the park was upside down on an invisible ceiling...

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I had a dream that there was an indoor theme park with full size coasters located near me. I went on 2 coasters in my dream. One was a launched coaster (in the dark like Space Mountain for most of the ride) with a dive loop that dive bombed the queue, and the other was a wooden coaster with a surprising amount of airtime.

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  • 4 weeks later...

just last night i had a dream that my family took me to busch gardens williamsburg, but i only went on 4 rides, 3 of which were coasters. the other one was some weird dark ride, and it started out with us going into a big room, and it was themed to look like a medieval castle, and we sat on these benches and then my mom leaned over to me and whispered "this room looks a lot like dizzy lizzy's"(lmao what?). then the operator said something and then the walls started closing in. and when we were about to get crushed the lights went out and then we were on these lit-up floating blue circular platforms that only had these little red handles to hold onto. they were quickly moving around everywhere and then they stopped and then we were suddenly on the benches again but they were floating, and then we shot up some chimney thing with fire effects and then we were suddenly on the circle things again, but they had OTSR's on them. they then started flipping around like a gyroscope ride thing. then it was over. during the whole ride i was worried about a tornado coming and sweeping the building up...

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For the last couple years I dreamed of going to Cedar Point to finally ride Millennium Force. Now I haven't been to the park since 1997 when Magnum was still the tallest ride there. Now up until recently I never rode a giga coaster before. In the dream I find myself in line waiting for a couple hours to get on. I finally get on the ride and going up the lift hill. Just as I'm cresting the top of the hill I wake up. Every time I have this dream I wake up at the very same moment. I never get over the crest of the lifthill. Now how weird is that?

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I had a dream that I was operating Desperado in Primm, NV.


Very odd that the ride was super busy and they were running three trains. But my sub-conscious woke me up.


I sat up in bed and thought... three trains!? Yeah, that will never happen again. And I fell back asleep.

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Last night I dreamt I was overseeing construction at Canada's Wonderland... they were building a red Eurofighter, except it had a regular lift hill versus a vertical lift hill... and it was the size of a hyper coaster. Then it collapsed. Oh and there was a yellow Megalite in the background. I miss Intamins

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