caffeine_demon Posted August 15, 2012 Share Posted August 15, 2012 I've had a few. Several about alton towers 1 - Oblivion had been moved to near Ipswich train station, was still a vertical drop. but was on an individual wiegand alpine coaster style car, which you knealt on, and after the drop there was a big jump. 2 - I was in the queue for nemesis - which had been moved to a different place in the park, and the queueline was really boring 3 - I rode 13, which was in single 2 seater suspended cars, similar to arrow suspended's, and had a very unusual indoor section. other park related dreams 1 - Riding skyrush - was good, but not as insane as the real thing 2 - in an arcade in a park, winning a huge amount of money on a slot machine - I think about 27,000 GB pounds!, all paid in 50ps! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mightypotato Posted August 16, 2012 Share Posted August 16, 2012 I used to have dreams about Dragster for years after I first rode it in 2005. After riding it again in 2010, all those dreams stopped. Kind of weird. I occasionally have the odd theme park/fair dream that involves rides that don't exist or are radically different. Like, Behemoth being in the middle of the park or Canada's Wonderland having an Intamin looper. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
natertater Posted August 20, 2012 Share Posted August 20, 2012 I used to dream that the Rattler (SFFT) went up the lift hill and down the first drop.Then, bang ,we ended up in my house. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ImmelMatt Posted August 20, 2012 Share Posted August 20, 2012 Last night, I dreamed of riding the new Outlaw Run that's coming to SDC, only the barrel rolls were through a log cabin, and then the ride kind of turned into the mine cart levels from Donkey Kong Country. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Voxelmatic Posted August 20, 2012 Share Posted August 20, 2012 I once had a dream the I was going to ride Kingda Ka, but then terrorists took over halfway down the launch... Messed up dream. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
osm Posted August 24, 2012 Share Posted August 24, 2012 I had a dream where I was at SFGAdv, and I rode Kingda Ka, but the launch was even more intense, and it was really painful. Then I rode El Toro, but it had NTAG's overbanked turns, and was strangely less awesome than it is in real life. Then I got on line for Nitro, but then the ride op said they could only let one more person/group on, so I had to race a family of three to the train, and they started attacking me. Then I woke up. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathbydinn Posted August 24, 2012 Share Posted August 24, 2012 Not a roller coaster, but last night I dreamed that I was riding the log flume at NU in MOA. However, the rest of the park was different in that it was more of a water park than theme park and somehow my log floated out of the trough and into the lazy river which then put me into the kiddie area of the water park. So I just got out of the log and walked back to the entrance of the ride, but I woke up before I got back on. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tylercolby83 Posted August 25, 2012 Share Posted August 25, 2012 I've had tons of roller coaster dreams. Almost all of them are about how my annoying family just wants to watch shows and I never get to ride anything... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tanks4me05 Posted August 26, 2012 Share Posted August 26, 2012 I just had one a night or two ago that I was at Yokohama Cosmoworld, taking a look at their new hyper coaster and B&M wing rider. There were also some parts where I was at another Japanese amusement park which only existed in my dream, where I was in the back seat of a one car train, the front of the train crumpled and fell under the track, killing the two people in front of me, while I was fine. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The49er Posted August 26, 2012 Share Posted August 26, 2012 Oh, dude. You have no idea... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Athletekim Posted August 26, 2012 Share Posted August 26, 2012 Last night, I had a dream that I was at HersheyPark with my friend and it was her first time there. She was too afraid of going on Skyrush so she made me go on first and tell her how the ride was. I went on and the ride was perfectly fine and looked just like the videos I had seen online. So I made her get on and as we got to the top of the lift hill the ride rolled back into the station for some odd reason. Then they decided to resend us and we got to the 1st hill and went down but at the bottom of the 1st drop we got stuck. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
intimidator305rocks Posted August 26, 2012 Share Posted August 26, 2012 Very many. Before I went to Cedar Point, I had several dreams of going on Maverick and hating it But then I went on loved it. Weird......... Also, I had a dream that I went on Manhattan Express and they started the ride without me locked in. So I had to walk on the catwalks and jump down into the forest. I then got lost and finally found my family in a cell phone accessory shop. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Schrecken Posted August 27, 2012 Share Posted August 27, 2012 I've had some great coaster dreams and some really lousy ones, so first I'll recount the best coaster dream I ever had - I was at this indoor park and there was this huge (well, for an indoor park) coaster that basically filled a room that was the size of a huge gymnasium. The best way I could describe the coaster was that it was like a Schwarzkopf wildcat on steriods - bigger, faster and longer but a similar layout of turns, drops, and dips and no inversions. It had bright red track and supports and had made nice use of the interior space, with some scary head-choppers when the train seemed to almost graze the ceiling girders and you could just about reach out and touch the concrete walls in places. The track shot along the walls and close to the ceiling in several places almost in the same way a terrain coaster uses the features of the land. This dream was so vivid that I could draw it. The other awesome thing was that I had the sense of having the coaster all to myself - like an ERT with just me and the ride ops or a day at a park when hardly anyone is there and the coaster is a walk-on with some trains going out almost empty. As for the ride itself, it had great airtime and a blistering sense of speed (for a smaller indoor ride) as it hugged the walls and ceiling and plunged down low to the floor in other places. I also got several rides on this coaster, but the odd thing was that the dream ended when my uncle came in and started an argument with me as I was getting ready to get back on and ride again. Even stranger is this uncle has never been on a coaster in ages (maybe in his life) and he's probably the last family member I would go to a park with! I also had some dreams that were similar - an indoor coaster with a comparable layout as the aforementioned but in one of these it was more like some kind of glorified slide rather than a coaster - no wheels, no track - riders just sat on mats and went flying around a bob-sled like chute. But instead of just sliding down like a normal kid's slide, somehow this "coaster" broke the laws of physics and riders were moving very fast (maybe 30mph or more) on their mats and had enough inertia to go up and down many hills before running out of energy. Those dreams were a lot of fun, too, and my uncle didn't prevent me from riding in the end. As of late I have had several dreams about being back in my old home park - SFMM, which was my home park for almost 5 years back in the late 90's-early 00's. I can't remember anything specific other than I was at the park again and riding or waiting to ride coasters. The bad dreams all concern me being unable to ride for one reason or another. Either I'm waiting in line and I just end up waking up before I can ride - waiting for a really-awesome looking coaster that I've been dying to ride, or I go to a park, pay admission and parking, and get in line and then realize to my horror that I've forgotten my motion sickness patch. That would indeed really be a nightmare if that happened - I'm one of those unfortunate people who can't ride anything more than a train ride w/o getting deadly ill and can't ride diddly squat w/o my patch. Worse yet, in order for it to work the patch has to be applied at least 4 hours before riding so I would seriously be screwed for the day if I showed up at a park and got in line with out it! I guess that kind of dream is the motion-sickness sufferer's equivalent of someone in school showing up for finals and forgetting to study for them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tanks4me05 Posted August 27, 2012 Share Posted August 27, 2012 ^Care to draw that coaster? I can't do .3DS, but I need something to do, so I feel like making it in Newton. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Schrecken Posted August 27, 2012 Share Posted August 27, 2012 ^Care to draw that coaster? I can't do .3DS, but I need something to do, so I feel like making it in Newton. I might be able to have some time to draw it soon - will post here if I do draw it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tiger01 Posted August 27, 2012 Share Posted August 27, 2012 I had a very odd one last night. It was me and this random woman on Montu. But it only had two seats per row. Also, the layout was completely different. A zero ge roll was the first inversion followed by the loop. The Batwing was still there though and as I came up to it I screamed BATWING! And the woman next to me looked at me and laughed. The strangest part though was the break run. It went on for what seemed forever. Also, the shoulder restraints were able to release and the car then looked like a sit down car. (Four seats per row now). Then the train continued along and then went past lots of army guys. This was extremely odd. Then ofcourse I woke up but I actually got to ride it! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spinning man Posted August 28, 2012 Share Posted August 28, 2012 I had a strange dream that SW7 had been built, and was related to Saw-The ride. But it was built really fast and that the inside of the building was a cobra roll and a big dip. Then for some reason richard hammond was riding it. Not much I remember from it but that is it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rocket Rodder Posted August 29, 2012 Share Posted August 29, 2012 I've had one where there was a subway/el train themed coaster... it was an enclosed launcher with six car-trains, each car seating six people, save for the front car (which sat four with a convincing subway facade taking up the other "seats") So, about 34 people a train. The track appeared to cave in and everything appearing to crumble (In the dream, these were special FX) and with the blast of a horn, the train launched to about 45 to 50 MPH. The launch was going up (Think XLR8R's launch angle") with a sharp drop after the launch--creating ejector airtime-- then into a series of twists and near'misses with concrete pillars and landmarks... Also the track banked "the wrong way" in may parts, fake "sparks" coming from the train with every turn. There was a soundtrack as well--it sounded like something from an 80's cop chase scene. . . . Lots of lateral forces and ejector airtime. The block sections were stacked really think like a disney large coaster (Think california screamin') Lots of loud noises and such, even a vertical drop after another lift hill... The ride had what I call hugging lap bars, they were individual lap bars but they were RALLY padded and very thick. Man, what a ride... Another dream I had was Ghostrider stalling at the hill before the brakes, with the rollback things. "Clickclickclick KERCHUNK" People were screaming and panicking as if people died (But no one did, it was just a stall... ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
UrbanLegend Posted August 30, 2012 Share Posted August 30, 2012 Had a pretty odd one about Magic Mountain (which I haven’t been to since 1999, by the way). I was hanging out in some field that was just sort of toward the back of the park. Like something you'd see in rural Pennsylvania… in Southern California. There were a few carnival rides there, but nothing MM-ish. Anyway, the sun started setting extremely rapidly, and I was like, "Crap, the park closes at 6! I forgot to ride anything!" So, for some reason, I decided to run to Tatsu. I somehow managed to find it and get my mysteriously-acquired Platinum Pass scanned, but then I was just dumped into the regular line. The indoor queue was a combination Test Track queue/ Wal Mart, for some reason. The last thing I though before I woke up was "Oh man, operations here are terrible, I'll never ride it in time!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LBIJim Posted September 10, 2012 Share Posted September 10, 2012 (edited) Over the years I've had a recurring dream about trying to ride a coaster. No particular coaster or specific park, but just some random coaster. For some reason something keeps delaying me from getting to the coaster. Or when I finally reach it, the queue is very convoluted, with paths and stairs leading off in illogical directions, such as in a M.C. Escher illustration. I never do get to ride before I wake up. I think I once had a dream that the coaster at the ocean end of Casino Pier in Seaside Heights, NJ, collapsed. Or maybe that part of the pier fell into the ocean. Update: I don't think my dream was a premonition of disaster, just a bizarre coincidence. I hardly remember any details, but I don't think my dream was storm related. More of a structural/engineering issue. Jim Edited November 17, 2012 by LBIJim Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
harper83087 Posted September 10, 2012 Share Posted September 10, 2012 Last night was a weird one. I was riding Disaster Transport, or at least it was DT in the dream haha, and it was in the process of deconstruction while riding. It had 16 seat single car trains that were like 30ft long. before the lift was a section in what looked like a maintenance shop passing over several sets of transfer tracks while seeing other trains torn apart et. The ride itself was nothing like the real clue what brought it on but it was friggin weird haha Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
XYZ Posted October 13, 2012 Share Posted October 13, 2012 Last night I had a dream that I had a Knott's Berry Farm season pass for awhile and that I have been to the park many times, but I didn't ride Sierra Sidewinder. So, it was announced (in my dream) that Sierra Sidewinder is leaving Knott's, so I wanted to go on it before it gets removed. I stand in line and sit in the 2nd car, back seat, the seats that go up the hill backwards. After the lift hill, the coaster became really horrible and painful. I did have some airtime in my dream (what da heck!), though why did my dream have to choose that SS was a painful coaster. Whenever I had coaster dreams, I never rode a coaster as my dream would stop before then, but the first time I rode a coaster in my dream, it had to be painful. So, I walk off the coaster and think to myself that it is good that it's leaving Knott's as it isn't a good ride. Then, my dream ends. Even though the dream was filled with false facts (SS not leaving, I never rode SS, SS being painful), I found that a lot of events in my dream were inspired by events in the real world: Painfulness: Just like the pain I experienced on Green Lantern (SFMM) (Great, now GL is making my dreams horrible. ) SS Leaving: Just like how Perilous Plunge left Knott's this year for whatever is coming in 2013. Having a Knott's pass: This dream seems to be in the future as I currently don't have a KBF pass, but I'm getting one at the end of this month. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moose Posted December 12, 2012 Share Posted December 12, 2012 Not exactly coaster related,but... I had a TPR related dream last night. We were staying in some scuzzy hotel that we would never stay at and I couldn't remember what time we were supposed to meet in the morning. Some of my favorite China trip peeps were there and we doing our typical late night Mons/Snow drinking in someone's room. I miss you guys! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
historyfreak92 Posted December 12, 2012 Share Posted December 12, 2012 I was dreaming about 2 years ago or something, it was Astroworld the way it used to be with Texas Tornado, Serial Thriller, XLR8 (blue) Batman, & Ultra Twister both White, & Texas Cyclone with Morgan Trains, but that Dream didn't last but about 50 seconds! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fil31zRt Posted December 12, 2012 Share Posted December 12, 2012 I've had a dream on and off... At Six Flags Great America Raging Bull was 500 ft. tall. and the ride was you climb up a ladder to the top and jump off into a patch of grass and dirt. Eventually you will wake up after jumping off after a few times which is always a bummer Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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