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TPR's Scandinavia 2009 Trip!

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Wow awesome updates, why am I stuck at home? lol


I so wish I could of done this trip as I met most of you on the Europe trip last year, miss you all!


Hope you all have a great time on the rest of the trip!

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Good and... disturbing stuff.


This is a bit off (and on) topic. I had a dream the other night starring the pink panthers of TPR fame. I've never met any of them or been on any TPR trip (yet). It was more disturbing than good in the dream. If I recall they were competing in three-legged races like we were at a picnic or something.


Oh well, Texas TPR, here I come!

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Vertigo in the video was FREAKING INSANE! I almost can't believe how fast that thing is spinning in turbo mode. Those of you that rode it are braver than I. Much respect.


Enjoying the updates and living vicariously through all of you lucky souls.

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I loved Tivoli Gardens when I got to go there. I was actually with a band that was in a exchange program so we got to play there, which was pretty cool. I like Bakken's Rutschebanen a little better than Tivoli Garden's, but both are totally WTF rides since there is a surprisingly large amount of airtime, and no upstops. Looks like there have been a ton of great additions since I've been there.

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