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Hard Rock / Freestyle Music Park Discussion Thread

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I don't think the economy killed Hard Rock. I think it was the fact that they barely advertised. When I was in Myrtle Beach this summer I only saw one advertisement for the place. Not to mention it was built far from the beach. It took me a good 20 minutes to get there from my hotel where as Family Kingdom took 5 minutes.

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All the economy/high gas prices did was take away that last 1% chance of success they had.


The poor management has been discussed to death already. I still believe that with proper management, the place could have at least remained open (opening later, pay-per-ride model, more marketing), but now the place is damaged goods that no one wants a part of.

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That is a shame that a brand new theme park did not even last two seasons.


Heck, it didn't even make it through ONE season.


And it's not even the only new park from the last two years to not make it through one season. After WWW failed I thought the industry at least had HRP to look forward to, but then it failed, and pretty much all the other new park concepts have been shut down. Hell, even CC more or less died. Tough times...


The economy may not be the largest factor contributing to HRP's demise, but it's hard to ignore it when you look at how badly the rest of the industry is doing right now. Luckily it looks like the nation's bounce back is beginning... maybe.

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The park didn't fail, management did. This EPIC FAIL trickled down from the top.


Remember, DLR and WDW didn't evolve from orange groves and swamps, respectively, based solely on a hunch. Extensive surveys were done in order to predict the future of each of those sites based on the established name of the future tenant (Disney), and how the local areas might eventually adjust to them over time (i.e highway access, lodging, etc. etc.).


In other words, HRP management didn't do their homework, or apparently didn't hire a respectable source to do so either. It seems that management felt just by moving in, the area would cater to them. Just looking at a city's tourism figures is not enough to guarantee the success of ANY venture....and especially one where you're out of your element from the very beginning.


All the economy/high gas prices did was take away that last 1% chance of success they had.


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Now I REALLY wish I had been allowed to take vacation early in the year last year as I had planned to make a trip to this park.....it looked like a lot of fun to me and I wish I had had a chance to visit.


I feel bad for both Myrtle Beach who once again lost a theme park as well as the people for whom this park was a dream and those who enjoyed it. I recall seeing the opening and how proud of their park the people behind it seemed to be. I still say that given the edginess and theme of the park that it would have taken off in Vegas, but it's too late for that now. I think the economy was largely to blame, but that the sheer lack of good marketing was what drove the nail in the coffin.....most of my family and friends from the East Coast told me they had heard nothing about this park and had I not told them, they would have never known it was there.


On the bright side, if there is one, at least some park is going to get what appears to be a pretty decent secondhand B&M looping coaster.....

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As much as I have heard this park sucked I am kicking myself in the pants for not getting out there.


One thing I have learned from Hard Rock Park and Wild West World... I am no longer going to wait for the second season to visit new parks. I MUST get to new parks in the first season!

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It's funny how everyone keeps saying the park didn't advertise enough yet I saw more ads for HRP here in Charlotte than I did for Carowinds this past summer. They weren't the best ads, "He must've been to Hard Rock Park", but there were alot of them. I think the "slap in the face " $50 admission killed alot of potential business in this economy. i also don't think it was given enough time to establish a foothold. Same with Wild west World. It's kinda like the fall season on TV now where new shows can get cancelled after 1 airing if they don't generate enough ratings.

I wish I had gone now. I had a chance in July to go for a weekend but my wife didn't want to reschedule a hair cut appointment and I wanted to do more than just go to the park and come straight back home. It's Myrtle Beach for crying out loud I at least wanted to spend a little time on the sand.

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^ Maybe they could use an elevator-style lift, if that would help at all with space issues. (but I'm not sure how different that would be from the ferris wheel style)


The difference between the coaster operating or not would be a big difference.

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After Larry and I checked the park out last September, my opinion was "a nice place, but . . ."


You know a park is in trouble if you're there on the Saturday of Labor Day weekend and the the longest wait of the day is for dinner--and not because the place was busy, but because the service was sl-o-o-o-w.


Too bad that Nights in White Satin: The Trip will probably just be trashed--that was the best ride there.

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I have to say this really disappoints me. I thought this park looked great and was going to have a good future ahead of it. What makes it even worse is coming in to the session I really thought I was going to get down there to check it out, which never happened


I stile can believe no one perched the park. Its kind of obvious it had bad management ...


But what stile surprise me more is that they would open a park and not have money to at least cover a year of operating expenses... Opening a park you have to expect the first year will probably a loses and maybe you will brake even your second year ...


Unfortunately money and common senses don't always go together ...

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I can't help but wonder, but...


What does this mean for the companies involved? Including B&M, Premier, Sally, etc... How does this closing effect them, if at all?


I think a major reason for this closing could be that the park was big, and very fast. It's hard for a park to just open with millions invested and thrive within the first season.

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So how long til people start telling stories of how amazing HRP was and how it was the best park ever?


Best broken park ever. Only because I saw pictures of it. Best possible scenerio for Family Kingdom, which had itself a record season this year thanks to the pink elephant....which would be how Myrtle Beach's most successful park continues to sit as a barren field after having been closed 2 years ago in favor of becoming residentialized into a mixed-use property prior to the market pop.



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