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Six Flags Magic Mountain Terminator Salvation: The Ride


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Wow..old man 6 is back..its for the whole chain apperantly, as people like the guy, whos probably a small chick in disguise....


Its good to know Terminator will be up for my october trip to LA...yeah, thats right..i'll be in the alveys back yard, eating at the in 'n out off of radford, taking pictures of the sites and peeking in their windows, like Jeff does when he's gets bored or lonely, which sounds like a regular occurance

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Great update Rob! Glad to see the Terminator progress and hail the return of Mr. Six!


Terminator, Kentucky Rumbler, Thunderhead, and Renegade are slowly turning me into a fan of these new generation woodies. Some great engineering and creativity there. Millenium Flyer trains? Yes please!


Many thanks for my namesake pics too. Always appreciated.

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^ And I will join you on Cloud 9 with that wishful thinking for another ride going up in 2010... or we would just need to find a genie in a bottle (probably near Christina Aguilera) to fulfill that one.


According to this article SFMM is getting another coaster in 2010. Of course it could be a kiddie coaster.




Closer to home, Shapiro said Six Flags Magic Mountain will be getting another roller coaster in 2010 and a Wiggles World kiddie land sometime after that. Shapiro also said that if Terminator Salvation: The Ride proves popular at Magic Mountain when it opens in May 2009, the wooden coaster would wind up at another Six Flags park in 2010.
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^ And I will join you on Cloud 9 with that wishful thinking for another ride going up in 2010... or we would just need to find a genie in a bottle (probably near Christina Aguilera) to fulfill that one.


According to this article SFMM is getting another coaster in 2010. Of course it could be a kiddie coaster.




Closer to home, Shapiro said Six Flags Magic Mountain will be getting another roller coaster in 2010 and a Wiggles World kiddie land sometime after that. Shapiro also said that if Terminator Salvation: The Ride proves popular at Magic Mountain when it opens in May 2009, the wooden coaster would wind up at another Six Flags park in 2010.

Please! This is the "Terminator Discussion Thread" not the "I wonder what they are going to get for 2010 Thread."


Please keep your discussions here focused on Terminator otherwise please post in the SFMM Updates Thread.


Thank you!



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Yay! Mr. Six has returned! I remember I dressed up as him for Halloween once........


Terminator is being built VERY quickly! Robb, are you sure those aren't real Terminators? It seems to be going a bit too quickly, I hope it gets completed early. It looks like a great woodie!


EDIT: Yay again! Thrill Shot operating too! Whoot!

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