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Liseberg Discussion Thread

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just saw video's of the slides exploding. 

This is really sad as it doesn't look like there is any saving this building. Really curious what started this fire.

To think this never opened, Liseberg sure has had a though time these last 4 years.

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3 hours ago, RCT3Bross said:

I just saw video's of the slides exploding. 

This is really sad as it doesn't look like there is any saving this building. Really curious what started this fire.

To think this never opened, Liseberg sure has had a though time these last 4 years.


According to NCC (the developer/main contractor), they believe the fire broke out in connection with a "work process". If I were to speculate, I would guess the fire occurred during welding. Again, nothing has been confirmed.

The building is deemed a complete loss.

At the moment, 13 people have been treated for minor injuries.


Drone footage:


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that's so awful!

The park had put so much work into it, and even 6 months ago on our construction tour, it looked amazing inside.


terrible loss after so much time and effort had been spent. .

(luckily no deaths tho. . . so there's that to look to, and that it did not spread to Grand Curiosa - right next door - is a blessing)

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7 hours ago, DiscoBreak said:

According to NCC (the developer/main contractor), they believe the fire broke out in connection with a "work process". If I were to speculate, I would guess the fire occurred during welding.

If I were to speculate, I'd say they replaced all the water with gasoline.  There's video going around of the big explody and hot damn, it looks like a Michael Bay movie.

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I'm seeing reports that the fire has flared up again, and they are struggling to get it under control

I can't find a corroborating story tho . . .  but if so, how did it flare back up 16 hours later?


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1 hour ago, bert425 said:

I can't find a corroborating story tho . . .  but if so, how did it flare back up 16 hours later?


Quelling the blaze had been made difficult because of the risk of collapse, firefighters said, adding there still were pockets of fire burning.

Svante Carlsson of the city’s fire department said his firefighters have gotten the fire under control on Tuesday. There was “extensive damage and some parts of the structure have collapsed,” he said, adding that he expects his crews “to be on the scene for some time.”

Full Article

There's probably still construction equipment inside that is highly flammable or explosive due to fuel or gas tanks and firefighters can probably only do so much from the outside.

I have no idea what materials are used in modern-day construction tools or were in the building but an example, electric car batteries can spontaneously reignite themselves for hours or even days after the fire is out.

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The Swedish Accident Investigation Authority will do a investigation on the cause and what to do to prevent it to happen again: Fire at Oceana Waterworld in Gothenburg

Today I went by Liseberg/Oceana to take some photos of the aftermath of the fire...

When standing outside you realise how extensive the damage is on the water slides and the main building :(

I will not fly my drone over the area due to the ongoing investigation and that there are "no photo"-signs on the doors to Oceana.

I will probably not post any more photos until they start the rebuild of Ocenan...

All the best for Liseberg and to let them take care of their employees.. 

/// Marcus 







And from a distance:



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