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Worlds of Fun (WOF) Discussion Thread

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Yep. It's also no secret that the park GM wants a launched coaster next. He's stated the fact numerous times.



Oh yes he has. I remember he said he wanted a launched family coaster and I remember thinking, "oh boy more family rides".


That could mean a Pony Express or an Italian Job like coaster. Heck, Maybe even Manta at SWSD

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Yep. It's also no secret that the park GM wants a launched coaster next. He's stated the fact numerous times.



Oh yes he has. I remember he said he wanted a launched family coaster and I remember thinking, "oh boy more family rides".


That could mean a Pony Express or an Italian Job like coaster. Heck, Maybe even Manta at SWSD


He pretty much stated something like what they added to BGW so that probably nixes what you mentioned.

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I don't understand why the park is investing so much into family rides. No one wants them, even the GP. Like everyone has stated before, we want new thrills!


Obviously people want them, as they keep on being added. Just think about it really. WOF is awesome for people under 48' right now, and that can't be said about a lot of parks. Their thinking is that if they get them while they're young, they will want to come back when they are old. They aren't gonna add something if it won't make money. A Planet Snoopy upgrade will be awesome for the park. Now WOF will have the most kiddie rides of any park in the chain. It's not like they are just adding something just to add something.


Like I've said before, 1996-2009 was all about thrill rides. Prowler, Patriot, Mamba, Boomerang, Spinning Dragons, Thunderhawk, Detonator, and Ripcord. Now WOF needs to catch up in their family department. On the other hand, they cannot neglect their thrill ride fans (even though Steelhawk was added in 2014). I believe something thrilling is in the works.

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A Premier launched clone in two years. Exciting...

A Premier launched clone would be incredible! The only ones are on the coasts, and except for a few nutcases, no one in the Midwest would travel to the coasts to ride one. Having one around here would be a big attraction, and I think it's really cool to see WoF's GM flat out saying he wants a Tempesto clone.


So let me say this for WoF's management who may see this post: A Tempesto clone will sell me and my family 5 season passes to Worlds of Fun.


I don't understand why the park is investing so much into family rides. No one wants them, even the GP. Like everyone has stated before, we want new thrills!


Obviously people want them, as they keep on being added. Just think about it really. WOF is awesome for people under 48' right now, and that can't be said about a lot of parks. Their thinking is that if they get them while they're young, they will want to come back when they are old. They aren't gonna add something if it won't make money. A Planet Snoopy upgrade will be awesome for the park. Now WOF will have the most kiddie rides of any park in the chain. It's not like they are just adding something just to add something.


Like I've said before, 1996-2009 was all about thrill rides. Prowler, Patriot, Mamba, Boomerang, Spinning Dragons, Thunderhawk, Detonator, and Ripcord. Now WOF needs to catch up in their family department. On the other hand, they cannot neglect their thrill ride fans (even though Steelhawk was added in 2014). I believe something thrilling is in the works.

Worlds of Fun has been great about balancing additions. Even in the beginning of the Cedar Fair era, when they were rightly focused on bringing in big thrill rides that the independent owners never could have, they still renovated Berenstein Bear Country into Camp Snoopy, which was a big step up for them.


I know a lot of people who have blinders for anything that isn't a coaster feel like there haven't been thrill additions, but 2013 was a big year for everyone. At the same time as Dinosaurs Alive! was installed, Predator's Plunge was added as part of a complete waterpark renovation that saw the end of the separate ticketing for the waterpark. Thunderhawk is big for them, too; I know a lot of people on this site thought "oh, another Windseeker"--and possibly went on it at Knott's. But for WoF's main audience, they were getting a bigger version of a ride at Six Flags, and that's a big deal.


I personally am very excited for the Timberwolf retracking. I went on it last year, and the retracked portion is very smooth. I don't remember Timberwolf ever being not rough, and I had just learned to like it in that state. It's amazing to experience a smooth version; I can see exactly why it was such a big hit in 1991. If the rest of the coaster turns out like the first 1/3, Timberwolf will be reridable--and to me, that's just as good as a new coaster.

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I personally am very excited for the Timberwolf retracking. I went on it last year, and the retracked portion is very smooth. I don't remember Timberwolf ever being not rough, and I had just learned to like it in that state. It's amazing to experience a smooth version; I can see exactly why it was such a big hit in 1991. If the rest of the coaster turns out like the first 1/3, Timberwolf will be reridable--and to me, that's just as good as a new coaster.

Just wondering, how extensive is the retracking? Will it be entirely re-tracked so that it runs like new in 2016, or are they just re-doing parts of it?


I've heard terrible things about Timberwolf, but if it doesn't shake me to death, I'd love to try it.

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I personally am very excited for the Timberwolf retracking. I went on it last year, and the retracked portion is very smooth. I don't remember Timberwolf ever being not rough, and I had just learned to like it in that state. It's amazing to experience a smooth version; I can see exactly why it was such a big hit in 1991. If the rest of the coaster turns out like the first 1/3, Timberwolf will be reridable--and to me, that's just as good as a new coaster.

Just wondering, how extensive is the retracking? Will it be entirely re-tracked so that it runs like new in 2016, or are they just re-doing parts of it?


I've heard terrible things about Timberwolf, but if it doesn't shake me to death, I'd love to try it.


The original plan was to retrack it in 3 years. The drop and turn around this year, then from there up to the helix next year but here's where I'm having a problem. In 2017 they want to finish the helix and all the way to the brake run. That's a lot more than they would be doing, so I'm really not even sure if a whole retrack is even going to happen. Hopefully but it seems like too much for what they've been doing so far. I say just do what Knotts did with Ghost Rider. Retrack it over the off-season get new Millennium Flyers and call it finished. GCI was too busy to get to the project until May and early June so hopefully we will see it opening day with more track replaced for a smoother ride.

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A Premier launched clone in two years. Exciting...

A Premier launched clone would be incredible! The only ones are on the coasts, and except for a few nutcases, no one in the Midwest would travel to the coasts to ride one. Having one around here would be a big attraction, and I think it's really cool to see WoF's GM flat out saying he wants a Tempesto clone.


I rode Tempesto this summer. I can assure you that for 'most' people it's far from "Incredible." Is it a decent ride? Yeah, OK, sure. Is it a one trick pony? Yup. Is it by far the most forgettable roller coaster in BGW? Absolutely.


Sure, it's an improvement. I just didn't think a park with such coaster neglect would be so excited for such meritocracy to end the coaster drought. The addition of Prowler trumps this ride. I'm hoping your park car do better. I've been waiting for something to bring me back to WOF and this certainly won't be that something.


I'm not trying to crap on anyone's mood, I'm just being realistic here. If you're really excited about it then I'm happy for you and I certainly don't mean to offend you. Maybe if WOF does get this ride it will hinder the chances of SFSTL receiving the same clone as opposed to a different coaster... if we ever get another coaster. Now all I have to do is cross my fingers that another park will get a S&S Free Spin, so we can eliminate that option, too...

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Tempesto is far from a mediocre ride and you're comparing apples to oranges when comparing WOF to BGW. Of course Tempesto is not considered a top tier coaster there, you have 3 B&M coasters and a high tech launcher. I fully believe a Tenpesto clone would do well at WOF - would I like a full circuit anything instead? Sure, but I feel this is a step in the correct direction.

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A rumor is still a rumor, no matter where it came from. I'm sure most park GMs want something in particular, but plans change and they don't always get the budget that they expected. I'm not trying to discredit anyone or be a negative nancy, it's just that 2018 is still a while away, and I don't believe anything anymore unless I have conclusive proof. I hope I'm wrong though, I think it would be a good fit for the park.

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I'm in the "Yay for a Premier Launched Coaster, BOO on a Tempesto/Superman clone!" boat. I'd prefer a custom design, even if it is in a smaller scale like Tempesto/Superman.


BUT, even with that being said, it would be a new, unique experience for the GP which is unfortunately the target audience.

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A Premier launched clone in two years. Exciting...

A Premier launched clone would be incredible! The only ones are on the coasts, and except for a few nutcases, no one in the Midwest would travel to the coasts to ride one. Having one around here would be a big attraction, and I think it's really cool to see WoF's GM flat out saying he wants a Tempesto clone.


I rode Tempesto this summer. I can assure you that for 'most' people it's far from "Incredible." Is it a decent ride? Yeah, OK, sure. Is it a one trick pony? Yup. Is it by far the most forgettable roller coaster in BGW? Absolutely.


Sure, it's an improvement. I just didn't think a park with such coaster neglect would be so excited for such meritocracy to end the coaster drought. The addition of Prowler trumps this ride. I'm hoping your park car do better. I've been waiting for something to bring me back to WOF and this certainly won't be that something.


I'm not trying to crap on anyone's mood, I'm just being realistic here. If you're really excited about it then I'm happy for you and I certainly don't mean to offend you. Maybe if WOF does get this ride it will hinder the chances of SFSTL receiving the same clone as opposed to a different coaster... if we ever get another coaster. Now all I have to do is cross my fingers that another park will get a S&S Free Spin, so we can eliminate that option, too...

I don't like the word "neglect," and it's not really accurate to the situation. Worlds of Fun has 5 very good coasters, and 2 of those are just incredible (Prowler and Mamba). Really, only Boomerang and Cosmic Coaster are subpar. But it's not really a coaster park; it has a lot more for families. The water park is the best in the state, and it has the most flat rides as well. The offerings for children are at least on par with Silver Dollar City, if not better. Overall, it's more rounded than Six Flags, and we always have a better time there.


Honestly, I haven't been to Busch Gardens, but from the trip reports I've seen, it seems to compare better to Silver Dollar City than to Worlds of Fun. I don't think I'd be excited for a Tempesto clone at Silver Dollar City, but at Worlds of Fun it would be a good fit. Really, my excitement for a Tempesto clone is that it has a great ROI. It would be unique in the Midwest, and attract quite a few guests for a low price. I've been intrigued by these ever since I saw Robb's video of Superman at SFDK, and I feel like it would be a perfect way for Worlds of Fun to get a launched coaster. Attendance isn't huge at that park, so it should be good enough capacity. I'm glad for the small improvements they've been making, and when they do get a new coaster, they'll be ready.

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I agree with what ^ said. All thigh it's not a perfect fit for the park, it will still do great there. It would draw more people which worlds of fun needs. It would also bring more people to the park side during the summer which oceans of fun is the main reason to visit.

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^ I disagree. WOF has been over due for a coaster for several seasons now. That is not just enthusiast talk. Its just true. And I'm not even talking about some record breaking Giga. Yes, families visit the park. But that is not the only audience. And a lot of families only visit parks once a year or even once every few years. A good, new, thrilling coaster is much needed.

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A Premier launched clone in two years. Exciting...

A Premier launched clone would be incredible! The only ones are on the coasts, and except for a few nutcases, no one in the Midwest would travel to the coasts to ride one. Having one around here would be a big attraction, and I think it's really cool to see WoF's GM flat out saying he wants a Tempesto clone.


I rode Tempesto this summer. I can assure you that for 'most' people it's far from "Incredible." Is it a decent ride? Yeah, OK, sure. Is it a one trick pony? Yup. Is it by far the most forgettable roller coaster in BGW? Absolutely.


Sure, it's an improvement. I just didn't think a park with such coaster neglect would be so excited for such meritocracy to end the coaster drought. The addition of Prowler trumps this ride. I'm hoping your park car do better. I've been waiting for something to bring me back to WOF and this certainly won't be that something.


I'm not trying to crap on anyone's mood, I'm just being realistic here. If you're really excited about it then I'm happy for you and I certainly don't mean to offend you. Maybe if WOF does get this ride it will hinder the chances of SFSTL receiving the same clone as opposed to a different coaster... if we ever get another coaster. Now all I have to do is cross my fingers that another park will get a S&S Free Spin, so we can eliminate that option, too...

I don't like the word "neglect," and it's not really accurate to the situation. Worlds of Fun has 5 very good coasters, and 2 of those are just incredible (Prowler and Mamba). Really, only Boomerang and Cosmic Coaster are subpar. But it's not really a coaster park; it has a lot more for families. The water park is the best in the state, and it has the most flat rides as well. The offerings for children are at least on par with Silver Dollar City, if not better. Overall, it's more rounded than Six Flags, and we always have a better time there.


Honestly, I haven't been to Busch Gardens, but from the trip reports I've seen, it seems to compare better to Silver Dollar City than to Worlds of Fun. I don't think I'd be excited for a Tempesto clone at Silver Dollar City, but at Worlds of Fun it would be a good fit. Really, my excitement for a Tempesto clone is that it has a great ROI. It would be unique in the Midwest, and attract quite a few guests for a low price. I've been intrigued by these ever since I saw Robb's video of Superman at SFDK, and I feel like it would be a perfect way for Worlds of Fun to get a launched coaster. Attendance isn't huge at that park, so it should be good enough capacity. I'm glad for the small improvements they've been making, and when they do get a new coaster, they'll be ready.


I understand what you're saying, but strictly from a coaster enthusiasts standpoint it's nothing to get 'overly' excited about. I think we just have different tastes seeing as how Mamba is an incredible coaster in your book. Everyone is different.

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Does anyone know if Premier could make a juiced up Tempesto in a Gigacoaster size? This IMO could give the smaller parks a giga solution in a more manageable cost/footprint solution. Valleyfair/Dorney could benefit from this if Cedar Fair ordered 3 like the hyper coaster trio. BGW Clones for even smaller parks. Thoughts anyone?

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^^Physics is a lot more complex than just making it twice the size. The proportions of the ride would be entirely different, the support system would be entirely different, and the launch track/power requirements would be ridiculous. There's not even a guarantee the layout would really "work" at that scale. It would also be so much more expensive than the current model that it probably wouldn't be worth it.

Would it be cool? Yeah, sure. Plausible? Probably not. Especially not for the $15-$25 million price tag (just an estimate).

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