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Worlds of Fun (WOF) Discussion Thread

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That's why I wanted discussion....good idea fairy doesn't always fly when real world engages. Your right on a lot of your points. The park did so well with Prowler. The terrain woodie is unique to park, if a Tempesto clone could be made special somehow. Tunnel on drop, element not seen, anything to set the ride apart. Thanks for input, I appreciated the kind feedback.

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Over due!?!?

Based on what? Some theoretical formula that states a park must add a coaster every x number of years?

The park is not hurting for a coaster. What is hurting for is some modern thrill rides.

We base the park is over due for a coaster on the time span between new coasters for other parks of the same size and in the same chain. Rarely do most parks go without a coaster for 7 years.

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There are plenty of major parks that have not seen a new coaster in 5+ years, some of them comparable in size to WOF and some of them the same chain. The Great Escape, Darien Lake, Valley Fair, Michigan's Adventure, Beach Bend, (yes they are building one...10 years since their last!).


A park doesn't need a new coaster every other year. Cedar Fair has dumped a ton of capital into WOF and continues to do so, some things you see, some things you don't see. For example, it wasn't until a few years ago that the parks POS system was finally all tied together to allow managers to monitor inventory levels, what was selling, what was not selling, and make adjustments accordingly without a physical hand count of product. That cost a good amount of money to do, but as a guest you wouldn't know it happened, hell the only reason I know it happened is because park management told me. Painting, plumbing, finish out of planet snoopy, and a new cheesy dark ride will round out the park's offerings.


Parks spend a lot of money on market research, and what they have done has paid off for them and the company financially so they must be doing something right. So is 2018 the big year, who really knows, until the steel is cut, wood ordered, trucks roll in with the goods, they can always change their minds. It happens more than you think.

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A Premier launched clone in two years. Exciting...

A Premier launched clone would be incredible! The only ones are on the coasts, and except for a few nutcases, no one in the Midwest would travel to the coasts to ride one. Having one around here would be a big attraction, and I think it's really cool to see WoF's GM flat out saying he wants a Tempesto clone.


I rode Tempesto this summer. I can assure you that for 'most' people it's far from "Incredible." Is it a decent ride? Yeah, OK, sure. Is it a one trick pony? Yup. Is it by far the most forgettable roller coaster in BGW? Absolutely.


Sure, it's an improvement. I just didn't think a park with such coaster neglect would be so excited for such meritocracy to end the coaster drought. The addition of Prowler trumps this ride. I'm hoping your park car do better. I've been waiting for something to bring me back to WOF and this certainly won't be that something.


I'm not trying to crap on anyone's mood, I'm just being realistic here. If you're really excited about it then I'm happy for you and I certainly don't mean to offend you. Maybe if WOF does get this ride it will hinder the chances of SFSTL receiving the same clone as opposed to a different coaster... if we ever get another coaster. Now all I have to do is cross my fingers that another park will get a S&S Free Spin, so we can eliminate that option, too...

I don't like the word "neglect," and it's not really accurate to the situation. Worlds of Fun has 5 very good coasters, and 2 of those are just incredible (Prowler and Mamba). Really, only Boomerang and Cosmic Coaster are subpar. But it's not really a coaster park; it has a lot more for families. The water park is the best in the state, and it has the most flat rides as well. The offerings for children are at least on par with Silver Dollar City, if not better. Overall, it's more rounded than Six Flags, and we always have a better time there.


Honestly, I haven't been to Busch Gardens, but from the trip reports I've seen, it seems to compare better to Silver Dollar City than to Worlds of Fun. I don't think I'd be excited for a Tempesto clone at Silver Dollar City, but at Worlds of Fun it would be a good fit. Really, my excitement for a Tempesto clone is that it has a great ROI. It would be unique in the Midwest, and attract quite a few guests for a low price. I've been intrigued by these ever since I saw Robb's video of Superman at SFDK, and I feel like it would be a perfect way for Worlds of Fun to get a launched coaster. Attendance isn't huge at that park, so it should be good enough capacity. I'm glad for the small improvements they've been making, and when they do get a new coaster, they'll be ready.


I understand what you're saying, but strictly from a coaster enthusiasts standpoint it's nothing to get 'overly' excited about. I think we just have different tastes seeing as how Mamba is an incredible coaster in your book. Everyone is different.

Fair enough. I know we have drastically different opinions on Boss, too. I think it comes down to that you're a fan of coasters and I'm a fan of theme parks. There are days I go to a theme park and don't ride a single roller coaster, and still have an awesome time. I even did that at Six Flags once this year--we rode Justice League, Log Flume, Rush Street Flyer, Tsunami Soaker, Joker Inc., and then went to the water park. It was a great day!


Different opinions and interests in rides are the reason there's such variety at theme parks. If we all liked the same things, there'd be 10 rides in each park and all of them would have a 3 hour line. Vive la difference!

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You know, other do have a good point. The infrastructure up here's the park has been getting have really benefitted the park well. I mean yea it is annoying that there isn't a new coaster, but at least there are improvements to the park. One thing I would really like to see is better operations. They used to be pretty good but this year wasn't the best. Patriot still seemed to have the fastest operations but there was room for improvement.

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Of all places, Six Flags last year stole one of their fantastic area supervisors who was partly responsible for their quick ride operations, could explain some things there.
That does make a lot of sense. I never knew that happened. Hopefully there will be some improvement this season. Speaking of that, does anyone know when the park opens for the season?
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Of all places, Six Flags last year stole one of their fantastic area supervisors who was partly responsible for their quick ride operations, could explain some things there.
That does make a lot of sense. I never knew that happened. Hopefully there will be some improvement this season. Speaking of that, does anyone know when the park opens for the season?


Worlds of Fun opens on Saturday April 16th. The operating calendar can be viewed here.

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In the past couple of days I noticed a change in Public Relations. I did some further research and saw the PR manager left. Anyone know of the new one? Also have news of Retracking on Timberwolf. According to the park, they are already working on Timberwolf and it's supposed to be open on Opening day as it should.

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Dorney also got a new PR person right as the season came to the end. I was told that they were trying to improve social media for the park.

It did seem that the smaller cedar fair parks where lacking in social media. Many of the accounts were not very active.

I thought I saw in a previous post a page or two back that work has already started on Timberwolf. For anything me that knows, is it going to be the section from the end of the first phase to the helix or what?

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Worlds of Fun is a great park!


A single loop can be enough to keep WOF a family park.

So... If you build a coaster with more than just "a single loop" it's not a family park? Then what is Patriot?


I don't mean to be rude in any way, I just really, really don't understand the point of this post.

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I mean, the Mindbender at SFOG haves a low height restriction (42in), so Kids can enjoy going upside down for the first time.

I know the Boomerang haves a 48in height restriction, but it would be nice to get a simple roller coaster for those who aren't tall enough to ride Partiot that is NOT a head-banger

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