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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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^^^ I'm curious why a footprint means Son Of Beast, I've never been to the park so I don't know. But I've never seen the Beast or the "Son of" associated with a footprint graphic. Looks like a reptile or dinosaur print to me. Please, tell me otherwise if I'm wrong. Everything that I've read, says "S.O.B." shouldn't return. Maybe I'm looking too far into things, or way too curious, but could this be something better for the park? Again, never been there, not my home park, and don't know much about it...just curious why the marketing gets a "Son Of Beast" label put on it.

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^They used to have footprints on the blacktop leading from the Eiffel Tower to the Beast years ago...but I agree that this doesn't look like the Beast footprints of old and looks to be more like a dinosaur print. I was looking on the web to see if I could find a pic of the old footprints, but gave up after five minutes (lazy). I wanted to think they looked more like Sasquatch type of prints.


I really doubt they would get dueling Invertigo's, but I guess stranger things have happened.

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In other news, the park's blog uploaded some photos of the Coney Mall construction work today, which also involves removing the black asphalt and replacing it with brick pacers. I think that it will be a nice touch for the area.




Both images belong to Kings Island. The rest of the pictures can be seen HERE.

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  • 2 weeks later...

King's Island just posted this photo marked "planning"




Something's in the works East of The Racer and Windseeker....hmmm. I'd have to guess that's an area rather than a layout, as in the coaster/whatever may go into that area, which is a good sized area!


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  coasterfreaky said:
King's Island just posted this photo marked "planning"




Something's in the works East of The Racer and Windseeker....hmmm. I'd have to guess that's an area rather than a layout, as in the coaster/whatever may go into that area, which is a good sized area!


Hmmm... this seems pretty interesting...

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Possibly the long rumored expansion of x-base/new area connecting Coney and X-Base?


I'm kinda surprised they posted this already (if it is indeed a first hint of what's to come for 2012) considering they have a new multimillion dollar ride that hasn't opened yet.

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^All the more to whet the appetite of us enthusiasts. And starting the speculation early isn't a bad thing. And now that we have a good idea that something big looks to be coming, its more incentive for people to get to the park this year to follow the construction (especially once its starts).

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Kings Island turns 40 next year. It could be the plan of how guests will access the new attraction.


I doubt if it's expansion of X Base as it's nowhere near there. You have some maintenance buildings in between Firehawk/FOF and this new area. It could be the beginnings of an entirely new "coughthemedcough" section.

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Maybe they're putting another Halloween Haunt maze way out there? You know, one that doesn't really suck? Anyway, did anyone check out their video blog of the Beast retracking? At the end, it looks like they are either re-doing, expanding or adding a tunnel section. Really hard to tell from the video exactly which area they are working on.



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  Skramp said:
At the end, it looks like they are either re-doing, expanding or adding a tunnel section. Really hard to tell from the video exactly which area they are working on.


The plastic and wood supports you see are a temporary structure built during the winter so the carpenters can work in even the worst conditions. Good to see continued work on The Beast.

I'm interested to see what develops in the area behind Racer. Come opening day I'd bet there are plenty of people taking a look down on the other side of Racer while riding Windseeker and Racer. If it is an expansion back into that area for 2012, I'd venture to say we will see movement back there come opening day.

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The first WINDSEEKAAAA piece has arrived at Kings Island. It appears to be the top section of the tower based on color when compared to the animation. Now I present to you a 1-ish minute long video of a piece of steel with people standing around and looking at it.


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Is there a reason why they seem to be receiving the pieces from the top down? I thought they'd receive them the other way so they could start installing it sooner. Or am I just confusing the colors here?

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King's Island posted a picture teasing their 2011 park map. The map is folded over to cover action zone/SOB. There is some speculation (its hard for me to tell personally) that Action Theater is not shown behind the new Windseeker on the map.


The picture can be viewed here.

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^With all the work RM has done this offseason for the Six Flags parks I would think tackling something like SoB would possibly stretch their resources a bit thin. NTG was a monumental task all by itself. Though it won't happen if they do decide to go with topper track they might as well put the loop back in.


^^I'm not sure the fact that the Coney Mall/Action Zone side of the map being folded really means anything. If they remove the Action Theater I wouldn't be surprised. It didn't seem to be open the two times I was there last year. Though it appears they kept Citigraph for the map instead of Cedar Fairing it, which makes me happy.

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