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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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Went the park on Saturday, May 15. I must say it was VERY crowded! Probably the most crowded I have ever seen the park. Even though it was crowded we made the best of it and still had a fun day with friends.


Ride Count:

Diamondback 2

Vortex 1

Firehawk 1

Flight of Fear 1

Drop Tower 1


So we arrived at the park around 12 and were greeted by large crowds. We quickly made our way over to Diamondback.


Diamondback (Ride 1)

The queue was completely filled and extended back on to the midway. Even with the line being so long it actually went pretty fast and we only waited about 45 minutes. Kudos to the ride ops for there fast operations. I was assigned towards the middle of the train, had a decent amount of air time. Did not seem as intense as I remembered it, but this was most likely due to me sitting in the middle of the train.

Rating 8/10


Next we made our way through the crowds to Vortex.



Had the shortest wait of the day, only about 30 minutes. Defiantly a very under-rated coaster! I was actually surprised, not much head-banging and actually a very enjoyable coaster. Still is one of the best Arrow Loopers just do not sit in the back . Lots of inversions and a couple unique ones, a fun coaster.

Rating 9/10


By this time my friends wanted to ride the dreaded "Firehawk", considering the park was packed I was NOT looking forward to this one.



VERY long line, and the slowest line in the park. Waited 2 hours for this (Darn peer pressure). Was just as bad as usual, the only coaster I have ridden where I feel as though I am going to fall out and die. The restraints are also very uncomfortable. A unique experience but just not worth it if the wait is above 30 minutes. Your typical Vekoma "Death-Machine"

Rating 3/10


Skipped FoF due to the line and decided to head over to Drop Tower.


Drop Tower

A fun ride, but once again is not worth waiting more then 30 Minutes for. Unfortunately we had to wait about an hour and a half. You get some great views on this ride and the drop is fun, but the ride is just to short!

Rating 6/10


We were now getting hungry and headed over to Rivertown Junction. One of the best places to eat in the park due to it being a buffet. It is pricey ($16.99), but the food is good and you can get a full "All-you-can-eat" meal. I defiantly recommend eating here, one of the best value places in the park food wise. Also free refills! We began heading back to FoF, on the way I noticed they were testing the new Snoopy Summer Lights. The lights look very nice, unfortunately I could not get any pictures this time.


Flight of Fear

One of my favorite rides in the park! The long was VERY long though, the ENTIRE indoor and outdoor queue was filled. I have never seen FoF this crowded! The movie and effects were all working in the queue. We waited about an hour 45 but it was worth it. Had a great front seat ride, such an intense little ride, still one of the best LIM launches.

Rating 9/10


By the time we got off the ride it was 9:45 so we headed over to Diamondback for our final ride of the day.


Diamondback (Ride 2)

We only had to wait 30 minutes this time because most of the GP was up in the front of the park watching the fireworks show. Diamondback is such an amazing ride at night, words really cannot describe it. The ride just feels so much more out of control at night. Our night Diamondback ride was defiantly the best ride of the day!

Rating 10/10


Stopped at Graeters on the way out (Best Ice-Cream at the park)


Overall we had a great day considering the crowds, we made the best of it. Cedar Fair is really taking care of this park, everything looks very nice. Very clean, and most of the park scenery was up and looking nice. I also believe that Planet Snoopy looks ALOT better then the old Nick Universe!

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I am going to King's Island or Saturday June 19th for the first time. Do you think it will be crowded? I am doing the Club TPR walk back so I can get Diamondback and Beast before people get there, but do you guys think I can get on everything? How should I plan my day to make sure I get on the most rides?

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I am going to King's Island or Saturday June 19th for the first time. Do you think it will be crowded? I am doing the Club TPR walk back so I can get Diamondback and Beast before people get there, but do you guys think I can get on everything? How should I plan my day to make sure I get on the most rides?

Sorry to tell you this, but it's probably going to be very busy that day. I'm pretty sure the AAA Orphan Day is that day, plus it's a Saturday. I'd say for ERT ride Diamondback and Beast as much as possible. About five minutes before the park opens, walk towards Backlot where the rope is. As soon as it drops, go ride Backlot, you'll walk right onto it. Next go ride Vortex and it will be a walkon. Hurry and run to Flight of Fear and the line shouldn't be more than 10 minutes. Once you get off, Firehawk should just be opening. I'd say you will probably have to wait about 30 minutes for it. From there, just make your way down towards Action Zone, ride Racer and Adventure Express on the way. If you want to do Slingshot or Xtreme Skyfler, usually in the morning the tickets are only $5, you can buy it, than ride it whenever you want. Invertigo will have a long line along with Drop Zone and Delirium. Top Gun will be a walkon like always. After you get those credits, just ride what ever you want. If you want the kiddie credits, go at night. Planet Snoopy is PACKED all day everyday, but after 8PM. the crowds there die down. Make sure you ride Beast and Diamondback at night!

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^^ When the park officially opens head straight to Firehawk and get on that and FoF. Then head to Invertigo, after that get to the Stunt Coaster and you should be fine the rest of the day.


^ Has Firehawk started opening later? When I was there last year in June it opened with the rest of the park.

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The Beast was down half the day on Saturday and all day Sunday. It appears to be having problems with its lift hill.


Anyone have more information as to what's going on?

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I noticed that too. Missed my chance to get ERT on it Saturday in favor of several LSHoF laps and claiming first ride of the day on Firehawk, but it was definatly down most of the day....Maybe its trying to teach it's sone a lesson?

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The Beast was down half the day on Saturday and all day Sunday. It appears to be having problems with its lift hill.


Anyone have more information as to what's going on?


Not sure what the situation is right now, but sounded pretty bad over the weekend when talking to some ops about it.


Some people were demanding their money back because it was broken! LOL!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everybody, I'm new here.


Anyway, I realize the weather probably won't be that great tomorrow but I'm planning to head up to Cedar Point or down to Kings Island tomorrow - I live about halfway between the two. I'm pretty familiar with CP but I've only been to KI twice - any recommendations for me regarding things that get busy later (what to ride first) or anything else?


I noticed the times I went that the crowds seemed really light compared to CP but it may have just been a lucky day - what should I expect as far as wait times, busyness, etc? Also, I can't exactly recall if there's a lot of cover in case of rain. Help?


Thanks, all!



::edit:: I'm going with my fiancee, who is terrified of roller coasters but enjoys them afterward. She loved Millennium Force and Mantis, for example, but when talking to her a couple days ago said she was super nervous about going on them again. Any advice? Anybody?

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Does KI still do the Starlight (After 4 PM) admission for $20 or does that not start until later in the season?




I found out that it's $24.95 after 5 PM (Park is open until 10PM). Parking is still the full $10 though.

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Well it's official! I am finally returning to KI! I have not been there in 12 years and I couldn't be more excited! I have an upcoming training in Cincy, and wouldn't you know it's only 7 miles from KI!


Anyway, my question to all you KI vets out there is : Is there a particular strategy for shorter waits after 5:00 pm? I won't be able to make it to the park until around 5:00. I'll be in town all week so I definitely plan to go at least twice any maybe more. I'll be flying solo so single rider lines will be used if available. Any tips are appreciated.


I am so excited! It's been so long, it will be like the first time all over again!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hey guys took these photo's at Kings Island monday. I was thinking about saving them for a TR, but I didn't really shoot enough of the park to do anything very thorough so I'm just gonna share these here.


The Starlight looks amazing! In general KI looks VERY nice this year. Cedar Fair is really taking care of the place.

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  • 1 month later...

Apparently there has been some land clearing work done over behind Son of Beast the past few days. Some pics of the work can be found over at KIC. http://www.kicentral.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=21000&st=510


This is the same area that was used as Diamondback's storage area...new ride for KI? Work on Sonny? Nothing at all?

Edited by KI Kidd
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