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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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Also, I do believe that you can pop a blood vessel by blowing your nose or by taking a massive dump. I think it was just bad luck for that lady.


The things I learn from this site.


In other news this entire thing to me seems like Kings Island trying to justify removing a (fairly new) attraction that ended up being such a huge disaster. I strongly doubt anything will be done with the ride. Actually the park claiming that they are looking for a company to come "fix" the coaster almost reminds me of Flashback at SFMM. For years we heard about improvements that the park was considering, basically lasting up until the day that they started to cut the coaster apart.

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^ I rode it in 07 and 08 and didn't think it was bad at all. I actually enjoyed it and rated it fairly high on my CF coaster count (8/10).

No offense, but you're really, really, really, REALLY in the minority...


**In advance, this post isn't directed toward anyone in particular, and I don't aim to come off as an a$$.**



Ever heard of conformity?




I think a majority of the beliefs in this community are based on that principle. It's as if a lot of people are afraid to form their own opinions anymore...instead, they just post whatever it takes to "fit in."


Now, I could be completely off, and I'm definitely not trying to sound like a psychological expert or anything. It just seems fishy when one person claims that Son of Beast is bad, and suddenly, another member (who hasn't even ridden SOB) deems it life-threatening, and proceeds to say that it should be burned down...even if they are kidding to some extent. Or when you browse the ballots at Mitch's poll and find that someone who you know for a fact has never left the USA votes Eagle Fortress as the #1 coaster in the world. It just doesn't add up...

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**In advance, this post isn't directed toward anyone in particular, and I don't aim to come off as an a$$.**



Ever heard of conformity?



Word of advice: Never say "I don't aim to come off as an ass." People will immediately assume that you are.


And let me say, as one who has ridden Son of Beast, that . . . it stinks. Yes, it stinks on ice and sucks out loud. Only Bandit at Movie Park and Anaconda at Walygator are worse, at least in my opinion.

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And it's fine to have your own opinion. Mine is the opposite. Everyone should be able to have their own opinion.


It just isn't right when people conform their opinions (of rides they haven't even ridden) solely to fit others'. And that happens a lot here. This thread and the Knott's thread are prime examples.

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^Good example with Knott's. I happened to think it was a very nice park, that GhostRider was nowhere even remotely close to as rough as advertised, and Silver Bullet was fantastic. But don't look for any support on that statement around these parts. In fact, don't look for anything positive to be said about any Cedar Fair property or ride around these parts.

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^And this is apropos of what, exactly? The topic is Kings Island--stay on topic, please.


And it's fine to have your own opinion. Mine is the opposite. Everyone should be able to have their own opinion.


It just isn't right when people conform their opinions (of rides they haven't even ridden) solely to fit others'. And that happens a lot here. This thread and the Knott's thread are prime examples.


Exactly. I'm glad you liked Son of Beast; unfortunately for me, it was one of the few black marks on very nice day at Kings Island last year (I enjoyed myself there). And, yes, you will have some people who feel the need to "fit in." But please don't accuse others of "conformity" simply because you're in the minority.

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Or when you browse the ballots at Mitch's poll and find that someone who you know for a fact has never left the USA votes Eagle Fortress as the #1 coaster in the world. It just doesn't add up...


But SOB isn't some obscure credit in Asia. It's a widely-ridden ride at a widely-visited park. Apart from a few random poll-sabotaging 40-year-old virgin losers, it earned its "bottom 10" status fair and square.

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^ Exactly. SoB is not in some random park in the middle of nowhere. A lot of people (a lot of poor people) have had the chance to ride this. I personally only know about four out of like fifty people in my family (my HUGE family) that would go on this ride and those four people don't like Diamondback, so they are just crazy anyway.


On the conformity thing, why would anyone want to "fit in" with there opinions for this ride? It was horrid in the end, IMO. I (and most people that i can think of) could care less what others think about this ride, we have our own opinions and they happen to be the same. I for one loved this ride when the loop was in and they had the original trains. Now that they had those trains from Hurricane and they took the loop out, it went to the dogs.

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I think the point was that the majority of people dont like the ride. There will always be people that like a ride no matter how bad it is. Go on youtube and look for POV of Grizzly at CGA and check out the comments. There are quite a few people that say they like the ride on there even though the majority of us think its boring as all hell.

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Or when you browse the ballots at Mitch's poll and find that someone who you know for a fact has never left the USA votes Eagle Fortress as the #1 coaster in the world. It just doesn't add up...


Yep. And there's other ballots with people voting for coaster in the US that they've never been to either. Bad example. And the Hawker poll is unfortunately, full of idiots trying to sway votes, due to an adolescent need to knock other ballots down.


Quite honestly, I don't take too many people's opinions too seriously unless I know that they have a great deal of experience in such matters. Which is precisel why the coaster counters are quite good. Are you going to take a kid's opinion whose rode only 50-70 coasters, nowhere outside of Ohio, or someone like Chuck's, who has ridden coasters (and a lot of them) all over the world????


Cedar Fair get's bashed fairly here, as does SF (see the Mr. Six Coaster Ride Height Requirement Thread), Disney, Universal, etc.


Perhaps you need to verse yourself in this:



1. A person who is completely loyal to a game or company, etc. regardless of if they suck or not.

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^Fanboys are actually worse than people who blindly bash whole park chains even though they've probably been to only 1 or 2 of their parks.


In my experience, I've had extreme positives and negatives with basically every park chain, and in some cases, parks themselves. For example, Kings Dominion had one of the most horrid opening weekends I've ever seen, but basically every other time I've gone I've had a great time. In general, I'm not a huge Six Flags fan, but I've had amazing days at several of their parks (St. Louis, Fiesta Texas, Magic Mountain immediately come to mind).


It's when people start making ridiculous statements like "That's why I hate how CF's ride ops have headset microphones cause they say stupid crap in them." What's the difference if they're saying stupid crap in a headset or the microphone in the operator's booth? One operator saying stupid crap over a microphone at one ride at one CF park turned into a bitchfest on the whole park chain. How does that even happen? And don't get me started on the trash can thing, although I think most of the jokes are tongue in cheek. The only thing I ever really ask anyone who complains about trash cans is would you rather have fewer trash cans and litter everywhere?


Anyway, rant got off topic. I think most people who have ridden SOB don't enjoy it all (I HATED it), but there really is a "sheep" factor among the younger enthusiasts of TPR.

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Anyway, rant got off topic. I think most people who have ridden SOB don't enjoy it all (I HATED it), but there really is a "sheep" factor among the younger enthusiasts of TPR.


Such "sheepism" is more prevalent among younger people--it's a part of growing up. And this is true not just on TPR, but of life in general (we all have our little groups, where we try to "fit in"). Eventually, people tend to find their way as they mature.


Back on topic, I rather like Kings Island. It has flaws (SoB being, perhaps, the biggest), but overall I think it's a good park with a solid coaster collection (especially Diamondback and Beast).

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^Agreed. I have always thought Kings Island was a nice park but it needed a really good ride. It seemed like Paramount kept trying to come out with cutting edge rides than putting in something that will for sure please the majority and be popular. FINALLY Diamondback got added and gave them that ride. I always thought the park could use an Invert, and I still think that would be another good addition. I am one of the people that like the Beast a lot but it was not enough to make me want to visit multiple times.

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I look at it this way . If it is there I will ride it and if it is gone I won't. It is not a great coaster but to me it is not a bad coaster either. If the line is long for vortex I will go ride FOF or if the line for diamondback is long I will ride the beast. One ride is always going the be better then another. I always ride in the front seat on every coaster and on most coasters the front is not to rough. I guess what I am saying is I just like to ride. If there are rides there I am going to ride them. Even the (bad) one's. To me a ride on a bad coaster is still better then a good day at work.

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**In advance, this post isn't directed toward anyone in particular, and I don't aim to come off as an a$$.**

I think it's pretty clear that dispite your poor excuse for a disclaimer, this is directed at Elissa and myself, and as far as coming off as an ass? Well, I think the response you've gotten has already answered that.


I think a majority of the beliefs in this community are based on that principle. It's as if a lot of people are afraid to form their own opinions anymore...instead, they just post whatever it takes to "fit in."

That's total bullshit. You couldn't be more wrong. Your biggest problem, Daniel, is not your opinions it's HOW YOU EXPRESS THEM TO OTHERS.


I have always said, and I will stick by it, that members of the TPR community should and always will have the ability for form their own opinions and post them regardless of what Elissa, myself, or any other member of this community may think. The only thing I ask is that you do it in a mature and professional manner. Don't be a douchebag.


In fact, it's even in our Club TPR Code of Conduct:


We welcome all Club TPR members to visit parks and write their reviews and reports on Theme Park Review, but please keep your review or report constructive. We want our members to feel that they can report honestly and accurately their experience at a park, but if your report happens to include negative experiences, please write them constructively. A well written constructive criticism can actually HELP a park improve. Poorly written rants, complaints or “flame” posts may result in your suspension from Theme Park Review and Club TPR.


IMO, Dbru, many of your posts come off like a know-it-all douchebag and you're instantly abrasive to anyone who thinks differently from you, which is why you personally get so many of the site's fellow members and moderators including myself down your throat so frequently. I blame it on your age and nothing else.


Seems to me that this can sometimes be a problem with our younger members. Coincidentally, it's also our older and more mature members who THANK US for keeping the forums "free from childish behaviour." I can't tell you how many parks constantly are complimenting us for having a forum that they can tolerate reading, unlike some other newsgroups and forums which are filled with illegible text message speak or people ranting and yelling at each other over things they know nothing about.


I keep the forums legible and I keep our members "in check." But at no time do I NOT allow people to have their own opinions. What I do NOT allow is for others to be assholes or treat others with disrespect due to their opinions.


Daniel, you use the Knott's thread as an example? Well, so will I. All that banter back and forth about the microphone, and then you have Calicoasters, the person who posted about it in the first place, and his final response was well thought out, mature, and took the constructive criticism like an adult and will make his own decisions as to act on it or not. He didn't come back to the forum and yell at people for their opinions. He didn't try to be abrasive. His response was EXACTLY how I would expect a mature adult to handle the feedback.


Now, I could be completely off, and I'm definitely not trying to sound like a psychological expert or anything. It just seems fishy when one person claims that Son of Beast is bad, and suddenly, another member (who hasn't even ridden SOB) deems it life-threatening, and proceeds to say that it should be burned down...even if they are kidding to some extent.


You're just upset because a roller coaster you really like a lot has been closed because it's a giant heap of garbage. And you're trying to take it out on TPR. That's immature and lame. And on top of that, you're trying to blame TPR for it being ranked so low in Mitch's poll!!! Do you even hear yourself speak and how completely ridiculous it all sounds???


Or when you browse the ballots at Mitch's poll and find that someone who you know for a fact has never left the USA votes Eagle Fortress as the #1 coaster in the world. It just doesn't add up...

If you're claiming that we're sabotaging Mitch's poll that you really don't have ANY IDEA of what you're talking about at all or have any clue on how Mitch's poll works. And I know "for a fact" that what you're claiming isn't true. And it just makes you look even worse to those people who know your either lying to prove a point, or you've been given wrong information. Keep in mind that many people who read this forum and respond to posts actually work in the amusement industry, some of them in very respectable positions at parks or ride manufacturers. And you are basically accusing these people of lying or not knowing what they are talking about, when it turn they actually have decades of their career built upon knowing EXACTLY what they are talking about.


And if you can't take a joke about burning SoB down, which I don't think you quite understand that the joke is no longer about actually burning the ride down, but the joke is now making fun of people like you who were annoyed by the comments because it seemed completely ludicrous to the rest of us that someone would get so wound up for it. If, and I say "if*, you can't take that joke, quite honestly, this forum is not for you. It's that simple. If you REALLY are going to get that butt hurt over a stupid joke, you really should just find another forum to read, you know, a forum that wouldn't make fun of SoB...and if you find one...AWESOME...because I'm not sure there is a roller coaster forum out there that wouldn't make fun of SoB!


I've said what I'm going to say and this discussion is done. I'm NOT going to let a perfectly fine park thread turn into a TPR bashing thread because you're mad that more people don't like your favorite ride. That's just dumb. And had been able to conduct yourself like a mature adult, this discussion would probably continue.


If you want to discuss this further, PM me in private. Any other posts regarding this completely ridiculous and off-topic immature discussion will result in posts being deleted and accounts given a temporary suspension.


In short Daniel...


It's not that you aren't allowed to have a different opinion, it's that your aren't allowed to have a different opinion AND be a douchebag about it.


Discuss the parks. Not petty drama.




Thank you.


Carry on....

Edited by robbalvey
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Well said, Mr Alvey. I know that I like a lot of coasters that others dislike on this board, but I'd never stoop to the level of going after other posters like a troll because of it. I've made the mistake of doing that years ago, on other boards, and I really hate myself for doing it now.


TPR is a site that I've come back to again and again over the years because it's so well-maintained by the moderators. I wanna thank you all who have been able to do it for so long, because I know what it's like to deal with unruly people, having been a store cashier for 6 1/2 years now. It's hard work, and I appreciate your doing it.


As for SOB, I never got to ride it, but from the general consensus, I probably wouldn't have liked it anyway. I used to have a tolerance for rough woodies when I was younger, but after getting my butt kicked by Darien Lake's Predator a couple of years ago, I realized that day had passed. Parks like KI have a responsibility to what the majority of their guests want, and it's clear that the majority want SOB removed from the park.


My advice to its fans: accept the majority's opinion graciously, and move on. There will always be other coasters out there for you to love. That's what I learned, as a lifelong CP fan, who finally gave places like Hersheypark and Knoebels a chance, and really enjoyed what they had to offer.

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I was only at kings island in the spring and fall, but do they still do the flower clock anymore? I always thought that was cool.


What do you guys(and girls), think kings island would replace sob with? A steel, or wood? The reason I ask, is because they have 3 woodies now, and ceder fair tends to lean tourds steel coasters. The exception being prowler and renegade of course.

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So my plan to go to Kings Island will have to wait until next year. Still looking forward to trying out Diamondback and that much ballyhooed night ride on Beast. I'll even ride SoB if it exists in any form. Mainly I want to ride Top Gun/Flight Deck before someone decides that all Arrow Suspends need to depart this earth.


--Rob "I liked Gwazi AND Judge Roy Scream--just try and stop me!" Jowaisas

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^ I would imagine a woodie (aren't GCII's somewhat inexpensive?) due to CF's debt load which they are looking to correct. I imagine the next coaster going to Cedar Point, King Dominion, Carowinds, Canada's Wonderland and Kings Island would be Wooden coasters...


I'm mean, CP hasn't gottena wooden coaster in 20 years. Carowinds in 16, same for KD. Canada's Wonderland... 26? It's about time for some Prowler sized wooden coasters coming to the CF parks. At least that's what I think...

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